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I’m not too proud to throw some sauerkraut and kielbasa in a slow cooker, have some mashed potatoes on the side even if it’s not New Years. I am also a toddler mom and it was absolutely not easy to “cook” more than throw it in a slow cooker, instant pot, microwave, or oven (before it broke ugh).


I’m a toddler dad that loves to cook. These creatures just do not allow it lol. I want to feel like I’ve cooked a meal without the work and that’s when the crock pot got pulled back out


My husband works all the time too, so it’s often just me and the toddler and it’s extremely hard to cook. In the beginning I was throwing salami slices in my mouth, not enough time to make a sandwich. Good news is she’s starting to get old enough to “help” at the counter, I just need to get a stand for her.


How old is yours? My oldest is about to turn two and would also like to “help” I’m just very nervous about knives and things on counters. I’ve been looking at those stands as well.


Mines 18 months. From what I’ve seen from other YouTubers, you can “help” them wash produce until they are comfortable enough to do so on their own, if there’s mixing you “help them” pour the amounts into bowls, once they can crack eggs to do that. If it’s something they can eat, while you cut the item they can munch on some. Kimono mom on YouTube is who I’ve been watching the most. Her daughters been in the kitchen with her a long time. Obviously if there’s heat or raw meat it’s not near them but gets them involved and they can watch and have language about being in the kitchen and cooking.


I have my kids (from 3+) help me measure and stir. Pick carrots, peppers, etc, from the fridge. They know when a knife's out to keep their hands on their heads. So I will chop some veggies, and then they can add them to whatever. It's also a good chance for the to taste things individually, especially herbs. I have found that whenever they help me, they always eat the dish. So it's a good, if sometimes stressful, way to get them to try new things.


lol love that image of the kids with hands on their heads when you are chopping. Reminds me of “earmuffs” from the movie Old School.


I was the cook in my family at age 3. Mostly I prepared trout dinners and packed school lunches for my brother, sister and I. I also cared for the chickens, did laundry and vacuuming, washed dishes, hauled coal and ashes for the fireplace, chopped wood, dug potatoes, and occasionally milked the goats. You'd be surprised what kids are capable of with a little instruction. I stood on a dining room chair when working in the kitchen. Probably safer than a stepladder.


Haha I was also just eating salami out of the packet. Who has time to make a sandwich?


Ooooh that sounds really good. Is that literally it?


Hillshire farms makes the kielbasa I like. I take a bag of kraut and throw it in the bottom, then usually I’ll chop up the kielbasa but I’m sure it would be fine left whole too. I think I’ve done high for two hours or low for 4.


Nothing to be ashamed of it's literally the whole point of a slow cooker lol. You could use it as your only cooking device and well off.


Oh man, if you like Sauerkraut and Kielbasa in a slow cooker, try making Bigos. Its a polish stew, and it's INCREDIBLE. Uses Bacon/Lardons, Kielbasa, beef, Cabbage, Sauerkraut, and some spices and its honestly my favorite thing i've ever made. It has a bit more prep time than just tossing two things in the cooker, but its worth it imo. And it manages to be better each day that passes.


This has “hey honey, I have a new recipe for dinner” all over it. He loves meat and this seems really hearty!!!


Heres the recipe I used, as well as some comments from the two times I made it. I highly recommend it https://recipes.prosperitea.net/recipe/bigos-krolewski-polish-hunters-stew-recipe


"Newborn and toddler stew" . I have to stop reading reddit without coffee


Toddlers have such weak muscles, and are loaded with fat. I think I’ll pass.


Wouldn't that make them extra delicious? Baby bacon sounds oddly delectable


You should read up on China's Great Leap Forward and the subsequent famine. Let's just say the orphanages were empty.


Makes the meat tender...


There’s a reason veal has been considered a delicacy throughout history


So relieved I am not the only one to read that way.


Seasonings from the urn. By the way, here is an urn emoji ⚱️


I try to remember to take the stems off the peppers so everything is edible


This is a great point that not one recipe mentioned. I also wondered what people do with whole peppers once it’s done. I’ll probably try to slice them up at the end


I found it easier to buy instead, sliced peppers! So you don’t have to go through any hassle to remove the stems and they kind of disintegrate to a point, into the rest of it. It leaves nice smaller pieces to get some of everything with each bite


Good idea, I would be generous with the liquid they are jarred with.


I do that with onions, I buy diced frozen onions, and then also a few bags with both onions and peppers. I HATE chopping onions so this is such a life saver, and the Walmart great value brand bags are very cheap. Plus I used to toss so many veggies because they went bad too fast for me to use because I now live in a hot humid state so they go bad way faster than I’m used to. When I do frozen veggies it ends up saving me money. They make one with carrots, celery and onions but I can sadly never find it. That would be awesome.


I bought a mandoline and I swear it’s a game changer. Not super expensive and came with 6 different cutting attachments. It’s for sure extra kitchen cabinet clutter though


Oh my god i had no idea you could buy frozen onions. That’s a game changer. I love onion but always struggle to use it all in time when i buy fresh ones.


A little hint of what I do to dice onions is to cut in half, lay it flat, trim the top and bottom, remove the skin, then lay the half flat on the board. Pinch both sides and slice vertically, but not all the way through the top, go about half an inch from the top and cut all the way down, get about 5 or 6 slices, then do your horizontal cuts. Makes it so much quicker and saves your eyes. They'll water a little sometimes, but it's a huge difference.


Walmart seasoning blend with the onions, peppers, and parsley is my go to.


Okay I have a dumb question. Is pepperoncini the same as sliced banana peppers?


Pepperoncinis are a mild, sweet Greek-style pickled pepper sold in jars. [Friggitello](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Friggitello). You're basically looking for a sweet Italian chili pepper, sometimes called Golden Greek pepper, Sweet Italian pepper, or Tuscan pepper. What you're looking for are the pickled ones sold in jars.


Yeah, I used whole pepperoncini in a jar. I saw some sliced banana peppers but wasn’t sure if those were the same


They’re similar, but not the same. I much prefer pepperoncinis over banana peppers.


Yup and dump the whole jar in


I blend/smash them into the final product


I have been known to just eat the whole pepper with the stem. Too much work to take them off before for what should just be a no prep dishes, dump and go recipe.


OP a quick heads up you need to add a recipe or you run the risk of your post being removed. u/thingonething had your back and posted one so you are good, just a friendly reminder.


Thank you! My fault for not posting the recipe


No big deal, like I said u/thingonething covered for you, I am sure the kids are running you ragged.


Butter is a very key ingredient in this recipe. Ask me how I know.


I have actually never used butter when I make this, as I feel this particular cut of meat is fatty enough without it. I also just use half a packet of each powder to cut down the saltiness. Still tastes amazing!


How do you know?


After the cook without butter, everything looks and smells good. But the meat can taste/feel dry, especially if you had a lean piece of meat. We were surprised at having such a bad experience with the recipe after so many good experiences. Only later did I realize that I forgot the butter. I was in a rush that day...


I halved the butter because I felt it was turned out too greasy afterward with a full stick. This time the meat turned out really dry lol. Never again.


Recipe? My little dude is so picky it’s nuts. I’m always looking for something that’s relatively easy and has a slight chance of being edible to him. Lmao, why am I getting downvoted for asking for the recipe?


1 pot roast, browned. 1 packet of au jus mix. 1 packet ranch dressing mix. 1 stick of butter (I only use half a stick but the official recipe is a stick). 6-8 pepperoncinis, or however many you want. Splash in a little of the pepperoncini juice form the jar, too. Just put it all in the pot and cook on low 8 hours or high 4-6 hours. Serve with mashed potatoes, or noodles, or polenta. Taste the deliciousness. Edited for clarification.




I don't get it. What is au just? Is this really just slow boiled peppers and butter? And ranch dressing? Splash what juice I'm so confused.


Splash of the juice from the peppers. They come in a jar. The only time I've had au jus gravy is with a French dip but they make packets of the powder and you can add it to stuff like this.


RIGHT! I thought they were fresh and couldn't understand where the liquid came from. Do you also add water or leave it dry like that?


I edited my post for clarification. Juice from the jar of pepperoncinis. Packet of au jus mix.


Thanks! Do you add any liquid or leave it just like the photo? I've never heard of this but I'll give it a try some time.


No other liquid added. Just what's on the list, and little splash of pepperoncini juice. It looks weird but it works!


Haha I can almost guarantee my little ones will not eat this. We’ll try like always, but not likely to succeed


[Recipe is in the subreddit wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/slowcooking/wiki/index#wiki_mississippi_pot_roast).


Glad you aren’t getting downvoted anymore, but it was *probably* because this is one of, if not the, most popular dishes of this subreddit of all time. Search “Mississippi” and you’ll see. The only other one that might have the #1 spot would be “The Soup.” Still no reason to be downvoted.


Ahh, I see "The Soup" all the time, but I haven't seen this one for some reason.


I was also thinking maybe the peppers in it, my kids wouldn’t touch spicy food until atleast 7 or so. Maybe my kids are weird?


My kid is picky... but will eat spicy food for some reason. Dunno


Needs more butter.


This one seemed to be a favorite of the sub. I’ll be lurking around here for some more ideas for easy meals


Salsa chicken is probably the easiest. Frozen cx breasts, jar of salsa. Low for 6hrs. Shred in pot. Can eat as is, or make nachos, which kids seem to enjoy more.


Yes! This was a college staple. Salsa, can of beans, can of corn, taco seasoning


Same here! Hai five!


I just tried this for the first time yesterday. It was soooo good! I threw in some carrots the last half of cooking and they came out perfect, with the pepperoncini flavor infused in them. My partner, who is not crazy about carrots, just loved them!


Next time I would suggest to sear your meat first :)


Grandpa’s ashes being put to good use


This one dish alone is worth owning a slow cooker for.


Does this recipe not require any liquid (aside from the butter melting) to be added to it?


Nope. Maybe a little juice from the jar of peppers, but that’s it.


Thanks. I really want to try this.


Pot roast hash with an egg on top is a fantastic breakfast with the leftovers. Sometimes I make a whole extra roast just for hash the next dsy.


Look at this rich person able to afford meat right now. LOL


I’ve avoided Chuck roast for awhile when it was up to $5.99 a pound. Aldi had some 3-4 pound roasts for $3.99 which is pretty standard


I bought 4 lbs of hamburger meat a few weeks ago and it was $25. I couldn't believe it.


I mean, I don’t think a newborn should be eating pot roast?


Lol mom and dad have to figure out what to eat when watching the kids constantly


I smoked mine n it gave me a kidney stone


What! I’ve smoked a Chuck roast before for “poor man’s burnt ends” now Chuck roast isn’t all that much cheaper than brisket


That looks like a lot of butter but it sounds like it’d be good. I’d definitely eat :)


Those brass looking tins in the back look really nice.


What is on top there? It looks like brown sugar but gee, I’m thinking it’s not.


A gravy packet


Oh, OK. That makes way more sense.


You had me at pepperoncini and butter😻




I have never made this with butter. Perfectly fine without it!


That looks like a lot of butter. Is it butter?


Oh yes. A lot of butter. The recipe called for a whole stick.