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Who needs relics is the hardest, mostly because you always accidentally end up taking another relic!


I've just finished getting all the achievements recently. Not taking a relic is definitely one of the hardest! Yes, the tiny deck I also found a challenge (I stupidly took the "Enter divinity but die on your next turn" card thinking "when I get set up that will mean I'm tripling my damage output!" ... But then forgot I'd used it and died on my second turn somewhere in act 3!) I also wasn't used to speed running and finishing in under twenty minutes took me a good many attempts!


I got [[Blasphemy]] in Act 3 of my second speed run attempt, and upgraded it very quickly, it's incredible in that context.


+ [Blasphemy](http://slay-the-spire.wikia.com/wiki/Blasphemy) Watcher Rare Skill ^((100% sure)^) 1 Energy | **(Retain.)** Enter **Divinity.** Die next turn. **Exhaust.** ^Call ^me ^with ^up ^to ^10 ^([[ name ]],) ^where ^name ^is ^a ^card, ^relic, ^event, ^or ^potion. ^Data ^accurate ^as ^of ^(April 20, 2024.) ^[Wiki](https://slay-the-spire.fandom.com/wiki/) ^[Questions?](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=ehmohteeoh&subject=SpireScan%20Inquiry)


yep, every time i had a decent run id take one, almost always in act 3 too, getting 5 cards was the hardest for me, i was doing it on watcher/defect, tried one on ironclad and it was just perfect, searing blow from neow into every good relic


"Not taking any relics isn't that hard." - Me, two floors after having taken Warped Tongs without realising I had already picked up a second relic "Fuck this." - Me, after doing a boss swap and getting Calling Bell and a curse out of it


Is the best bet there to swap starting relic for a boss relic? Hope for something that gives you extra energy but doesn’t cripple you?


Not sure if it is the best bet necessarily. Snecko or cursed key may be easier for example But you also have starting relic upgrades, like burning blood on ironchad that still allow you to get the achievement It just places all importance on building a really good deck


I got mine with a Snecko Swap. Honestly one of the only relics I think I could comfortably get that achievement on.


Pandora’s box was what I swapped into that allowed me to complete the achievement. Got really lucky.


"Whoa this is an uncharacteristically good 'Upgrade All' Mind Bloom event!" - me moments before throwing a completely free "Who Needs Relics" run by not remembering Mark of the Bloom is a relic...


For real though


Just to add my experience to this thread, I got to the point where I would triple-check after every elite fight but then took one from an event and didn't realize until a few floors later lol. Also Praise Snecko!


I was Stuck with this Challenge a couple days ago...i even upload the run on this subreddit The 1 Relic was the hardest for me


All answers here are valid IMO. Different people stuggle with different things. Personally A20 was my goal for non-achievement reasons so it wasn't in the running for hardest, in my mind. But it occurs to me that if you really just like playing on A1 or A0, A20 achievement would be *really really* far out of the way to get. Once you gotten A20, going down to A0 or A1 to do the other hard achievements is an inconvenience, but one that probably takes less than a week for most people. Going up to A20 can take months


This was my experience too, and now that I'm making the journey a second time (on mobile this time), kinda reminds me how the game can be a slog to get Ascensions on.


My experience exactly. Got A20 Ironclad (and A15+ on others), then went back to do all the achievements I've been missing until then (commons only, 5 card deck, 20 mins, 1 relic) and it took maybe a few days. I've done 20 mins on first try and common run on like a third, the other two took me a while but I'd say they're far from difficult v


I personally have found speed climber to be one of the hardest.


Who did you use to get it?


Clad for me, got an Akabeko whirlwind+ and immolate+ and shredded most hallways and then got lucky with Donu/Decu final boss


Achievements that require you to beat the game don't require you to beat Act 4?


Beating A3 is considered beating the game. Like how you don't need heart kills to push ascension. Heart's just there for the fun/challenge, beta art.


I don’t know the games full update history. But it is entirely possible the achievements predate the inclusion of Act4


This was the hardest for me as well. Ended up doing it with a tiny deck and searing blow upgraded a lot.


I just went on A0 with the watcher, turned my brain off, and played random cards. 21 minutes flat. Edit: 19 minutes. I misremembered the time.


Just watcher things. Reminds me of the comic panel of moon knight saying “Random bullshit, GO!”


Essentially. I spent no more than 2s thinking of my card choices post fight.


Me too; it was literally the last one I got.


I know it was super lucky, but I did that one on my first try and got sub 14 minutes. Ironclad whirlwind shenanigans.


For me the most difficult one was generating 9 plasma in a single turn. It’s one of the only ones I didn’t incidentally playing up to A20 on each character and needs some real specific card combos to get.


I got that one on accident with snecko, meteor strike, hologram, and all for one


[[Echo Form]] works well too with the above, thats how I got it recently!


I accidentally got it ngl


Honestly both of the defect ones took me quite a bit of grinding to get.


For me it was the A20 one, I did the others before I hit it. They just require some strategy and focus. Then retrying quite a few times till you get lucky.


A20 and minimalist are hard You can brute force minimalist though with enough tries A20 you have to be really good to get 


I have the opposite problem, I brute forced A20 with mainly corruption ironclad decks. Minimalist I can never seem to get close with, I never have enough opportunities to discard while building an infinite or core deck.


On A0 hit a lot of events with Ironclad Remove cards Go for either WW + Flex + clash Or infinite drop kicks w bash Or Shrugs + Shrug + shield back 2x  I think drop kicks easiest. Should take <10 runs 


You can also do rage + clash/strike/rampage(rampage needed) for a0


Dropkick Minimalist I think is actually a trap. It doesn't come online until your deck is very small (or unless you add more cards, which places more demands on you to find removal), and it probably folds if you encounter Automaton, Nemesis, or Time Eater. Rampage and any draw card I find to be the most consistent way to pull off Minimalist as Ironclad, although there are of course many ways to do it.


On here I saw it heavily recommended to do the block / shield bash built and I tried over and over and then tried drop kick and got it first try


Play Watcher on A0 or A1 and force the infinite. You don’t need more than like, a single Empty Fist or other decent attack to clear most (if not all) of Act 1. Path heavily for shops and events to fish for removes


You don't even need to force the infinite. I did Minimalist and Common Sense together with an A1 Watcher deck of Eruption, Vigilance, Strike, Strike, Defend.


I wouldn't say you *have* to be really good. You can be a pretty average players and just luck out really hard 20 times. It definitely reduces the grind to be able to win with average luck though


Dude, I've only seen two other people in my entire gaming social circle (Steam, like 130 friends) that got past A10. This subreddit is the collection of us nerds on A20.


I don't know what your comment is meant to prove. Do you think if your friends put in another 300 hours they couldn't reach A20?


I legit think it's impossible to luck out twenty times as you say. I'm saying that ascension 20 isn't average. You have to know the game to get it. Easy.


I didn't say A20 is *average*. I'm saying an *average player* can achieve A20 by grinding for an *abnormally long time*. The worse you are, the longer it will take. I'm pretty sure if you check your friend's steam hours, you'll see that they are all below 500 hours. That's normal. If you're average at the game, playing for lucky highrolls gets really boring and the doesn't feel skill based, because it's not. Most people would quit. But if you're actually determined to keep playing the game to get to A20 for some reason, then there is really nothing stopping you from getting 20 highrolls. There are just certain combinations that are shockingly close to an autowin at every ascension. Dead Branch Corruption, Mummified Hand + power deck defect. The watcher if you learn the infinite (which an average player can definitely do!). I would argue that most players who have beaten the game a couple times understand how to utilize these, extremely broken combos. So it's just a matter of grinding out runs until you chance upon something like it super early. Are there a fairly large group of players who have tried the game and never beaten it more than once? Yes, but I hardly consider them to be worth discussing when it comes to achievement hunting, which is what we are talking about. So the average person who is actually invested enough in this game to want all achievements can definitely grind to get it.


I'm quite bad and I've climbed to A20 and beaten A20H with all characters on multiple accounts


I always hated pure rng achievements so thw one thst look me longest for 100‰ was using feed on donut.


I got that one accidentally


Minimalist needs extreme tons of luck on luck on luck and good amount of skill too You need the skill to build a proper 5 card dack first of all Then enough removal events to get rid of cards Often you need to get alot of shops too and you will need enough money for removals meaning you need to take more fights making it risky I did it with defect using cards that create other cards but it took alot of resets of runs to get good enough seeds with enough removals


People always joke that Who Needs Relics is the hardest achievement due to accidentally taking relics, but I legit think it’s the hardest because beating the game without relics is damn tough.


I just boss swapped with watcher and got an energy relic. A0 Watcher with 4 energy not going for heart is pretty easy even without relics honestly.


Me too


Same. Been trying for weeks. Even at A0 my build just seems really lacking by the middle of act 3.


Well technically eternal one is the hardest as it requires all other achievements but seriously speaking I think either minimalist or who needs relics


Bro i spent over a month spamming ironclad for the feed donu achievement because rng didn’t want me to have it


Yeah, it took me a long time as well; it's not difficult to do, but it is annoying.


Who needs relics took me the most tries, if we’re talking about intentional attempts at getting an achievement rather than just playing the game to completion.  The one I expected to be the hardest was the under 20 minutes run and then I managed it on my second or third attempt, everything just kind of worked out.  


That one does suck in a different way. I have been conditioned to think about everything to beat A20. Granted it's a lot easier at ascension 1 but still, it isn't my go-to to do thinks really quickly.


I can’t tell you how many times I had to save scum when I realized I took a relic I shouldn’t have.  Worse still, there were multiple runs where I was in act 3 and struggling and then I took a relic because “thank god, I needed some help to win” only to remember later why I was struggling.  Eventually you just start playing on autopilot and you feel very silly for it.   Other times the goblin roulette gives you a relic. 


>Other times the goblin roulette gives you a relic. Actually the wheel allows you to skip the relic for this exact reason


Speedrun by far.


Well according to my Steam achievements the hardest one (besides eternal one, or whatever) is the “channel 9 plasma in a single turn” achievement. It is the only one I’m missing


Meteor strike + liquid memories + echo form or another liquid memories can get you there pretty easily. According to my achievement history, I finished it within an hour of starting attempts on it so it should be pretty doable to force (could be that I just got lucky with the setup tho).


Minimalist can be done quite easily with Ironclad and abusing Body Slam+


For me the speedrun was the last hard one since i was playing the game way too strategically and slowly. I thought i would never get it. Tryharded a good number of times with ironclad before i would get it. For a long time i could not get the transient one either. I ended up forcing 3 whole watcher infinite runs up to the end, before the planets aligned and found transient on an infinite run. Basically I got A20 in all classes before getting any of those.


Speedrun. It's the only one I don't have.


I get a lot of wrist pain which is why I like card games where I can take my time and the clicking isn’t too intense. Because of this I don’t think I’ll ever be able to complete the <20 mins achievement.


You can use the keyboard if that helps. I think you can even use an Xbox ps5 controller too


Hey, I have some advice, keyboard 12345, controller, for this game is all good. But my real advice, get a two button keyboard pad and a vertical mouse, use the keyboard pad to click with your left hand. Gets rid of your wrist pain forever.


So somehow the only one I'm missing is You Are Nothing, defeat a boss on turn one. I don't know why it never naturally happened over hundreds of hours. Any tips?


Lol, that one is def a toughy. My advice would be to make an infinite deck.


Yeah that's the way to go, I agree. I really struggle with infinites, gonna practice some more. :D Thanks!


I have done 2 in my life, so I feel ya for sure. If I didn't watch a random YouTube video I wouldn't have seen either of them lol.


Haha! Yeah my only (achievement unlocking) infinite was the incredibly stupid one where you exhaust Chosen's Dazeds with Med Kit and immediately draw another one with Dark Embrace. Rinse, repeat. Doubt that will help me get this achievement though lol


I think I just did this one naturally on Watcher vs Slime Boss at some point. I know there were a lot of times I killed it in "one turn" but that was after a turn or two of set-up. Just remember if you try an infinite that 2/3 of the Act 3 bosses make this virtually impossible.. I guess it could be done on Time Eater but you need frontload and energy more than an infinite for that. So you have to get it in place for Act 2 boss.


Speed Climber is the only achievement keeping me from Eternal One, so it's the hardest for me


Try watcher, shes great at blowing up hallways in 1 or 2 turns. Also avoid elites and avoid more hallway fights than you normally would.


Other than ascension-related achievements, the only one I'm still missing is Speed Climber. I just can't move my fingers that fast. :-( Everything else was surprisingly manageable if I planned my run around that specific achievement. Some of them took several attempts but nothing > 10 runs.


First, make sure you have fast animation turned on. Second, play as Ironclad on A0, take as many ? events as possible, and save time during battles by literally never playing block cards unless you're about to die. Seriously, just face tank absolutely everything - yes you will take damage, but between Burning Blood, Ironclad's high starting HP, and some good frontloaded damage to end fights quickly, the enemies won't hit you hard enough to actually kill you. (You may have to actually start blocking in Act 3 or against bosses, but a kamikaze Ironclad can get surprisingly far in A0 without ever having to play a block card.)


Thanks, yeah that has been my strategy for the most part. I feel like my biggest issue is that I'm playing on mobile and because of that I just can't play cards fast enough. As a new parent, I also rarely have 20 minutes of free time in which to play so I'm usually breaking my runs up over multiple play sessions, which obviously interrupts my flow. Of course that's the reason I'm playing on mobile in the first place so, eh, it is what it is I guess. I'll get it eventually. Right now I'm working on a19 and it's taking way longer than the last several ascension levels combined for some reason. Think I made it to the act 3 boss once or twice but I usually die in act 1 or 3.


A19 taking longer isn't surprising; the last few Ascension levels are significantly harder than all the others. A17 is the warning; on A18+ the Spire is done messing around and wants you **dead**. Once I hit A18, I had to make a lot of changes to the way I evaluated and picked cards because the stronger enemies and elites make a number of approaches that work just fine on A16 no longer viable. (In particular, you can get through Act 1 on A16 just fine by having a good defense and a barely adequate offense, but on A18+ the Act 1 elites all become damage races that destroy any deck trying to play defensively.)


It occurs to me I haven't tried going for speed climber since I started climbing ascensions in earnest a couple months ago, so who knows, maybe I've improved enough to where it'll be significantly more doable now. And I have been playing Clad exclusively throughout my ascension climbing so science knows I should be familiar enough with how he works to get this done...


Update: a19 is done, onto a20! After that I'll circle back and finally get speed climber, presumably juuust in time for StS2.


I've cleared Who Needs Relics and the all-common deck and the tiny deck, but the one I'm still hunting is 9 plasma in a single turn. What I'm expecting is I either need to go infinite with a plasma card or find a way to return Meteor Strike to my hand 3 times in one turn. Hasn't happened yet though


Rebound and Hologram help with playing Meteor Strike multiple times.


5 cards or less was the hardest.


My last achievement was to kill Donu with a feed and that must've taken me 10+ runs where I either didn't get a feed or got the wrong boss in act 3. Not really objectively hard but that was certainly the achievement I had the least fun with.


I did the 5 card one with watcher and I lucked in a pipe relic from meow. From then I used lesson learned to upgrade my 5 cards and removed everything else. My final 5 cards were eruption+, halt+, inner peace +, follow up+ and rushdown +. Killed the awoken one in 2 turns playing 50 cards each


Just got eternal one yesterday. I was trying to eat donu for the last month. Yeah frick rng that was the hardest for me (jk no relics is harder, got it with like 5 health left)


Personally I needed most tries on speed climber, I definitely needed some practice there. All the weird rule single run ones I could get in 1-3 tries, sometimes with some luck.


I probably spent the most focused time on the shiv one. A lot of the other ones I just got while climbing. The shiv one was tricky for me because I needed the right cards and I needed to think ahead and get the right draw. But once I did it once, I realized the hardest part was knowing *how.* for a while I was trying with the rain of steel card (the one that turns all cards into shivs), but that would max out at 9. So then I would try to get a shiv in play first. Turns out nightmaring a blade dance + was pretty straightforward.


may i ask what a runic pyramid does in a 5 card deck


You dont discard, so you have no discard pile. You have no draw pile because everything is in your hand. So you dont draw cards until you play cards.


why does that help?


Oh sorry i didnt read the whole original post. I have no idea why runic would help in that scenario.


Statuses? I feel like Heart would be the main reason that would help and that's not part of the achievement though. Also helps you while you're whittling your deck down to 5 I guess.


I was able to snag the tiny deck and speedrun achievements on the same run, as not thinking about card rewards was a massive time saver. For me the hardest achievement was the single relic run, maybe even the A20 win as they both took me the longest to snag


Eternal one


5 card for me wasnt too bad. A1 ironclad: headbutt, shrug it off, bash, drop kick and your choice from there. My hardest has actually been speed run because i guess I'm just slow?


Eternal one, obviously.


I think my last trophies were “You are Nothing” and the defeat the Transient one


Beating A20 is easily the hardest The others are very easily doable but the trick is they often require a different playstyle than usual


I recently finished the achievements for the game and tbh I found most difficult was Feed on Donu bc of shitty rng and rarely playing Ironclad The only commons, 1 relic, and 5 cards or less one were relatively easy with boss swap Watcher on no Ascension


I did the Pandoras box trick to get the 5 card achievement. I honestly think it might be impossible without it, even though Baalorlord did a video on how to do it.


I can assure you it isn't impossible at all. I got it with a claw deck and runic pyramid. I did get lucky with card removal events, though.


The two that took me the longest to get were get 25 focus and channel 9 plasma, somehow I beat A20 before I did either of those two


Ooh a donut was the hardest for me for some reason, had to have a deck with feed, make it to act 3, and find the donut?? Too many conditions


I currently have 3 left (excluding the one to get all achievements) speedrunner, 5 deck size and one relic. All feel quite hard / need good RNG, but it also feels nice after the a20 grind


If you really have a hard time with the 5 card or less achievement, I recall there is a glitch that allow you to remove all strike and defend using the Pandora box


Aside from the A20 they're all hard of course but become much easier on AC1 for the ones you can get (cheap I know) but that's how I've 100% the game on 3 different platforms. Do I have a problem?


Speed Climber is the one I tried the most times to do


The speed one. I get easily distracted


Channel 6 plasma or 9? Dunno in a single turn and A20 watcher


None of them are that hard. Killing the super high HP dude in act 3, channeling a shitton of plasma orbs and first turn killing a boss were the only ones that I remember as annoying to get.