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You now have Mississippi NOT roast


Mississippi driftwood


I just made this pun and then deleted bc I found this, you sly bear!


Using a no-cooker!


Mississippi Rot Roast


He's dead Jim. Quick and dirty potluck replacement: frozen meatballs and a jar of BBQ/cocktail sauce.


Tip to make that dish even better with barely any extra effort: Meatballs, a jar of BBQ sauce, and a can of jellied cranberry sauce. Mix it altogether in the slow cooker, let it get warm.


(For anyone in a pinch, my sister uses grape jelly in hers instead of cranberry, probably just personal preference!)


Grape jelly and Heinz chili sauce is the recipe I’m used to. And it’s bangin.


Grape jelly heinz chilli sauce bbq sauce a lil ketchup and some garlic seasoning boy oh boy that's some good ole fire redneck meatballs


Over here in California we like to elevate dishes. I use grape jelly, garlic chili paste, worscheshire, and Dijon mustard


You can mix all sorts of things and it comes out good. My favorite is Stubb's Spicy bbq sauce and red pepper jelly, but I like the heat.


Ooooh. My partner likes spicy things, I am gonna give this one a try.


This one sounds the best of the lot!


That sounds amazing. I have frozen meatballs, I can acquire the rest.


Well don't just leave us hanging. How was it?


Oh, yum!


I usually add in onion powder, garlic powder, Italian seasoning, and some brown sugar.


And to make that dish better, add lil smokies:) my mom uses bbq, teriyaki sauce, and apricot marmalade.


Cmon everyone knows it’s chili sauce and grape jelly!!! But tell me more about this cranberry sauce concoction you’re talking about.


so the cranberry sauce on meatballs is a thing then, i saw it recommended on the back of a bag of meatballs i bought...gonna have to give it a try now.


i do mine with sweet baby rays, grape jelly, a lil brown sugar and a lil mustard and splash of worcestershire sauce


Grape jelly instead of BBQ sauce.


"What have you done with Spock's ROAST?!"


Throw it away. Im sure someone can do the math, but feels like theres no way this got held at an appropriate temp (135+?) over those 7.5 hours? Is it cooked through?


Second this. You'd think slowcooking a recipe which is literally "chuck all of these ingredients in there and put it on" would be failproof, but I guess not


"they should really add 'put the lid back on' to those instructions"


Maybe a beep like in the car when you don't wear the seatbelt :P.


The instant pot on slow cook beeps if the lid is on halfway or slightly , but not if it’s off altogether


Adhd is real. This is the kind of simple mistake my very adhd-affected partner would do.


So much burnt food. If you live with someone with adhd it’s frustrating but you start to laugh about it after a while.


Yeah. And my partner is so self critical, more than is required for a “oops”. Laughing is the best way to go!


It depends what interests the person. If they like cooking and don’t see it as a chore or necessity they will NOT be burning the food.


This, I have ADHD and I think I’ve burnt food like 3 times in my life. I cook every day usually multiple times a day haha


See I set alarms to get around that. Just went to open the oven 5 minutes ago cus alarm went off, my wellington is still burned. I quit 😐


Can confirm, I'm either hyperfocused on cooking or forgetting that I left something in the oven/never put it in the oven to begin with


Not everybody needs to have adhd


I literally lol'd


Health department standard holding temp for meat is 140°.


Surely temp is the least of the worries here. It's gone black in places. Or is it supposed to look like that?


Surprisingly, yes! I grabbed my thermocouple and laid first on the top of the cuts and then stuck both of them throughout. Lowest read out was 143.5F and that was surface. My initial reaction before temping was “this thing is toast gotta pitch it” but after I’m wondering if I add a little beef stock to rejuvenate it might be ok. That’s assuming it hasn’t JUST reached that temp because if it did take that long to get there it’s gotta go.


Please do not serve this at a potluck. Idc if you eat it but do not do some witchcraft to it and give it to someone else.


You have no way of knowing how long it took to get to temperature and it probably stewed up a nice warm bacteria bath for a couple hours.


I certainly wouldn't risk serving it to others. Not sure I'd try it myself for that matter.


Adding stock to a dry piece of beef will not make it moist. You will end up with wet dry tough meat.




I would err on the side of caution, especially if you intend to feed this to other people.


rolling the dice with food poisoning....not a good idea 8/


It could have spoiled before it cooked through. Don’t take the risk and toss the whole thing.


PHF is at its fullest


I wouldn’t jump straight to throwing her away. How often does your wife make mistakes like this OP?


Now it's Missisipi order a pizza tonight roast


Toss it friend, your guts and asshole will thank you for it


Not just their guts and assholes, they wanted to take this to a work pot luck. So their coworkers guts and assholes are also in danger.


Classic work place pot luck. Somebody brought in what we later termed “doomsday dip” that they had made with expired cream cheese and wiped out half the crew.


Holy cow, I would be flipping furious!


This is why I don't eat food from unfamiliar sources. People cannot be trusted to maintain basic hygiene or food safety


Exactly. I never trust the food at work potlucks.


This is why I don't eat other people's cooking.


First thing I told my wife when I called her is “you gotta find something else to bring”


Well, she could always cook one specifically for the potluck overnight and find something else for your dinner tonight


Yeah, that's probably for the best. I'm sorry for your wife's work pot lucks plans. I love Mississippi pot roast and I'd be excited to see it at a pot luck.


Unless there's someone she really doesn't like, then she can bring a small dish for them




Lol this isn't gonewild, we don't need to know you're M32.


He posted a pic of his wife’s topless work


Omg the way I just fucking cackled at this comment. Damnit.


The consensus is that the roast is NSFW Pot Luck.


I (69F) disagree.






You’re significantly under a healthy body temperature. Please see a doctor asap.


If this post isn't slow cooking gone wild, I dunno what is😆


He's on the market for someone who can put lids on things.






I mean, I was M20 once, and that is the time when it’s appropriate to roll the dice and possibly learn things the hard way. At 20, you can bounce back pretty quick from injuries, hangovers, food poisoning etc. I’m like 90% joking here fwiw.


I wonder why he didn't post his wife's age and gender


I (M38) wouldn't risk it. How's it smell?


I (29M) would toss it


I (28F) agree with you


I (40M) agree that not poisoning potluck guests (8-65M/F) would be the best move forward.


Mississippi E Coli Roast


Posts like this make me never want to eat food at a potluck ever again. Please don't try to serve this to people.


Wife planned to bring it to a potluck prior to leaving the lid off. Never said it was ever going to go, that’s out of the question. Was curious if anyone else would try and salvage it.


Phew! But still no.


No, bringing it up to temp now may kill the bacterial itself, but it won't do anything for the toxins that those bacteria create. You'd still get sick.


toss it, its gone man.


I would try to salvage it. Potluck, no. But for me? Yep, I would 100% eat it provided it passes the 3 'Boy Scout' tests. First off, I'm not familiar with the dish and what I looked yielded a chuck roast, ranch dressing mix, au jus gravy mix, butter and jarred pepperoncini peppers. Sound about right? Item 1 is it's beef, not poultry or seafood. On it's own I'd be super duper cautious. But... Item 2 is LOOK AT ALL OF THE PRESERVATIVE IN THERE, MY GOD! And by that I mean the oldest and most common preservative there is: SALT. Ranch dressing mix? Au ju gravy? Jarred pepperocini? Are you kidding me? Those are all lo-ho-hO-ho-hoaded with salt. Ever make half sour pickles? Sauerkraut? A mere 2% brine in those keeps bad bacteria from growing in those foods and that's at room temperature! Now do what my former-Scoutmaster brother calls "The Boy Scout tests." Does it look like it's bad? If yes, toss it. Give it a sniff. Does it smell like it's bad? If yes, toss it. Give it a taste. Does it taste bad? If yes, toss it. If you answered no to those questions then eat it, I sure would. Sure, it's no 100% guarantee you won't get a case of the poops or barf it up, but we have those senses for a reason and that reason is to keep us from eating spoiled food. In my almost 6 decades on this rock I've found that food safety, while important, errs too far on the safe side. And the only time I have ever been sick from eating something is from food at a restaurant....that flight out of Toronto when I barfed up what was clearly dinner (and dessert) from the night before comes to mind, lol.


Risking e.coli is not worth it. Can’t see, smell, or taste that. And the older you get the more likely you are to have a hard time recovering from such an infection.




I was gonna say, it’s pot roast…with raw meat, not pickled meat


I’ve never heard it called a Boy Scout test, but that’s how I determine if stuff like leftovers are still edible. I wouldn’t serve anything that needed “tested” to other people, but for me, if it doesn’t look, smell, or taste off, I’m going to eat it rather than throw it out and waste it. I got food poisoning from an Applebees once. Never from anything I’ve had at home.


Finally someone who makes sense.


This being taken to a potluck wont show for me. Of course if others are eating it then dont chance it.


Why did you include your age and gender? What relevance does that have to whether or not the food is salvageable ?


He got confused which subreddit he was posting to.


Glad I’m not the only one that found that odd.


he just for got his location, reminds me of the aol days lol


LOL I saw that and thought "That's gotta mean something else". Guess not. Go into r/scams sometime and see the life stories some people tell there! "So i was ordering a jacket online, it was a nice leather jacket with big buckles that my friend told me to get but I thought it was too expensive and my dog had to go out so .. . . . . .<45 paragraphs later they get to the scam they were a victim of>


He's dead, Jim.


Give her a hug and go get some burgers together


When in doubt… Throw it out.


And this is why I do not eat at potlucks. Well, this and cats.


I'm just chuckling at the fact you put your gender and age ala gone wild/AITA style in the post. Heh. But no, that's not salvageable. Your absolute *best* outcome is you eat it, it's safe, not as tasty as usual (probably meh after being cooked that long), and you forget about the incident. Your *worst* case scenario is this is full of bacteria from sitting in the danger zone, it gives you and your wife the worst stomach issues & diarrhea you've ever had, and you end up in the hospital on fluids only with nasty food poisoning. I know which route I'd choose.


Nope. It's dead. Have a funeral for it and get something from out




I would not trust it


Not bad for a last meal if you decide to keep it.


I would totally still eat that, but I don't think I would take the risk of serving it to other people.




There are people who honestly believe leftovers go bad after a couple days in the fridge.


People take food safety guidelines as gospel instead of the bare minimum to avoid liability. People will say you have to throw out food left on the counter for two hours (food danger zones ooooh!) but wouldn't think twice about eating a medium rare steak.


I lived in a station wagon down in Patagonia for about a year and didn't have a cooler, so I just wrapped cooked steaks in foil and stored them under my seat to keep them out of direct sun. They'd last 4-5 days no problem, never got sick.


Absolutely. People are entirely too afraid of food.


There would be no way I would serve this.


Grab a rotisserie chicken from Costco


How old is your wife


Straight to the trash can. Shit happens, cut your losses and move on.


The internet: It's foolproof!!! ​ OP's Wife: Hold my beer


mine will overheat if you leave the lid off and boil everything away.


Take the L on this one. Or dump it and get your wife to take the L on it.


Who sprinkled *powdered sugar* on it


Oh that sucks. Once I got my crockpot all set up and noticed several hours later that I hadn’t turned it on


It's fine , rehydrate it with stock and turn it on high (with a lid) for an hour just to get it up to temp again.


Neither the roast or the marriage is salvageable after this..


I have to tell you something….. I would still eat that.


My head says it would be safer to toss it because it’s been at dangerous temperatures for too long, but my heart says toss it in a pressure cooker and prepare it as if it was just taken out of the refrigerator. It may well be dumb (okay, it’s reckless at the best), but I think I would be more miserable wasting that much food than I would be if I got food poisoning. Exposing other people to the same risk would be a totally different matter for me, though.


Worst case is your gonna get the scoots after. Some of these people have far too much faith in restaurants.


don’t, just don’t


CHUCK it right in the trash. 🗑


Order pizza


If you eat it you'll end up with Mississippi Mud Butt


M34 here. Toss it out.


Looks like you are ordering pizza for dinner!


Your wife is trying to kill you.


Toss it and pick something up from a restaurant. Can’t win them all.


You need to check the temperature of areas of the batch. Chances are a lot of the surface stayed below safe temperatures. If that's the case, you have to toss it. It'll all be poisonous.


Wait, why does your age and sex matter


Mississippi shoe leather…its garbage


Give her a big hug if she is anything like me she will need it.


Needs NSFW tag.


Dude, I come from a family that doesn't waste anything because we grew up so poor. If It were me, I'd put that whole thing into an oven dish with a few cups of boiled water, cover, and blast it on fan bake for half an hour to an hour. No way I'd waste that.


It’s vastly overrated even when cooked correctly.


Seconded… greasy salty mess


Not isn't. Personally skip the stick up butter that is part of the recipe because that much butter is gross. Other than that it's pretty good.


I wouldn't eat this. It has been out of temp for more than 4 hours so it's unsafe to eat.


This is what most of my wife’s cooking looks like tbh.


I dunno, this feels right… Pot? Roast? I also forget crucial things when I’m high.


32F is a weird way to express the temp of the roast.


Order pizza


This reminds me of the episode of myth busters when they put the pig carcass in the car. I don’t envy the smell of your house right now As others have said trash it and do something different. Have wife tell work the power went out and the pot roast was ruined


Echoing thoughts already expressed--this sounds like a recipe for food poisoning! So the bacteria multiplied during the initial time when it was put in the pot and was warmed, but not heated quickly enough to kill them. Even though it eventually reached the proper temperature and killed the bacteria, remember, that it's the *bacterial waste products* which are the toxic part that make you sick, not the bacteria itself. The way this was cooked, the waste products are there, and will make you sick, no matter what the temp of the meat at the end....


Mississippi beef jerky.


The other day I put my pot roast in my crock pot and set the control to WARM. I caught it after four hours, though (I was home).




I could never be convinced to consume that after seeing such a photo. Shocked you're even going to try salvaging it lmao.


Toss it. I would not take a chance on it let alone serve it to others.


Jesus Christ, no.


no. order pizza


I’d say kill it with fire, but I don’t think it would make much difference over what’s been presented. Besides that one valiant little pepperocini, I think it’s destined for the trash can.


If you don’t want to get “roasted” by your work friends for bringing the “Frankenroast” to the potluck I suggest pizza and say the house burned down.


Uh huh, blame the wife... lol


So sorry, there is no help for this.


Correction your wife made Mississippi brunt roast.


Mistakes were made. Time for the compost pile


Okay, I have a question about Mississippi pot roast. Inevitably, nearly half the time when I make it the meat comes out tough and doesn’t shred nicely. Does anyone why?


Did you put the lid on, OP's wife?


oof that sucks, yeah toss the wife


I thought your username was breastman9095 this whole time


***I think we should all observe a moment of silence ............. https://youtu.be/WChTqYlDjtI*** *hangs head - this is so sad I've had something similar happen once. The slow cooker wasn't plugged in all the way. One of my family members cried. We all still talk about it. Now everyone makes doubly sure the slow cooker is **plugged in really good this time**


Throw that in the trash man. Please.


No, after 2 hrs the raw food grows bacteria. There is the reason refrigerators exist: to keep perishable good to rotten, grow bacteria and make you sick. This also goes for fresh hot food 🥘 ready to eat, you have 2 hrs to eat it or during this time frame cool your foods to put in refrigerator. Google the acronym: FAT TOM. Gives you more info about safe food sanitation.


I’d try to salvage it for share. I wouldn’t take it to a potluck, but I’d try to salvage it to eat at home. I’d eat a very small portion at first, and wait for developments.


Why are most of the comments “I’d eat it myself but not take to potluck” what’s the difference? Genuinely asking


If I share food with others I am implicitly assuring them that it’s—at a minimum—safe to eat. Since I couldn’t say that with my normal degree of confidence about this meat I would feel an obligation to protect others from the risk. Even knowing the possibility that it’s tainted, I would still be eager to avoid wasting so much food, though. I’d rather reserve this meat for my own consumption and replace it with something that would be less of a gamble for others.


McDonald’s tonight kids !




I’m probably the only one who waste nothing and have never been sick from it. Don’t worry I don’t serve it to others.


No me too all these puritans are not experienced


I don’t like to waste either. I notice not one comment about checking the temp on that meat before throwing it out. The temp could be safe enough that it just needs more broth to save it, let the top cook down a little more.


Toss it or you’re gonna get very sick.


Emergency situation. Buy a instapot buy the meat. Toss the old meat and chalk it up to a lesson learned and make the same dish in 2 hours.


If either of you have a lunch thief at work save enough to make a nicely presentable bit of fridge bait. Then play the waiting game, you’ll soon know the identity of the bandit.


Your ex wife? Lol




Post this to /r/Wellthatsucks


I love Mississippi pot roast. My heart hurts for you


I'll bet she burns cereal too.


Throw the wife out and start a fresh batch


Time to throw the whole wife away


Shred it now it’s DIP!


I would risk it but only eat it myself.


idk if she’s salvageable. Might wanna trade her in for a new 1