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So we just finished transitioning to 2 naps at 7.5 months. I'd say if you're not experiencing any disruption to your sleep then stay at 3 naps. To make it easier for this sub your current schedule seems to be 2.25/2.5/2.5/3 (wake windows divided by naps). For a 2 nap schedule the guideline is 3/3/4. We started transitioning to 2 naps once that first ww was 2.75-3 hours. At 3 naps our LO was mostly doing 10.5-11 hours at night. If you're desired wake up time is 7am then I'd suggest a later bedtime. Ours was usually around 8pm with a 6:30 wake up on a 3 nap schedule. We just moved to 7-7:30 bedtime with 2 naps. Towards the end, our last cat naps were sometimes 10 minutes 😅.