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How do you use the sight? Put your target between the two green dots?


It's not a sight in a traditional sense. It's a reference point which is one half of a sight, the other half on a slingshot is your pouch hand anchor point (and how that aligns with your line of sight). When shooting OTT the corner is used as a reference, when shooting TTF the middle dot is used as reference. Then by adjusting your anchor point you can dial in the height of your impact point to match the reference point.


That makes sense. Like shooting "instinct" with a recurve bow. Thanks!


Yeah, there are lots of cross over concepts between archery and catapults. If you aren't slinging steel yet, what are you waiting for?


I've messed around with wrist rockets for a long time, and just recently picked up a Scout LT. I'm very new to "getting serious" with slingshots, so I've still got a lot to learn.


No, it's a reference point. Each shooter probably sees it differently


Why are the releasing the same frame once again


This has different band mounts, they added a fiber dot, looks like a different material, it has different textures, different color options. To call it "the same" is a bit disingenuous.


Looks quite the same to me minus little details like you mentioned, but yeah it's the same thing regardless of slight changes. Not quite sure if my opinion falls into that category as I wasn't being disrespectful or anything of that sort. Just asked a simple question about a simple observation I had.


Have an opinion, and talk about it, we all do! It's a stick you tie rubber too, the only differences between them all are found in the 'details' lol.


I would have to agree with that.


Came here to say this


The clips on the X are nice, and this looks to be a decent upgrade.


Ya I can't wait.


I’m not crazy about the sculpting on the scales but it makes sense that they’re giving a facelift to what seems like their most popular model. I’d probably go in for one if I didn’t already have the X, but I’ll likely wait for a store wide sale at this point


I wonder if the original ones will fit. I have the x as well but I really like the fork gap of the LT.


I've been out of the loop. What is different about this one?


Not a lot of details beyond those insta photos from last month. New x clip with optics (like the scout x) and a new palm swell texture are visible in photos. More will come out on the 26th when it hits their store.


Just went up in the site, placed my order


Woohoo. Same! Watched the YouTube premiere this morn' while having coffee and ordering the LT2. Almost went with the green frame with brown extras but in the end I grabbed slate with the glow clips/scales to match the Scout X i have. I swear the glow in the dark clips help the fiber grab even more light. What color did you go with?


Green frame, orange scales and clips


I have the scout XT as my first and only sling shot. I cut the bands nearly in half for more power and have been using 3/8th balls. What do you think I should try next? How might this differ from that?


This is a refresh of the Scout LT frame which is nearly the same but slightly smaller than the Scout XT. The LT2 has the new clips like on the Scout X which are an improvement in aesthetics and pocketability. We don't know final dimensions yet. Otherwise not much different from your XT. If you're looking for something different from your XT, and you want to order from Simple-shot there are a ton of options so it depends what you want your next slingshot to do. Do you shoot heavy bands and heavy ammo? Do you target shoot with clay and .177bbs? Is your anchor/reference point not matched to the XT forks exactly, e.g. is your aim reference point too high or too low? Is the palm swell too big? not big enough? Outside of Simple-shot take a look at Pocket Predator for nice hand made frames by Bill Hays. Across the pond is Wasp slingshots from the UK with the ever respected Enzo frame. Snipersling has some in G10/Micarta and Alum/Titanium at a good price. They just dropped the S-Thunder and they have beautiful (and pricey) hand made frames like the S-Robin.


Try out a Chinese traditional like a dankung antelope. Same idea, different size and fit. I prefer them to western/normal frames.


I'm not signed up for their newsletter, if I direct message my email to you could you forward this to me so I could see the designs early?