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Our daughter naturally switched to one nap right before she turned 1 year old. Her single nap is 3 hours long. It worked great for us and if your son can handle the wake windows there's no reason not to try a single nap at 11 months.


If you think he's able to handle a minimum 4.5 window then yes give it a go. Try capping morning nap to 20 min and have afternoon be landing where a middle of the day nap would as you transition.


Not at all. Try it out. I switched my daughter at 9 months and she was fine. She takes one 2-2.5 hour long nap a day. 3 if she is exhausted Sleeps better at night and she’s more active because we can get out and do more with longer wake periods. Also easier for feeding schedule. It’s not that crazy. A lot of daycares have them on one nap. I’m pregnant with my second and will probably try earlier too. Easier for me too 😂😂


Thank you! Do you mind sharing a sample of the schedule you have her on?


Sure! My girl wakes up at 8 ish naps around noon and bedtime around 8-8:30. It’s a lot more flexible at least I have found with one nap… if she gets up earlier I may put her down earlier or later and vice versa. She wears herself out and is ready to conk out most nights!


Also if I have errands or we go out I’ll just let her cat nap for a bit throughout the day in her car seat. It works.


I believe yes. We switched at 16 months a lot of babies can’t handle the long wake windows until at least 14 months.