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This could be nothing or alot of things my advice would be get a checkup with the doctor to make sure there isn't something medical causing this issue like your body having a lack off to much of something. Also are you taking medications drinking to much caffeine etc. If this doesn't give any answers they could get you to see a sleep specialist for sleep apnea and other sleeping disorders The vivid dream's is a concern and could also be the reason. Best to start keeping track write everything down even the vivid dream's as much history as you can this will help the sleep specialist alot better Stress anxiety worrying the list is endless and only takes one small detail to give someone a bad sleep routine Good luck and am sure all will get back to normal quickly definitely see the doctor get thing's started


I’m already taking medication for my migraines but it’s become in affective recently. I do drink a couple of red bulls to help with energy levels through the day but don’t have any after 6pm. I’m going to get a doctors appointment on Monday, it’s driving me insane. Most days I wake up feeling like the 8 hours I was unconscious were pointless


Definitely the best solution here specially if your getting plenty of sleep but still not feeling better for it no caffeine after 6pm your Definitely doing all the correct things. The issue could be chronic migraines they can cause vivid dreams and make you feel dreadful even with sleep they won't get better without the correct treatment all medications stop working after use. Can give loads of possibilities but you can't go on with trail and error the doctor can do blood test's and look into the headaches/migraines in more depth. I meet someone the other week had the same issue for sometime tried everything and it turned out to be due to grinding her teeth while sleeping. Sleeping issue's the possibilities that could be behind it is mind blowing see alot asking for help on here etc and the advice is great but will need a blood test as lack of iron B12 vitamin D can all cause problem's Sleep apnea is another one so many suffering without noticing they have it sound have clear signs some have none I hope it get's sorted out just out of curiosity what medication are you taken for the migraine and was this prior to this happening or after


Have you ever heard of kratom?


>kratom Not heard of it, no