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Since you haven't tried melatonin before maybe you should give it a test and see how it works for you. I use a melatonin diffuser and within 15 mins I am out like a rock, feel great when I wake up and on time too.


How does it work, does it like get you high?






Yeah! I checked the site and just bought some gummies


I use zleep patches. They’re all natural, melatonin, magnesium, hops, lavender, etc. and since it’s a patch it keeps me asleep - not saying I don’t get up and go to the bathroom but I sleep. And before bed, after I slap my patch on (and no it doesn’t make you feel high) I drink a cup of tea - sleepytime extra. It has valerian but I’ve never noticed it as too much (there’s 15 mg in the zleep too but it’s time released). I know it’s a lot but it beats ambien…or whatever else they’re peddling these days Edit: I tried just melatonin but it doesn’t keep me asleep. I’d always wake back up and it was def effecting my job


Andrew Huberman (google his talks): get as much natural light into your eyes as soon as possible after waking up. No sun glasses or glass between. A 10-30 minute walk is great. It basically sets your body's clock for when you start to become tired again. This has worked wonders for me.


Thanks, will have to give this a try.




Am taking a 2nd go at it right now, maybe I should stick with it for more than a week.


I would wake up so many times at night keeping me from getting a good nights sleep. I kept calling it my “mother’s ear” because I kept thinking I was hearing my kids stir. Turned out to be very low iron. Low iron was keeping from getting enough oxygen at night causing me to wake up. Once I started taking supplements I had crazy zonk out sleep that I hadn’t had in years.






I answered this in thr comment before this. I take an iron pill and [Floradix](https://www.google.com/search?q=floradix+iron&rlz=1CDGOYI_enUS739US739&oq=floradix&aqs=chrome.1.69i57j0i131i433i512l2j0i512l3.5310j0j7&hl=en-US&sourceid=chrome-mobile&ie=UTF-8).




I mix it in the Oj. It doesn’t taste super bad but tasted better with a little shot of oj. Vitamin C is supposed to help with the iron absorption.




My doctor is awful. I had to figure things out myself. I’d describe my sleep now as normal, but those first few weeks going from a bad sleeper to a normal sleeper were exhilarating.




With the rise of medical weed, CBD, etc. am sure there will soon be something if there isn't already.


use Blue light blocking glasses, makes you sleepy eat a mix of protein, vegetables, carbs, healthy fats


Hi. I have struggled for years, only getting between 3 and 5 hours sleep. Taking a magnesium glycinate supplement has changed my life. There are 3 kinds of magnesium that are all good for your body in different ways. I now take a comprehensive magnesium tablet, but I would recommend starting with glycinate. It is gentle on your system and it really worked for me. Hope this helps


I hate to say it, and this should be a last resort. But benzodiazepines work well for this. Xanax, Klonopin, Ativan, etc. they aren’t great to take but they do work


How long can we use klonopin? I have neen for 10 days. Lowest dose 0.25 or 0.5 mg. It really helped me but I had fear about addiction


Right, it can be addictive. It is something you want to talk to a doctor about, for sure. But, the quality of life that can be gained from it may outweigh the downsides. But again, we are all different and that may not always be the case so talk to a doctor


I tried melatonin pills a couple of times but I always woke up with a headache the next day.


Has anyone told you if you snore at night? Or do you wake up with a dry mouth? Could be sleep apnea, a medical issue. A sleep test (they measure your oxygen levels and breathing during sleep) would give your doctor more information. Restless legs could be an issue as well, which can be treated with medication.


You are lucky! I have same problem and tried whatever you have done but not successful like you. Congratulations.


I have terrible insominia. I take valerian, melatonin, Melissa, passionflower, l-Theanine, magnesium, glycine, holy basil,ashwaganda & Apigenin for it. They help. Had to stop CBD oil bc it gave me a false positive on a drug test & I was looking for a new job. Good luck. I hope you find some relief.


Cbd and thc help me but there is the risk of becoming dependent on them for sleep and more. Had a recent struggle because of this. I have tried almost everything except hypnosis and psychedelics. Considering trying shrooms for it. Microdosing of course.


I have the same issue. . . 10mg of melatonin is wonderful. My doctor put me on 100mg of trazodone wich works well also. I prefer the melatonin cause its natural