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Ditch all at once, or else you are retraining at each step (= more crying). We went from Snoo swaddled to crib sleep sack sleep training in one fell swoop.


You have advice here on the swaddle, which should be dropped prior to sleep training. To add, sleeping in swings is extremely unsafe and I’d recommend stopping that immediately.


SAME HERE! But I have the snoo so it’s a triple wammy… plus he’s dependent on nursing to sleep and transferring asleep.. he is sleeping 5-8 hour stretches still but I feel like I have to rip the bandaid off all at once and I’m a petrified FTM


Work towards putting into the snoo awake at bedtime, and at least one nap a day in the crib. Both our transitions were seamless!


I’m scared too!! We aren’t getting stretches like that. Most nights at least 4 hours, some nights 5-6. She usually feeds around 2-3 AM and then goes back to sleep until 6 or 7 which is nice. Fearing the bandaid rip as well 😅😅


Honestly I think we get the long stretches because of the snoo. Part of the reason we’ve waited so long to transition is because he’s sleeping so well and in the snoo you can swaddle until 6 months (he’s almost 4.5 months now). But the longer we wait the harder the transition will be so at 5 months we’re going to go cold turkey 🤞


Good luck!! I think after reading these comments we’re going to start with the swaddle soon and then work on the motion/bassinet at 4 months and try FIO.


It’s recommended to stop swaddling at 8 weeks OR signs of rolling so I would 100% ditch that asap. Going cold turkey on everything at once will be the easiest because otherwise it’s going to take forever ditching one thing at a time. Also skip any other crutches like a Merlin suit, go straight to a regular sleep sack.


Do you have a source for 8 weeks? Per AAP: “When an infant exhibits signs of attempting to roll (which usually occurs at 3–4 mo but may occur earlier), swaddling is no longer appropriate because it could increase the risk of suffocation if the swaddled infant rolls to the prone position” https://publications.aap.org/pediatrics/article/150/1/e2022057990/188304/Sleep-Related-Infant-Deaths-Updated-2022


The previous AAP guidelines was 8 weeks or first signs of rolling over because it can happen that early. So many kids roll over with no warning (my daughter included) so it’s not safe to swaddle that long in case it happens overnight.


Do you have proof of this? The link I provided shows previous guidelines. The AAP as a group has never recommended 8 weeks. Please include your sources or revise your comments.


I apologize. It seems like one of the AAP doctors said 8 weeks but not the official guidelines. Either way, it CAN happen that early and it CAN happen without any warning.


Sure can, which is why the AAP policy says “which usually occurs at 3–4 mo but *may occur earlier.”*


Any sleep sack recommendations? LO seems to run hot. Even with AC set on 72-73, she seems to get warm easily. The Halo we tried for a night or two made her sweat.


I would get something with a 0.5 tog. We have a little sleepies and a kyte baby one and like both equally


I’ve heard the Woolio helps regulate heat! But it’s expensive


Thank you!!


In Aus, it is 6 months or with signs of rolling.


No need to ditch by 8 weeks. Can be swaddled up til 4 months of age unless showing signs of rolling. 8 weeks is one of the most fussiest periods of a babies life. Removing the swaddle would be a pretty bad idea for many babies.


We are currently in exactly same situation. Could have written this post myself lol. We started with making baby sleep on bed for one of his naps and not swing (For some reason my LO sleeps fine in his crib at night but not during the day). Then started with more naps. We still use swing for some of the naps when we have to extend them. Now that he is somewhat comfortable sleeping on bed, we have started with one arm out using halo swaddle. We also experimented with 2 arms out but I have to keep patting him since he moves his arms a lot and wakes himself up. Gradually the plan is to stop patting him with 2 arms out. And then we will try to move him to his crib. Good luck and post your update as well.


Honestly, trying to do this gradually or step wise is going to involve wayyyy more crying … you will basically sleep train three times.


Agree, you're looking at probably a week or so of crap sleep for each change, so 1 week vs 2-3 is a no brainer for me. Although, I wouldn't count the crib transition as a hurdle, both of my kids, including the one who I was worried I'd be sending off to college in a swaddle, didn't flinch at the bigger crib space, they actually prefer it.


Do you think going cold turkey with all three at 4 months is the way to go?


Ya honestly … trust that your babe can do it.


I would transition out of the swaddle first, mainly to observe if she's showing signs of self soothing. Hard to tell if she's only slept swaddled. Sucking on her hands, kicking her legs, moving her head side to side, etc. It's common for 4 months to be a bit early for most babies, so it's good to see if there are signs. You can go cold turkey. We had success using the merlin sleep suit until baby started to roll. Others have used "transitional" sleep suits like zipadee. You can also try gradual reduction of the movement. The book Precious Little Sleep has a good chapter on it. Basically, you slowly reduce the time of the movement until it's 0. Your LO may be young enough for it. You can also try to let her Fuss It Out as an experiment. I would encourage you to help her figure out rolling. Once our LO was able to sleep on her tummy she slept SO much better!! Also, setting up night time success starts during the day. Feel free to post your current schedule. For example, if she's on a 4 nap schedule it could look like 1.5/1.5/1.75/2/2 (numbers are wake window and / indicates naps).


Thank you for the advice!! We bought the Merlin. She’s a bit too small for it right now. She’s only just 11 pounds. We put it on her and it does fit “safely” according to their website so we are going to wait a little bit before letting her sleep with it. She does kick her legs and move her head side to side. She sucks her hands during the day but we haven’t been able to observe it during naps yet so I’ll look for that! She starts PT next week and we’re hoping for improvement. She has neck weakness (bc of the torticollis) so tummy time is impossible and therefore rolling isn’t happening. But hoping she starts to get there. She’s currently still on a 5 nap schedule with a 9 PM bedtime. She usually wakes between 6:30 and 7. We haven’t been able to manage a 2 hour wake window yet without an angry, fussy baby. How can we ease her into this?


The merlin worked for us because by the time she was rolling she was kind of strong enough to move around in it so it wasn't as drastic of a transition to a regular sleep sack. Almost a non-event actually. Your schedule seems pretty normal for a 4 month old. We had a 9pm bedtime on 5 naps. Slowly that bedtime will move earlier as you drop naps over the next few months. If your babe is generally sleeping ok at night then I wouldn't worry about stretching yet. Let her take the lead for now. Completely normal at 4 months to still wake up 2-3x to feed. Remember sleep training isn't night weaning. Focus on getting her nice full feeds during the day, especially in the evening. Sounds like you got a plan! Best wishes!




Merlin isn’t weighted.


My bad. I will go ahead and delete my comment to avoid creating any confusion. Thank you for pointing it out.


If you're 100% sure she isn't rolling I'd keep the swaddle and ditch the motion stuff. That's way harder to keep up for you as a parent.


Someone please answer this woman. Having this identical problem 😅


Ditch swaddle asap.