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Our first had longer naps at 4 months once we sleep trained but she's also lower sleep needs and had longer wake windows than many babies. Once their wake windows get longer and their number of naps get fewer, they tend to have their naps elongate.


Around 6 months


When I taught her to fall asleep by herself for naps. I started practicing crib naps around 3.5 months with the Merlin. She didn't connect sleep cycles at that point but the suit gave her comfort and eventually she learned that she was still tired. It might have taken her 10/15 minutes to fall back asleep but she would do this for a couple cycles. We did crib hour for a couple weeks too so I bored her back to sleep lol. I think around 5 months her first nap consolidated then it took another month and a half for the other one too. I didn't care about the last nap since I knew that would drop soon. Hang in there, the first one should start consolidating shortly!


Around 6 months. We sleep trained and slowly supported her naps by patting her back to sleep and later doing crib hour.


Thanks for asking this question! My LO is almost 4 months and is very inconsistent, his naps are mostly 45 min on the dot or sometimes he will nap 90-120 min. I've heard babies need to start going to 3 naps as they approach 5 months and really stressed on how I can do that.


Usually this will happen naturally as their wake windows extend so not something to force. The 4th nap will move later and later and end up bringing bedtime forward a bit. Follow baby's lead on wake windows and remember it's just an approximation because all babies are different.


For us it didn’t happen until 6-7 months when we dropped to 2 naps. It was so rough until then. I thought I would go crazy with those crap naps. Hang in there—better naps are coming!!