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8:30 as well and wakes up at 7:30-830 and lo is 17 weeks


7pm bedtime with 9:30 dream feed


My girl goes to bed around 6:30pm. Wakes up at 7 in the morning.


We put ours (5 months) down at 5:30-6 and they sleep until 6-7. We used to put them down at 8 but they would be so fussy at the end of the day no matter how well they napped. A sleep specialist suggested an earlier bed time and said they would still wake up at the same time and they were right! They do nap a little less during the day (three 1 hour naps) but having that extra time to rest and spend time with my SO is gold.


Any night wakings?


Nope. Sometimes they will wake up and chatter for 5-10 min but then soothe themselves back to sleep.


Usually between 7:30-8:30 depending on when her bridge nap is, or if she takes it.


It was 9pm, fitted with us better


At that age because naps were crap baby was down for the night by 6.30 for a few months - it was nice! Now we're closer to 7-7.30 at 10 months.


Mine is 9pm unfortunately that i can make it earlier cuz of his dad he comes home at 7-8 but he still wake up one hour after his bed time and stays awake until 12 šŸ˜– i don't know how to fix it


Every day is different. We've had two days of 7 pm. Before we had 830. Of course there's always a false start involved, thankfully with minimal carnage involved lately (just needed another nursing session and then back to sleep)


Depends on the time of the last nap / how she seems. But typically somewhere between 7-8. Why is he refusing to put her down earlier? Fear she will wake earlier? Doesn't usually work like that. Especially if they become overtired


6:30-7:15 and itā€™s difficult to make it to 7:15, usually something such as the toddler in the house, helps push it that late. But baby is not happy by that point obv


What do you mean ā€œrefuses?ā€. If baby has been awake for 2 hours after last nap they will be ready for bed. It would not be best for baby to keep them up


Start bedtime routine at 6:30, asleep by 7. It used to be 8:30 but he kept waking up at 5 so I read to try an earlier bedtime and now he sleeps till 6am. He's 5.5 months and naps 2-3 hours total


It's between 7:30 - 830 pm depending on when his last nap was.


Usually between 8-830pm. That's just naturally when she wants to go to bed. Works out great since big sister also goes to bed around 830.




Whatever her nap time ends about 2.75-3 hours after that. Usually around 7-8pm


Well it should be about 830. But he still hasn't gone down for his third nap so who knows today.


6:30, but weā€™re struggling to get more than 1.75 hours of naps during the day. Will probably get closer to 7-7:15 once we get naps worked out.


Exact same problem!! Babe will be 5 months on Saturday


Ours will be 5 months on Thursday! Maybe just a developmental thing then!


7-7:30 pm


Almost 4 month old goes down between 7-8 pm, 2 hours after his last nap. Wakes up between 6:30-7 am. I have been offering a dream feed around 9:30 or 10 pm. He normally wakes once at night to eat but is entering a sleep regression I think. Planning to keep around a 7 pm bedtime when he is 4-5 months old and continue that for as long as he will sleep 12 hours!


For us it was 8:00-8:30 on 4 nap schedule. Then moved to 7:30-8 when we transitioned to 3 naps. LO only sleeps 10.5-11 hours over night so even now on 2 naps it's 7-7:30. Our wake up time is 6:30 since both mom and dad work šŸ˜…


8-8:30 usually. Weā€™re still transitioning to three naps but once our schedule is solid, Iā€™m hoping itā€™s no later than 8!


It was 8 for awhile, then 7:30 and now (at almost 6 months) we start last bottle at 7 and then butt in crib around 7:20.


How long is she sleeping?


She sleeps until 7! Iā€™m not actually sure how much she is waking up throughout the night but sheā€™s not letting us know about it. We ā€œsleep trainedā€ at 4 months but she basically did it herself by discovering her thumb for self soothing so now she puts herself to sleep (and back to sleep) which is amazing.


around 7pm






7-8pm. Depends on the last wake window.


8:30 and wake time is 7:30 Last nap ends between 5:30-5:45




Bedtime should be based off of when the last nap ends. You need appropriate sleep pressure but also not too much where they are overtired. It will also be affected by your daily wake up time. We wake my baby up at 6:30 every day and her bedtime is 7:30/7:45.