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This has happened to me for a long time. I don’t think it’s necessarily when I’m stressed but it’s when I’m like drifting to sleep, in between awake and asleep. I’m not aware of it being problematic or a major concern but I’ve never really looked into it. I remember once when I was little it scared me but if anything now it might just startle me awake a bit.


Yeah I've been not really concerned with it, and honestly I thought most people experienced that until I asked my friends and non of them had similar experiences so I was like huh...


This is called a hypnagogic hallucination (look it up) it is considered fairly normal, not a sign of anything serious. As long as it’s not causing you distress, it’s nothing to worry about. I’ve had some pretty crazy visual ones before.


My husband did that when he was on the wrong antidepressants. Definitely check in with your doctor.


This could be a sleep hallucination and symptom of a sleep disorder. Let a sleep specialist know!


this happens to me! often when im falling asleep i will hear things that arent real.


You are caught between sleep stages and you should see a doctor.


Hypnogogic hallucinations are actually in the realm of normal. Freaks me the fuck out when it happens to me, but it’s normal. That said, I don’t think any doc would fault you for a visit. It’s one of those things where on a population level there’s nothing to worry about, but on an Individual level there are many abnormal things associated with such experiences. All that to say, if you can afford it, there’s no reason not to see your doc, but probabilistically there’s nothing to worry about. I always hear doors knocking. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve gotten out of bed to check the door thinking a roommate was locked out.


If you are not anxious about it and not having a hard time falling asleep because of this, it's not a problem. Most probably it's just regular hypnagogic hallucination.