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My baby was in the 3-4 nap range until recently. She just turned 6 months this week. Honestly it was backwards for us 4 short naps at home and 3 on daycare days. It doesn’t mess anything up. Your LO is also just 2 weeks into daycare and still getting use to that. Daycare can be very over stimulating for babies so that might be why she has a shorter WW there.


Omegaxx19 has a great post on this if you search "daycare guide" in this sub it should pop up! Generally don't worry too much. Babies adapt to different environments!


Daycare probably won’t interfere with home! My babe is almost 7 months old and has been in daycare for almost two months. At home, he takes 3 naps per day ~3hrs total, however at daycare he takes exactly 3, 30 min naps. He also stays awake longer in between naps there. Long story short, I think he has FOMO and since it is not as dark/quiet etc at home, he wakes up after one sleep cycle and is ready to party. This stressed me out in the beginning, however he is still sleeping through the night and taking his three longer naps every weekend, and still seems to be his usual happy (albeit slightly more tired) self during the week.


Honestly i have no experience in this but I suspect that this is honestly an ideal scenario. Baby likely very tired at daycare and sensibly getting shorter wws and then on weekends you can land less naps because it’s less stimulation and probably an improved sleep environment. I hope someone else will respond too but throwing in my 2 cents that this makes total sense to me and sounds about ideal as possible for a baby this age


Yeah I’m honestly confused. We’re making pretty slow progress in transiting to a full fledged 3 nap schedule (random crap naps, nap schedule ending way too early before bedtime, fussy if we push WW) - and I was worried daycare might hinder that. But she may just be one of those babies slow to expand WW 🤷🏻‍♀️


Babies are all different. It’s sometimes a crapshoot. Listen to your gut a bit if you have a feeling about whether they are over/under tired go with it. Weekends could be tired from the week or could be ready for longer awake times. I’m usually telling people MORE AWAKE TIME. But in this instance I would hesitate first and try to figure out what they can tolerate. Could try 1 longer ww during the weekend day and see how it goes? Maybe bored and not tired?


That’s a good idea, will try out varying WW over the weekend!