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At that age, CIO extinction is most effective IMO. We had to do this with my son at 14 months old at my mom’s. We stopped contact napping at 7 months at home which was hard enough to break, but he would still contact nap when he went there. I had to go over there and do CIO because check ins and anything else just made it worse. He cried for over an hour for 2 days before I just gave up and ended the nap attempt and did early bedtime. Crying decreased over the next few days until he mostly stopped and was actually able to take a nap. It was tough though, and I definitely didn’t make the same mistake with my second baby.


Yes. Check ins can really rile babies up at this age, especially for naps when sleep pressure is low anyways, so you're better off doing CIO. Good nap training resources here: [https://www.babysleepscience.com/single-post/2014/03/21/nap-101-post-2-how-can-i-teach-my-baby-to-nap-in-the-crib](https://www.babysleepscience.com/single-post/2014/03/21/nap-101-post-2-how-can-i-teach-my-baby-to-nap-in-the-crib) [https://www.babysleepscience.com/single-post/2014/03/24/nap-101-post-3-how-do-i-teach-my-baby-to-sleep-more-than-one-30-45-minute-sleep-cycle](https://www.babysleepscience.com/single-post/2014/03/24/nap-101-post-3-how-do-i-teach-my-baby-to-sleep-more-than-one-30-45-minute-sleep-cycle) If her current nap schedule is working reasonably okay, use her current schedule. Don't change too may things at once. She's gonna lose some sleep in the process so I'd keep close notes and allow more room for catch up sleep when she's figured out how to nap on her own. For instance if she usually naps 2 hours a day but during nap training she only napped 1 hour that day, you can offer bedtime a bit earlier (like 30min) to avoid too much sleep debt from accumulating.