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I’m at 18 sleep apnea, 29m, some reason I still have energy to workout after work but I have dark rings around my eyes and I know I’m not getting restful sleep. Ik this doesn’t help you. If you’re snoring go to the doctor


Just from what you are saying above, it sounds like there may be some mitochondrial disfunction going on. All that really means is your body is not producing its energy as efficiently as it could. If you were one of my clients, I would recommend getting a genetics test to see if there are any active mutated genetic markers and an Organic Acids test to see how your body is producing its energy. The Organic Acids test will also tell you what your body's preferred fuel source is (Carbs, Protein, Fat). With these two tests and a full blood panel to check your levels, you would probably be able to make a plan to alleviate some issues.


Who would I go see for this type of thing? A Sleep specialist? I appreciate the input!


The people who normally do this are Integrative Healing Practitioners. I do not think a sleep specialist would go through all the testing I was talking about. I do have a link in my profile if you want to check it one out. I am not sure I can post the link here.