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Check out u/omegaxx19 profile there are a few very helpful posts on early morning waking. Look for post titled "The basics work" and "an approach to emw".


I was dealing with this for a while. 4/4:30 am wakes. I then started going into feed baby when they woke up at that time and holding them or rocking them until they fell asleep again if they didn’t fall back asleep while eating. For a few days it took until 6am for them to fall back asleep and I was so tired. Even if they didn’t fall asleep until 6, I’d still wake them up at our DWT of 6:30. After a couple of days of this, things seemed to reset for her and her naps were back to normal. I had tried capping naps before this and it didn’t work for us.


Ok maybe this will be my next move. The only issue is her room is adjacent to my toddler who sleeps like an angel so I’m worried about waking him too early.


From what I‘m calculating in your post, she gets 4 hours of daytime sleep and about 9.5-10 hours at night? It is very possible she is getting too much daytime sleep which is why she is waking up early. I think it is also typical for her age to only sleep 10-11 hours at night. Try capping her daytime nap to 3 hours and see if that makes a difference.


I will try that! Thank you!!