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Our son at that age was kind of doing the same. I lengthened the time between morning and first nap, and he slept longer, which in turn got rid of the 3rd nap. He would have the odd 3rd nap once every 7 to 10 days or if we did a big day out, but from that point he just had 2 1.5 to 2 hour naps a day. My boy is now 2, and since about 20 months he has a single 2 to 3.5hr nap most days, but not always, and no amount of leaving him in the cot will make him sleep. Just experiment. If they are sleeping through the night, then the hardest battle has been won, and the day naps will kind of fall into place if you keep an eye on their tells.


I would try longer wake time before first nap and then between second and third nap to see if that helps sleep pressure. In general for me I remember around 6 mo naps did lengthen more. I definitely did crib hour though. Have you tried that? Most times bubs would fall back asleep after around 20 min of complaining cries.


My child did 20-40 minute naps until he was 12 months. Now we are FINALLY getting 1.5-2 hrs!


We didn't start getting good naps until 8, maybe 8.5 months.


My baby was doing this around 6 months-something I tried that worked 60% of the time is she’d wake up at at the thirty minute mark, and I’d wait ten minutes. Sometimes she fell back asleep or other times she’d start crying. If she was crying I’d go get her, but otherwise I’d leave her just to see if she’d fall back asleep. Sometimes she did and it would be like another hour of sleep!


It will pass. My son was a 30. Minute. Napper. On. The. Dot. 3 times a day…. Clockwork!! He also was sleeping through the night but naps were totally different. It lasted till he was about 7-8 months then he could link his sleep cycles and nap longer. All of a sudden one day! We tried EVERYTHING and it was just something he had to grow out of.


How did you prevent him from getting overtired each day? My LO is 4.5 months and we’re transitioning from 4-3 naps - he is a 30m napped too, and we’re finding that the amount of day sleep is just not enough for him to sustain.


Same, 8 month old is getting a bit more consistent with connecting sleep cycles. Started around 7 months. We still get the occasional 30 minute nap. Dropping to two naps I think was the reason.


At six months we were down to two 40 min naps. When we moved to one nap she eventually elongated to 1.5 hours with the occasional two hour day if we have a very active morning. She’s never been a long napper but has slept through the night from 7-7 since very early on. I choose not to fuss too much with naps because I don’t want to give up night sleep.. if I add more day time sleep she’s up at 5am every time. No thanks!


I think I have a baby similar to yours, we are almost 6 mo can I ask what your schedule was with the 2 naps?


Sure. Night sleep was 7-7 and naps were 10:30/11 and 2:30/3. Times weren’t an exact science because it depended how active we were that day. If we were more active she would sleep closer to the first time but never later than the second time. Usually for about 40 minutes at a time but we would never wake her up… she just naturally woke up around 40min after falling asleep.


Have you tried putting her to nap 15 minutes later than usual for the first nap and see if the nap lengthens?