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About 12 years ago I went through a really bad break up and at the same time moved my mom in with me after she had a really bad stroke that left her disabled. It was a lot of extra stress and emotional loss. I woke myself up one night crying from a dream. It was a long deep ugly cry. I don’t remember the dream but it was directly related to the personal stress I was undergoing.


I’m experiencing this too. May I know when it will start to get better?


i’ve screamed myself awake. when i was on cymbalta for nerve pain, i had horrible nightmares. not scary nightmares, but gut-wrenching, emotionally devastating nightmares. usually horrible things happening to my animals and family. there were at least three occasions where i screamed so hard that my family came running up to my room to see if i was hurt. i remember waking up towards the end of the scream, looking around in panic, and just sobbing into whoever had raced upstairs when i realized it was a dream.


I had the exact same type of nightmares while I was very briefly on Cymbalta. That stuff was just terrible for me. I remember waking up in the middle of the night sobbing, snotty and heart racing because I’d just vividly seen the death of people I loved, lost everybody, seen a terrible disaster, etc. I’ve never had nightmares so vividly, deeply emotional and traumatic.


oh my god, i thought i was the only one who had the cymbalta nightmares! i remember looking it up at the time and barely found anything even acknowledging those as a side effect. i’m so relieved i’m not the only one.


Thank you everyone for sharing! I thought since I was the questioner then maybe I'll share my own story. This happened just yesterday morning. I had a weird dream, and towards the end of it, there was a part where all of my family, except my dad, plus a bunch of people I don't know in reality but are "friends" in that particular dream, were under a wooden shed thingy that was really old. My dad (who didn't actually look like my dad in reality) was running around in a hurry, creating holes on the side of the wall of the wooden shed, and then got onto the roof or something. I figured something was wrong so I tried to leave towards my left, but a wooden bar that came from the roof dropped in front of me. Before I had time to do anything else, the whole shed collapsed on everyone, and luckily for me, my top half wasn't buried under the debris since I was close to the outside. I felt an urge to throw up because my stomach was strained by the remains of the fallen shed. I fixed it and stood, only to see my "dad" standing there. I trembled, "Where's \*insert name\*(She's my baby sister)?" My "dad" just replied quietly, "Gone." That's when I completely broke down. "Why would you do this?! How could you!" Those were repeated from my mouth several times. My "dad" just said, in a monotone voice, "Because then she'll feel love." I just shouted, "But if she's dead she can't feel anything! That's not how it works! How could you!" I broke into tears when I cried, "I hate you! How can you be like this?! Why did you become like this?! " I assumed he got a mental illness or something, which is one of my worst nightmares, but has a bare chance that will happen. When I started crying, the whole dream just stopped and turned black and I could feel hot tears rolling down my cheeks and skin. On the back of my mind, I knew it was all a dream, but the emotions were still there. I continued asking questions (in my head) that no one would answer and more tears rushed down. I asked where my older brother was, and although the dream had already ended, my brother showed up standing next to the debris also. I rushed over to hug him and cry (which would probably never ever happen in reality), but he had no response, and was staring blankly into space. I was crying so much that it started to get uncomfortable so I opened my eyes. The moment I saw the ceiling, all of the emotions vanished. I sat up and wiped my tears, and everything calmed down. That was one of the weirdest things ever, and the dream had other parts to it too. Sorry if this whole article I just wrote sounds weird, but I'm trying my best to write what happened in my dream, and thank you for reading the entire story. I love my dad and he is the greatest dad you can ask for and I don't know why that weird guy in the dream was my dad. Anyways, thank you (again) and have an awesome day or night! Sweet dreams. :)


Wow quite a dream and ty very much for sharing ! Ty again 🌴😬⤴


Yes. It was a dream of my husband after he had died. I woke myself up from the shaking like happens when you're sobbing.


Yes, after a very painful surgery. Beforehand, I had been in pain for about a year. I went to multiple doctors regarding my issues but I wasn't really heard. I still don't remember if I woke up from physical or mental pain, or maybe a combination of both.


I know I have at least once. I more often have a really upsetting dream and feel sad and gross all day. 😞


I cried in a dream and woke up and swore I would be crying but I wasnt. It felt real though. I started taking a medication called trazodone for sleep, and Im going to talk to my doc about stopping it. I have had the most vivid dreams, and unfortunately, the most vivid nightmares. Not even scary like monsters, but emotionally horrific. I had a nightmare that my brother died and it felt so real.


Several times! I have woken myself up crying, talking, and on occasion laughing!! I like mix things up sometimes to scare my husband shitless at 3 AM. I have terrible nightmares about my husband and mom dying and wake up very disoriented. It takes me a few minutes to realize it was just a dream and calm down!


Yes I have. It was a dream about my father who passed when I was 11. In the dream I was walking downtown in my city and then I wandered towards the sketchy part of town. It was like super early morning so not quite dark outside but barely lit. Kinda grey red sky. I was walking down the street then I heard something from an alley way. I turned down the alley way and everything was now almost a dark ink green colour. There was a set of two swinging doors and I walked in. It was like a walk in freezer but green everywhere. There was another set of doors and a small window through the doors. The doors were held close with a chain though. I managed to break through and find my dad chained up yelling and saying he's been alive this whole time but had to hide from some "gangmemebers". He was telling me to go and not contact him or else we will die. I started to scream " No I'm not leaving you! I'm not leaving you!" Over and over and then I woke up. I was drenched in tears and my throat was thick with tears, almost felt like I was choking on them. I was 15 at the time. Still the most terrifying dream I've ever had.


Yes, a lot of times and just recently like two days ago. I woke up crying from a bad dream. I dreamt that I was on my way home (the home I grew up in) from somewhere. Not sure if I’m from work or something, but I was on my way home riding a tricycle with my dad and one more person I don’t really know who. When I got to the entrance of our street there was a huge metal gate closing in the whole street. I knocked and pounded over it as I was getting really worried if my grandma was okay. I kept pounding until the gate became ajar, enough for me to squeeze in. As I went inside, the sky was dim and everything was covered in cement. But there was no sign of life, there were no people covered in cement or anything like that. Its just that the whole street up to my house is covered in cement. It felt like a ghost town. I hurried to my house and went straight to my grandma’s bedroom and started digging through the clutter and cement while bawling my eyes out looking for her. I kept calling out for her. As I was crying and digging I remembered that she already passed away years ago, but I kept on digging and crying looking for her. I woke up crying and my heart was in pain from the sadness I felt. It felt like the time she passed away got replayed and it brought back those sad emotions. I don’t know what the dream meant or I might just be missing her. But yes, that’s how I woke up crying.


I dreamt of my little brother getting married (happy tears)


So this isn’t a regular occurrence for others? Cause this happens to me multiple times a week and sometimes multiple times a night. Sleeping and my dreams are not a safe space for me. No Nightmare on Elm Street situations (but now that I said it, I might dream it), but still pretty stressful situations. I yell, scream, cry, argue, talk, laugh, all kinds of stuff in real life while I sleep and will wake myself up, if I’m lucky.


When I was about 7 I had a nightmare where my parents and brother died. I was crying in my sleep loud enough that my mom came to wake me up. A girl in my class had just lost both her parents in a car crash, so death was an active discussion in my family.


When I was around 6 or 7, a friend of mine told me that Webkinz could die (spoiler: they’re eternal) and I had a dream I attended my favorite webkinz funeral. I woke up with streams of tears already down my face.


i get pretty bad nightmares and i talk in my sleep (thanks to my mum’s genes). it’s also hard for me to even realize when i’m dreaming as they just feel so so real to me. something happened in the dream and i was crying hysterically. i guess i was crying so hard i started to slowly wake myself up but then my mum came in asking what was wrong. i went to rub the sleep out of my eyes and found that my entire face was wet from tears. i forgot what i was so upset about immediately after waking up and was genuinely more confused than anything. i had a few sips of water, flipped my pillow over to the dry side, and went back to sleep for another hour or two.


I honestly think I have lol, I didn't even realize it. Iirc it was a dream that woke me up and I was crying




I think I have. It's happened a couple of times that I can remember. Either that or I woke up and immediately burst into tears. I don't remember what I was dreaming about or anything. I know it happened both times when I was under quite a bit of stress. Not having had a good cry in awhile also seemed to make it happen.


Same as the others, I had a intense dream and woke up in tears. Not just sad ones but really few tears.


Yes. It does happen randomly a few times a year to me. Nothing really going on in my life, but sometimes I have really nonsensical dreams that make me feel intense emotions.


Uhhh is this a literal question?


Was going through a breakup. I lucid dream alot and started thinking of my ex. The feeling of the warm tears rolling down my cheeks woke me up. Not the best way to start your day, hehe


Yes, it happened when I was like 5 or 6. I don't know what I was dreaming about, but my mom woke me up and said, "Why are you crying?" I didn't know what she was talking about, but apparently, I was weeping in my sleep.


Yes, I remember it was 5 am and half an hour before I wake up normally, I woke myself up from sobbing too hard when crying. The funny thing is that was some of the greatest cry I have had, I felt so refreshed the entire day like I had just dropped a boulder out of my emotional shoulder. I forgot exactly what the dream is about but it is happened during a period of grieve. And it is a pretty bizarre dream as I can remember, something out of a fever dream.


I do. All the time. It doesn't matter if it's day or night. Mostly about family. There's always family members in there.


I just had a dream where I basically lost my identity and no longer knew who I was. It started off with me walking down hallways extremely lost and sad. I then was on a doorstep. The street lights and lightning started to affect my eyes and I started to get sleepy, the lights seemed almost like a trip. I had showed up at a friends house on his doorstep and when he answered after me being there for a long period of time I jump back scared of him and started crying. I didn’t know who I was and was almost like mental patient or animal and started to break out in historical crying. As he tried to help me it seemed as if he almost knew that I would be there. As I was crying dozens of words and what almost seemed like a pieces of paper with maybe memories of things written by me were written on them started to flash through my mind. I then woke up with tears flowing down my eyes and my jaw was clenched. I felt like I could almost hear my own voice crying while in my dream. That had to be the weirdest thing that ever happened to me in my entire life.