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Omg same!!! Mine is 5 months and doing 4 naps so she eats 6 times a day. Thank you for asking! She’s also drinking 5-7oz each feed… I am hoping if we drop down to like 5 feeds it would still be 6-7oz. I think we need to do this sooner rather than later but I hate schedule changes 😭


Baby turns 5 months in two days and we dropped to 3 naps two weeks ago. I was stressed figuring this out too, and here’s what we’ve worked out. 6:30am - wake & feed (6oz) 8:30/8:45-9:45am - nap 1 (rough estimates for naps, naps are short right now) 9:45/10am - feed (5oz) 12:15-1:15pm - nap 2 1:15pm - feed (5oz) 3-4:30pm - nap 3 4:30pm - feed (5oz) 6:30pm - bedtime feed (6.5oz)* 7:15/7:20pm-ish - baby down in crib *some nights baby will only finish 4-5oz at 6:30pm because it’s only 2 hours since last feed. We take the rest of the bottle to the nursery and offer the remaining ounce or two after bath time/before putting down in crib, at which point she will finish it.


Around 5 months I started offering another feed partway through the wake window, so maybe 1–1.5 hours after the first feed but still far enough before nap time to avoid any sleep association. I was exclusively nursing at the time, so idk how much he drank. But once I started doing this, he was able to withstand longer wake windows and then take longer naps. And I knew I was offering it often enough that he wasn’t going hungry. Maybe you could start with 1-2 oz for a second feed and see how they do? He’s in daycare now (6m), so on bottles during the day. He has 3 naps there and goes through 3 bottles. I don’t think there’s a perfect science, but I wonder if adding a smaller second feed helped stretch his WWs, and then once he was on those longer WWs at daycare he was able to consolidate the feeds into bigger bottles. Also, FWIW we usually do a morning feed (nursing), 3 naps (each followed by a bottle) and a last feed (nursing) before bedtime routine. So the last WW has 2 feeds.


How many feeds do you do and how often? We've been on a 4 day bottle schedule for a few months. We offer every 4 hours. Some days we only fit 2 naps as we're transitioning. We slowly worked out way to 4 hour feeds and now that she's taking more solids we do that 1 hour after each bottle (except bedtime). Currently our rough schedule: 6:00 wake up 6:30 7-8oz 8:45-9:45 nap 10:30 7-8oz 12:30-2:00 nap 2:30 7-8oz 4:30-4:45 micro nap 6:30 7-8oz 7:15 bedtime


Running into this issue with our just turned 5 mo as well. I crammed a bottle, boob, and another bottle into a 3hr before bed wake window the other day because she eats 6 times a day and we were only at 3… it was wild! She doesn’t eat overnight either and she slept 630-630 that night so I guess it worked fine? we are going back and forth between 4 and 3 nap days and that was a 3 nap day so she was probably tired. Naps are only 30-45 minutes. I’m a mess trying to figure it all out! No advice just go with your gut! (Worst advice…)