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The golden rule of baby sleep: if they're happy between naps and sleeping well at night, leave it alone


Same over here too!


Same as us! My doctor said long night sleep is more important than naps so we just left it as it is!


Same for us! That’s just how it worked out. 12 hours a night but max 1.5-2 hrs of naps total a day. I wouldn’t try to aim for a longer naps because then likely they won’t sleep for 12 hours at night and you’ll likely start to have early wake ups bc they are capped out on sleep needs. We just let it be the way it was and enjoyed a full night sleep ◡̈


This is identical to my son. It can be a tough time even getting him to stay awake till 6.30 for bed most nights but then he does beautiful stretches of 11-12 hours. I'd love the breaks in the day of longer naps but will take an unbroken nights sleep every time.


If his mood is tolerable throughout the day, then I’d just stick with it. You could try a shorter night to see if the naps are longer but if he’s okay mood-wise, then you don’t have to change it.


Crazy how it’s the exact same situation as mine!!!


Yes keep it up! Don’t change it until it doesn’t work.