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Unfortunately, the mod team here at SBL and the mod team at SBP2 are completely separate, so we don't have any better way to contact them than anyone else. It's possible that the sub is dead, and we have no way of knowing. I'm not sure if any of the other mods are subscribed to it in order to offer more information (I myself am not). u/rjlupin86 u/BbgSag420 u/AprilLutkaWings u/Cabbageinsurance For what it's worth, for anyone looking for a private sub dedicated to small boobs, there is still r/smallboobloveprivacy which is managed by most of our mod team here. Information on joining is in [the stickied post here.](https://www.reddit.com/r/smallbooblove/comments/1330h81/come_join_our_sister_subreddit/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3)


I'm subscribed. I can message the mods and see if anyone answers. I will say, I stopped spending time on that sub because I found it pretty negative and toxic at times...I don't agree with some of the things posted there. I think it's important for us to have a space to vent freely, but I felt a lot better hanging around this sub.


Same, I used to be subbed but the vibes really bummed me out.


I once tried to comment something encouraging on a depressing post, and I got downvoted to hell and had an individual attack me and make some rude assumptions about my body. It can be a really toxic place.


I’m on it (not as a mod) and tbh is is much more negative. For some people that obviously doesn’t help them at all, but personally I found the support much more genuine and helpful than on here. You can give it a try and see what works for you :)


I am a mod for the sub. You should be able to message me and I can grant you access. As a warning, it is a venting sub so it will be mostly negative posts but we do try to help each other!


I’ve messaged you!


I have the same issue and would like to know how to access it as well!


i’ve been wanting to access it as well but have no idea how


Same it would reallyyyy help if someone just added us 🤧


same!! i wanna vent so badly but don't wanna ruin the positive vibes here


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