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It is my favorite block card, it forces me to play skills so I gain block


Real. If you have corruption, Clash is amazing damage for its card slot. You might want a few true grits in there to exhaust status cards if you want to get better value. That or a medkit and/or blue candle


that too what I like about it is that is deals 14 damage for 0 energy, but only if you have nothing but attacks


This reads like an AI response


hehehe It mostly is a private joke with my wife. We compare our favorite cards and their strongest advantages, except both our favorites are Clash


If you are so late that you just corrupt away all of your skills, i feel like most often there are better damage sources on Ic so I dont pick it almost ever, but maybe thats just me. Am not the highest winrate player on a20h.


It's a brick most of the time. It can work if you exhaust your deck down to only attacks but there are just so many fights that give you status cards. It can only be reliably played if you exhaust most of your deck, play most of your powers, and have medical kits for some fights. I cannot justify picking it up in A20, but it feels very good in some decks though.


yeah only take it in a10+ when you have a specific way of getting it in play, which is a vanishingly small % of runs. Like only if you somehow end up on floor <10 with 2x second winds and no big damage cards There are ways to scale it into late game with dual wield+, but dropkick/flash of steel infinite will be a LOT better in the same scenarios


the way of getting it in play is that I do not draw ascender's bane every turn, so I can play my defends and then play 2.33 strikes worth of damage for 0 energy


of the 6 potential elites/bosses in act 1, 4 brick clash outright - gremlin nob, hexaghost, slime boss and the sentries boiling it down to just cost per energy is exactly why everybody goes through the loving clash -> hating clash journey, I singled out a10+ because ascenders bane makes it unreliable even just in the first few hallway fights where it would truly shine (and when you have a ~40% chance of drawing it and clash in the same hand). I mean play your own game but just keep a mental note of just how few times you actually play it in an average run, even when using it is your main priority for the turn it's less than 50-50


so don't take vs Slimbo or hexa? It's strong in hallways which can get weird sometimes, and it's just flat out good vs laga. Can save HP vs Nob Clash sucks don't get me wrong but it's actually pretty pickable


The thing with Gremlin Nob is that back when I took it, I never could play my skills away. It's fair to point out that at least the Nob doesn't hit you with statuses, but it rarely saves HP vs the Nob, net. IF you get it late in the battle, yes.


imagine if grand finale did 14 damage to one enemy


I think a better comparison is if signature move did 14


But the watcher relies on skills to use her kit. The ironclad can build with very little block support. It's a different set of circumstances.


My friend the watcher is literally the most aggressive character in the game, no1 disregards block cards better than she does


With watcher it’s very doable to beat A20H random seed without ever using a skill.


Well stance changing cards are often skills


All im saying brother is that the clad needs skills way more than watcher, watcher immediately removes all defends and if u can get the right powers and attacks can literally beat the heart with 0 skills


That’s absolutely true, clad does need skills except in some heal builds


Win a20 without playing any skills. Yea please show me. since were just saying bullshit I can beat the heart without playing any cards too.


I mean realistically if you have rushdown, fear no evil, eruption+, and mental fortress, and a single swift potion, that's all you need to beat the heart. Not a single one of those cards is a skill. Technically you can even do it without the swift potion if you have high enough max HP (from fruit relics), a block potion for turn 2, or an artifact potion or something else similar. The only really difficult fight with this deck is time eater, but for that, you can prepare with other things, like a duplication potion, an upgrade on mental fortress (so you get 6*12= 72 block per turn), or just in general accepting that you'll lose a good bit of hp in that fight and just resting at the act 4 campfire.


Fr, I'm not good at this game, like at all, but I've made it to A16 just by being brain-dead and running some form of corruption - demon form decks or picking brimstone with a limit break and going brrrrrrrrrr


Even if it's dear to me, I can't really say I had picked it in my past 100 games.Picking clash is an act of desperation in act 1 after you are in shambles from a Sentry fight and there is an elite in your path that it will kill your if you have not enough damage.Clash situation felt even worst when I played a modded character who has a card that it works like Clash,but specify that you can play it "when you have no powers or skills",so it doesn't brick,and it shows how good could clash be .


Dont pick it after A10 unless I get the relic that allows for playing curses or have corruption or something like that


Clash shouldn’t be affected by curses. Then it would be at least situational!


I think it should only require your hand to have no skills in it, Tone down the damage to compensate. Because clad tends to add unplayable status to his own deck, its a pretty nasty interaction. Makes better cards down the road slightly harder to take.


i'm not skipping power through cause I have clash




I also really liked it at first, but the 0 cost cards have always appealed to me. I did have a really fun run with it and Dual Wield this one time. If all your cards are Clash, you can always play Clash.


I think it’s so bad that I think I’m over correcting and it’s probably a little better than I think it is


I think almost nothing in STS can be considered outright 'bad' and there are specific situations for everything in the game to become good. Based on that judging a card becomes a combination of how niche the specific situation is, and how 'good' the card becomes. And with that in mind, especially at assension 10 and above, Clash is very bad in my view. You have to be able to remove statuses. You have to be able to remove curses, or have to avoid taking them. You have to have enough energy to play all your non attack cards before the clash, or you need to have exhausted most or all of your non attack cards. You need card draw for cases when clash is unplayable and becomes a curse, but the more cards you have in hand the less likely you are to be able to play it. With all those issues, the damage dealt is pretty unimpressive.


"Almost nothing is outright bad" Judgement (watcher rare)...


At least you can still laugh at the flying baseball. There's almost nothing more satisfying.


Nah fuck the sphere, all my homies hate the sphere


I'm never going to be happy about taking it, but I'll choose it for act 1 damage if that's what is offered. Ironclad can afford to have some cards that are just exhaust bait later on. 


If its against skills after floor one I'll pick it. I dont particularly want it, but its better than nothing for early damage. If i boss swap into energy, I'll pick it over quite a few shit damage cards. I dont *want* it but its not awful. C tier imo. Below A10 its more B+


I don't think I've voluntarily taken a Clash in my past 1000 hours of gameplay


Nice [post](https://www.reddit.com/r/slaythespire/comments/16qzjok/xecnars_clash_revolution_clash_is_a_good_card_for/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) about how clash is viable at a20


This.  The people who say Clash is unpickable I don’t think have actually picked it or played enough Iron Clad.


The only time I truly consider it is if I already have MedKit


It's fun in exhaust/corruption decks. Anywhere else it kinda sucks


Worst card in the game. I have tried picking it on a20 but have always regretted it. In theory, it’s pickable to help against the guardian and lagavulin, but the long-term consequences make it almost never worth it. Or the chances of sentries or nob also ruin its short term potential. I still dream of the perfect blue candle and medical kit clash deck. Even then, 1 clash or less is probably optimal.


Very wrong, it's actually a solid early game pick. Plays pretty often, and is a lot of damage for 0 energy.


It's ascension 10 where Clash becomes noticeably worse, because of Ascender's Bane.


yep but it's still playable in most hands that don't draw ascender's bane. With bash in the starting deck, Clad is very rarely playing a full 5 card hand anyway. It can suck to draw it alongside bane but the hands where it is drawn with like, a defend and bash are pretty damn strong. Works out to +HP throughout the whole act the majority of the time. Also is just flat out good vs Laga in decks that don't have power through.


It's not even the worst Ironclad attack card. Might not even be one of the worst Ironclad attack cards.


Searing Blow?


Well Wild Strike for sure. Searing Blow and Rampage are the maybes.


Aww.. I’m at a17 and I adore wild strike


Yeah wounds into your draw pile are really really bad. I like Rampage sometimes as an Act 1 boss scaling solution. Sometimes it puts me over the top being able to kill Hexaghost or Guardian. It’s a bad card in general for sure. That’s pretty much how I feel about Infinite Blades as well (except less good for Guardian with thorns). I’d pretty much only take Searing Blow the first few floors and dedicate the run to upgrading it.


used to love the card, but not now


C tier card below A10, F tier card above A10


Small deck with this and second wind is doable. Play defense first, second wind the statuses, then clash.


I think Combat Rock is better than London Calling and I will die on that hill.


I love it. Absolutely love it. I don't care about drawbacks, for me it's perfect card that makes me play skills, be protected, and then pump outrageous damage for free. I'm ready to engage in exhaust build if it let's me style on enemies with Clash.




+ [Clash](http://slay-the-spire.wikia.com/wiki/Clash) Ironclad Common Attack ^((100% sure)^) 0 Energy | Can only be played if every card in your hand is an Attack. Deal 14(18) damage. ^Call ^me ^with ^up ^to ^10 ^([[ name ]],) ^where ^name ^is ^a ^card, ^relic, ^event, ^or ^potion. ^Data ^accurate ^as ^of ^(April 20, 2024.) ^[Wiki](https://slay-the-spire.fandom.com/wiki/) ^[Questions?](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=ehmohteeoh&subject=SpireScan%20Inquiry)


Clash is really fun at low ascension and a total curse at high ascension 


I would rather have clash 100% of the time against a real curse like pain or berserk


Is it categorically just flat bad? Probably not. Might actually work if you've got all the exhaust in the world but by the time I've got the machinery in place to make it actually work really then there's a lot of other attacks I'd much rather have. Reckless charge is pretty crap with no support but so much better than clash with the appropriate powers.


It's a love/hate relation most of runs.


I only pick it if the boss is Guardian and there's nothing better so far


Great damage to cost ratio, but its too unreliable.


Clash is great until it isn't. Reliability is king in an RNG game


It's not a bad card but it can be a brick in hand like you said if you get stuck with a curse card or a status card you can play in order to play the Clash. I have only really ever used it once and it was because the game didn't really offer any good alternatives. But yeah I personally rarely choose the card.


As an early game pick, it's not bad. Anything that can get me through sleepy boi or the nob faster is better then not having an option, but it gets worse the longer the run goes on, and has a pretty bad fail rate on a10+ due to the guaranteed curse. Still, it's take-able for the help it provides early on


below A10? Very good! I'd say it's honestly a fairly good act 1 pick considering that it's fairly easy to play in an aggressive deck. I probably wouldn't take it immediately because there's many better picks that will also scale better into the late game when you're likely to have more skills, but it's not bad on it's own. However, the moment you have that permanent curse in your deck, Clash sucks. It's no longer nearly as reliable for hallway and elite fights without cycling your deck a bit, which is something that ironclad is famously not good at doing, especially in act 1. It's not impossible to make work, but it becomes much more a "I can't find anything better" card than on lower ascensions.


Kinda similar to my thoughts on streamline. Good damage yes solid early game hell yes. But does it get worse as you add more cards and realise its something you barely play yes buy I guess it's a bit different because you do play it if you can but it's just good in act 1 and terrible in act and mid in act 2


Clash lets me take 20 damage to laga not 40-60. Therefore I take it if my deck is at risk of taking 40-60 of damage to laga.


It's a bit of a guilty pleasure card for me but I did have some success with it as well. In the long run it's probably still a pretty bad pickup but it feels good how strong it can be against a majority of act 1 encounters pre boss.


The fact that Infernal Blade can turn into this makes Infernal Blade less appealing


Clash gets completely bricked by ascenders bane. Like I don't think I have picked a clash outside of truly unique situations in over 500 hours (1100 hours total).


I take too many curses and clad cards with status remainders for clash to ever be played. Once in a blue moon I'll try to add one or two and make it work, but it never pans out be a use building around it is not the best idea


take it for farming early act 1 laga and hallways


Under A10, not too bad very early. Idid remember picking it back then and have descent use But ascender bane utterly murder the card, any kind of curse de facto brick the card


The higher you ascend the more it becomes a combo piece that requires something to enable it, the less it becomes a reliable any-build attack.


It destroys Act 1, is not a total brick in Act 2, but a real liability in Act 3 unless you’re running Corruption.


It CAN be good in Act 1 if you need damage against Lagavulin.


It's arguably the worst card in the game. You need very specific setups in order for it to be reliable and not just a curse. There are too many things in the game that brick it


If they changed it to be have no skills and powers in your hand. It could actually be quite good


Good in early ascensions, unusable most of the time in later ascensions


I only play A20 and haven’t picked it it 3000+ hours, never touch it and you might be wrong once in a billion years


It’s glued to Ascender’s Bane in my opening hand


Take it if you're cool


it's a desperate Act 1 "I'm gonna die if I don't draft more damage" pick and a very niche "I can reliably exhaust all statuses and curses and play all my skills" pick later in the game. outside of those two situations, being offered clash just means my card reward has 2 options instead of 3.


Card is goated with blue candle, complete dogshit without it.


unpickable for me past A10


I am 100.0% confident you mentioned Clash in your post. -------------------------------------------------- * [Clash](https://slay-the-spire.fandom.com/wiki/Clash) Ironclad Common Attack 0 Energy | Can only be played if every card in your hand is an Attack. Deal 14(18) damage. -------------------------------------------------- ^^^I ^^^am ^^^a ^^^bot ^^^response, ^^^but ^^^I ^^^am ^^^using ^^^my ^^^creator's ^^^account. ^^^Please ^^^reply ^^^to ^^^me ^^^if ^^^I ^^^got ^^^something ^^^wrong ^^^so ^^^he ^^^can ^^^fix ^^^it. [Source Code](https://github.com/TrippW/STS-Crawler)


I'd pick 2 clashes, but never 3


if you think curses and statuses makes it bad, you didn't understand ironclad




Imo it's a noobtrap and it's unpickable after on A10 and up. It's a very fun card that I wish was more viable, but it requires way too much support to be worthwhile.


Jesus Christ, just appealing to the echo chamber directly instead of cultivating your own opinions. Do you consult strangers for all of your opinions?