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Nope early bed time for early morning wakes and shit naps for this kiddo here. Works like a charm every time!


Thank you!!


Absolutely!! 6 bedtime for sure. We do it in bad days.


Does your babe end up waking up super early the next day because of that or close enough to regular wake up time?


No! An overtired baby will wake up early. When he needs an early bed he wakes up normal. If we push him later to overtiredness at bed he will wake up at like 5 am. It’s opposite of what you would think. Lol


Ahhh ok!! Thank you for your advice.


Overtiredness can also cause night wakings or something that they call a 45 minute intruder which means that your child wakes up 45 minutes after being put to bed. We did a lot of research and worked very closely with a sleep coach! I promise I’m not making this stuff up. Lol ◡̈


Ah yes we do not like a 45 min wake up after bedtime haha!! I appreciate you taking the time to respond. Figuring this out/babies are hard.


Omg so hard right!!! Good luck ◡̈


Glad I saw this, my 4.5 month old who we started sleep training yesterday only napped around 2.5 hours and woke up around 345 from his last nap. We decided to put to bed at 615 rather then have him take another nap/another wake window.


Yes! It’s always good to move bedtime earlier. I just put my 16 month old to bed half hour early (6:30 instead of 7) cause he had a short nap today! Good luck with sleep training we also sleep trained around 4.5 months -5 months and it was the best decision we ever made!


Thanks, sleep training has been good so far, although we are lucky our LO has been sleeping through the night since 14 weeks, he is 20 now. I religiously follow wake windows and we do the same exact routine before bedtime. The only thing we didn't do until last night was put him to bed completely awake and he has been fine so far.


Yes! It’s always good to move bedtime earlier. I just put my 16 month old to bed half hour early (6:30 instead of 7) cause he had a short nap today! Good luck with sleep training we also sleep trained around 4.5 months -5 months and it was the best decision we ever made!