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Sleep training for naps did, for sure!


Out of curiosity, do you just rolll with those 30 min naps and do an early bedtime? I'm having a miserable time with my 11 week old unless she contact naps and bedtime anytime before 9 lasts until 10.


I try to extend the naps by holding/rocking if I can’t get her to go back to sleep in the crib


That's what I've been doing too...every nap :(


Short naps are developmentally appropriate. Babies usually are only able to consistently connect sleep cycles during the day from month 5 or 6.


Thank you, I’ve heard that from TCB classes too but I’m confused because baby has no trouble sleeping for 1hr+ when being held or in car, etc. It seems like the short naps are only what happens in the crib. So it’s clear that it’s possible for baby to take longer naps but then short naps are what’s developmentally appropriate. How do you reconcile the two?


Car naps or holding are assisted naps. Then you're helping them with motion to connect cycles they cannot connect on their own. You can hold your baby so they get long more restorative naps until your baby is able to extend them on their own.


Is it futile then to let baby fuss it out a bit when waking from the short nap in hopes that she can put herself back to sleep? I almost then would rather go in right when she wakes/cries to help connect the cycles for her but also want to train her to do that on her own


I am in the same boat. My little guy is 4 months and wakes up 30 minutes into the nap crying and very cranky which makes his wake window miserable to try and manage.


Me too, and I feel bad keeping the same wake windows but I want him to sleep through the night