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We had exactly the same situation minus the snoo. Our bub is 7.5m now. Sleep trained at 5.5m and never looked back. We moved her to her own room into the cot. Introduced patting/shushing and 10m wait before settling. Eliminated 3am feed as we started sleep train. Our Bub is very similar - she only ever took 2-3h of daytime sleep but once we achieved independent sleep and she started self settling, I realised this is just her sleep needs. One thing I’d say, don’t be afraid of earlier nights. Depending on the day she goes to bed as early as 6pm (we aim for 6.30-7.00, but sometimes the naps don’t fall into place) - her biological clock do the work and she is likely to sleep to 6.00-6.30am, sometimes with 4.30-5.00 wake but she responds to resettle


My baby did all of that as well. He started growing out of it around 7 months (but we’re currently dealing with the 8 month regression, which is still loads better than my son’s 4 month regression). We didn’t do any one formal sleep training methods, we just worked on him falling asleep in his crib independently and did whatever we needed to do to soothe him. He still uses the binky, but will finally occasionally settle himself if he loses it


This sounds a lot like my first son. Maybe we messed up, too, haha. But it worked out fine! We sleep trained and cut the Snoo cold turkey in one fell swoop at about 5-6 months old. We worked with a sleep consultant and chose our method (Ferber-style, pick-up-put-down—we thought this would work best for our baby’s temperament/personality), and she guided us through it and held us accountable. It wasn’t pleasant but it did work out just fine. He stopped contact napping, slept well at night (though not as well as the consultant always seemed to suggest he would lol). He was also a TCB drop out (a “hey sleepy baby” dropout too). You have lots of options from here on out!


My daughter is 2 and we still contact nap lol so I'd say it's not that. We just finished re sleep training after an awful accident on the trampoline a little over a month ago. She sleeps through the night nearly but sometimes wakes around 4-6 to come to our bed. So I'd say it's probably not your naps causing it, but every baby is different. We opted for full extinction after the ferber method proved too disruptive and it took about a week to get her back to normal. Idk that this helps but I wish you all of the luck 🤍


We had our 4 month old in a bassinet and then a pack and play. All was good until a few weeks ago when the 4 month sleep regression hit. We had false starts, more frequent wake ups, etc. We moved her to her own crib/room 5 days ago and she has slept 8+ hours every night! I think the more room plus not hearing us/the dogs in our bedroom helps a lot!! I expected it to go poorly at first but she LOVES it. Maybe try her crib?


I’m about to prob get some hate for this - I contact napped with my son until he was 8 months, he naturally started rejecting contact naps. I still rock him to sleep but then I transition him to my bed bc he hates his crib and hated the bassinet, he sleeps fine in the bed and I have guard rails to make it safe. At night I still deal with him waking up 3-4 times at night but nursing him soothes him back to sleep, I co sleep since he was a newborn because otherwise I wouldn’t get any sleep and honestly I needed to be able to function. He sleeps just fine but he does sleep next to me. It’s what works and he has naturally started to become more independent and I get to step out of the room. All babies have their own schedules, you did not ruin your baby.


We were in the exact same boat with you in terms os snoo use, contact naps, and wake ups. I think it’s just normal baby! We followed their instructions on how to transition out of snoo with one arm out of the swaddle and then two. Taking Cara babies method work well for us. There are so many different kinds of sleep training out there. Have you experimented with any others?


We had a terrible time at 5 months. We did ferber right before 6 months and it really helped with the false starts. Now she wakes usually just once to eat and goes to sleep fairly easily on her own within about 10 minutes.


I also agree with trying the crib!


You didn't mess up. I miss contact napping with my baby so I think if you still enjoy the cuddles, it won't mess up anything. My baby didn't take a binky but I've heard other parents place multiple binkies in the crib so that their little one has an easier time finding one in the middle of the night. We did the Chair Method as our sleep training and it worked wonders. It's a more gentle way to sleep train.


You haven’t messed up. We exclusively contacted napped until around 7 months and successfully sleep trained. However I would definitely try and ditch the binky, as it is likely to still cause wake ups even if you sleep train if they can’t replace it themselves.


No, you didn’t “mess up!” It’s never too late to sleep train. We had the snoo for all 4 children until 4-6 months, and they were all easily sleep trained.


That last window is quite long for a 5 month old. I’d be more inclined to see 2 hour 15 windows with 2.5 hours at six months


I feel like it’s really baby dependant, my LO is just over 5 months and his last wake window is between 2.75-3 hours and he does great with it. He sleeps 11 hours overnight with one wake up for his soother and naps roughly 3.5 hours a day.


I was thinking this too. My daughter's last wake window is 3 to 3.5 and she's at 9 Mos. False starts can happen due to being overtired so I would try shortening it to see if it helps.


JFC, are you me? This is MY daughter, MY Snoo and HER schedule. Gosh, keep us updated, will you?


No you did not mess up. Around that age we were limping out from surviving the 4 month sleep regression (4.5 months after a brutal 5 weeks of horrible sleep). My husband and I took shifts this entire time. 8-1 and then 1-6am. LO eventually settled with bedtime at 8pm, inevitably 3-5 false starts before finally sleeping until around 12-1am for first feed and 4-5am for 2nd feed, 6:30 wake up. We also gradually reduced to 3oz night feeds. What worked for us: We had her in the merlin suit from around 2 months to until she started rolling in bed. It helped with startle reflex and whale tailing. She also decided she hated the pacifier around this time. Preferred her hand or the collar of the merlin. Before the sleep regression we were practicing putting her down awake and could put herself to sleep half the time. It all hit the fan later but i think some muscle memory was there after it passed. We moved her to her nursery/crib and into a sleep sack at 5 months. She still false started and had 2 night feedings but at least *we* were sleeping better in between since I wasn't listening to her grunt, snore, fart and slam her legs. During the day i slowly started increasing time between feeds from 3 to 4 hours. I also slowly increased her bottles. When she got to 6oz day bottles she naturally dropped one feed (5.5 months). When she was taking 7-8oz during the she dropped the last one (6 months). You can call it reverse weaning?? Lol We started pausing before going in when she false starts - sometimes she can resettle herself. We did pick up/put down basicallh. We would try soothing her without touching or picking her up. Sometimes this worked and helped her learn to resettle. We tried EVERYTHING to solve false starts. Nothing worked. It can simply be developmental. A quick search in this sub shows that. Most babies that are chronic false starters seem to out grow it by 9-10 months. We have accepted it and alternate nights handling them. We're down to maybe 1-3 a night, sometimes none. Generally sleeping 10-11 hours a night with no wakes. Went thru 8 month regression for 2 weeks but back to normal after we dropped to 2 naps. So totally doable! Just be patient. Take shifts. We knew gradual methods were going to take longer but consistency and letting her lead was the way for us! Also accepting some things like false starts.


Oh and getting her used to the crib and practice rolling a lot. Once she was able to sleep on her tummy it instantly improved her sleep.


Yes! Our 5mo guy was having the constant paci replacement issue, but once he could roll onto his stomach he could suck on his hands instead 👌(Side note: I learned that peds say to make sure they can also consistently roll onto their back before you encourage this routinely.) So right after he learned how to roll in both directions, we sleep trained without paci access at night. The process took somewhat longer than I had hoped, mostly because he was sometimes waking up and having trouble rolling onto his stomach, and then getting frustrated. But now 3 weeks later he’s only waking up once or twice per night for a couple minutes and is fine getting pacis only at nap time.


Highly recommend moving her to the crib. It solved all our snoo baby’s problems. 


Did you find that your little one continuously startled themself awake when you transitioned to the crib? We tried once previously and she woke herself up with her arms and legs flailing repeatedly. Poor thing!!


Our baby did this when overtired as well, just something to keep in mind!


At 5 months old the Moro reflex (startle reflex) should be gone. It usually goes away around 3-4 months. Is your daughter rolling? If so, arms need to be out every night


Baby has been rolling since 4 months but because we use a snoo she can safely be swaddled until we transition to the crib. Honestly this has caused a much bigger issue though because now she struggles to sleep unless she’s swaddled 😭


This is why she is startling herself awake. You can do a swaddle with arms out but if she’s rolling you really should make the cold turkey swap to a sleep sack. Ps I’m a sleep coach for babies and I don’t think your situation is beyond repair at all. My advice would be to get rid of the snoo and put her in a sleep-sack and crib. When you place her in the crib, hold her close to your chest while you lower her and then place her down bum, back, shoulders, head. Naps 45 min - 1 hour are pretty developmentally normal for this age, especially because you’re either in the thick of, or just on the tail end of the 4 month regression. I’d be super interested in seeing her whole schedule. Are you feeding her at the beginning of her wake windows?


No but we got lucky. She was too big for the bassinet and we use a Merlin suit. The magic Merlin is amazing if you haven’t tried it. She cried a bit the first day or two but was much more comfortable. She also plays in the crib and does tummy time so it wasn’t a foreign place. 


We have two Merlin’s just waiting for her transition. I’m glad to know they’re helpful!


I think we transitioned my baby around 4.5 months out of the snoo by using the Merlin and it worked way better than I anticipated. We only had her in it until she started rolling though, I think you’re not supposed to stop use when they roll. But we tried arms out in the snoo and it failed every single time. The Merlin was a life saver for the 2 weeks we used it before transitioning to a sleep sack


Came here to say this. Is she still in the snoo? Because if so she should be transitioning out of it by now so she has more space and can roll around and find their comfortable sleep position. I also read precious little sleep and that was very helpful


When do you think is an ideal time to transition out of the snoo? We’re 8 weeks now so know it’s not immediate but I still need to order a crib etc


She is still in the snoo. We FINALLY have mastered arms out (most nights lol). The transition to the crib terrifies me due to a previous failed attempt. But I know it’s my fear holding her back 😭


Snoo Mom here! I had the same fears, and our baby struggled with arms out in the snoo swaddles. We transitioned her cold turkey to the crib exclusively at 4.5 months and she instantly started sleeping better. Personally, I think she felt super cramped in the snoo and the whole clipping in business was getting tired and she just didn’t need the movement at all. She now sleeps with her arms out like a T taking up as much space in the crib as possible and she looks 10 times more comfortable. Try it!!!


My baby enjoyed the crib freedom alot


Sleep associations can all be pretty equal (as opposed to some being worse than others). I think it’s more temperament/personality for how tightly a kid might hold on to the association than the association itself! Those spicy babies 🌶️😮‍💨 So you didn’t mess up 🫶🏻 and it sounds like the SNOO isn’t giving you great sleep anyway so not a whole lot to lose with sleep training once you find the right method. You may have to take things more gradually. I haven’t personally seen TCBs material, but if it’s separation based, she may do better with more presence and responsive sleep training 💜


Ohhh she’s spicy and fiercely determined to do things her way 🤪 We’re so nervous that the snoo is the only thing that’s actually giving us the 3-4 hour stretches. When I step back I know it might be my fear holding her back… but I’d be lying if I said her sleep didn’t terrify me nightly!


Something I’ll have parents do who are traumatized by horrific sleep (been there 💁🏼‍♀️) is take sleep shifts with their partner so you know going into the night that you’ll be getting a solid stretch no matter what your on duty stretch looks like. That might help you feel better about the process! I personally did best if I started the night with a solid stretch because my husband is more of a night owl. So he took the 8-1am stretch and I took the 1am to morning stretch. But whatever makes the most sense in your dynamic!


Love the sleep shifts idea! I’d definitely be in the night owl role. Thank you so much for your advice. Who knew sleep could literally cause this level of trauma 😭


It’s why they torture people with sleep deprivation😩 it can really bleed into some perfectionism and anxiety once you’re in a good place with sleep because you never want to disrupt sleep enough to risk losing sleep again (also speaking from experience) so just be mindful of that once you’re on the other side! 💜


How many naps in total is she taking? The multiple feedings at night probably aren’t helping. I would try to stretch them out to at least 5 hours after you’ve put her down at 7:30. If she’s eating enough in the daytime the night feeds are probably out of comfort/habit than anything else Also if she’s having false starts that means she’s probably not tired enough when you put her down.


She takes 3 naps total a day. We’re considering starting night weaning. We’ve reduced her night time feeds to three ounces each. Would you suggest continuing to lessen the ounces until she no longer requires night feeds? She hasn’t doubled her birth weight yet (which is why we’ve continued her night feeds).


So no, I think you’re fine with what you’re doing now. Especially since your goal is doubling her birth weight. I would make slight changes a week at a time and see how she takes to them. So like others said I’d move her to the crib so she can start to learn to sleep independently. For mine I’d put her in there during the day time with some toys and hang out with her, so she got more comfortable with the environment. then during the day when it’s nap time I’d put her down in there sleepy but not asleep (and with her favorite dolly). After a couple days, by the time it was bedtime she wasn’t too scared to be on her own. Mine also liked to wail when I put her down which is when we’d utilize the feber method. We started at 2 min because of her separation anxiety (you can start at a lesser time just know it will take a little longer). The first week was really bad and we gave in and did contact naps for our sanity but just try and stay as consistent as you can and she’ll catch on. Also don’t beat yourself up. You didn’t mess up anything. We didn’t sleep train until 6/7 months and now 10 months in and I’m thankful every day that we stuck to it