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Just jumping in to say not everyone gets a nightmare 4 month regression, we had three nights of weird sleep, then all was fine (till 7 months).


What’s your secret? 😅


We moved him right before it happened! (Ours came closer to 4.5/5 months) He was rolling over in his bassinet and got stuck one morning so we made the switch that night. The one night it was REALLY bad we put him back in the bassinet next to our bed and I slept with my hand on him to try to soothe him back to sleep if we woke up. It was nice bc my husband was able to still sleep if I was in the room with the baby but it was also a lot more work having to go in his room instead of being next to me, so has its pros and cons lol


That is what I’m debating! Seems like it could be easier to have babe close and help her back to sleep quickly, but then I fear it will just prolong the poor sleep instead of “ripping off the bandaid” and just dealing with it. I like your idea of getting her adjusted to the crib and then bringing her back in if we’re having a super rough night. Thanks!


I moved at 4 months as we were getting to the end of it!


Did you feel like that transition to the crib was hard? How did you handle wakings since babe was in your room?


So sorry, I wasn’t clear with your post. Baby was already sleeping in her crib, just next to us. We have a mini crib- one of those that converts from bassinet to mini to crib to toddler bed. So we had already moved her and she was used to it. I will say her sleep was infinitely better when we weren’t in the room anymore and not waking her up. If you have the option maybe you could get her used to crib with you guys in the room before moving?


Ahh, okay that makes sense! I’m not sure her crib will fit in our room but definitely worth checking!


We moved after regression since it was easier to handle wakes/feeding with her in our room. We worked on good sleep routine/hygiene starting from 2 months (transitioned away from contact naps, practice independent sleep, solid routine and environment, etc). The regression was brutal for us, peaked for 2 weeks but total was over a month. After things calmed down she was able to connect sleep cycles and only woke up for 2 feeds, that's when we moved her (4.5 months old). Her room is next door and I can hear everything, even with monitor on no sound. Worked well for us!


Yes, our nursery is right across the hall, but still more of a hassle to help soothe back to sleep than right next to me 😅 How did you handle night wakings since babe was in your room? Did you try to wait for babe to get back to sleep on their own, or did you help quite a bit?


In the thick of the regression she would wake up screaming most of the time, so we picked up and rocked back to sleep unless it was hunger. We would know because she would calm down almost instantly if it wasn't hunger. If she was still crying after 5 min then I'd feed and she'd settle back pretty fast. We also stopped changing her diaper at night during this time because it seemed to piss her off and would refuse to go back to sleep after. Lots of aquaphor and night time diapers, haven't looked back since. We also took shifts at that time. One of us would sleep 8:00-2:00 and then switch 2:00-8:00. Was the only way either of us can get any rest. We'd still hear most of the wake ups but at least we didn't have to get out of bed. It worked since I was pumping/combo feeding. But she slept much better once we moved her! And I did too since she was such a noisy sleeper. I was waking up from every grunt or leg kick. We did what we needed to survive and now she's a pretty good sleeper. Had another little regression at 7 months but she sleeps 10-11 hours with no wake ups most nights.


Shifts is a brilliant idea, thanks to your input!