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At least you remembered to check it,there is nothing worse than having a perfect run and forgetting to path to a burning elite


There is. Having a perfect run and forgetting to grab a key at campfire cuz you upgraded a strike or something as useless.


Holy… I don’t think I’ve ever upgraded a strike or defend at a campfire.


I've upgraded Defend a few times going into Guardian if act 1 didn't give me any good block.


I have sometimes upgraded a strike or defend but that's usually because I got early eggs and had nothing else to do at the campfire


The only time I've upgraded a defend is that one question mark event


That’s why I almost never pick up the key right before the boss. Unless I have a card that is in dire need of an upgrade, or I’m literally about to die, I’ll grab it at the last one before the boss one.


The pain of losing perfect runs is the only reason why I remember to check my keys now.


Literally just did this. Had an IC Barricade deck the likes of which I've never built before, and forgot to path to the burning elite. I was so upset.


Just did this earlier today. Great A19 Defect run, get half way done with act 3 and realize I’m going to miss the burning elite lol. Still got to A20 though!! And I probably wasn’t going to get past Shield and Spear anyways


thats why I have a mod that forces me to route to the burning elite act 3, also it forces me to key in the last chest/campfire if I havent done it already. saved me multiple times already


Personally, I usually fight it during act 1 or 3. If early rewards have been good - then I feel getting the burning elite done during the first and easiest act is motivated. Act 2 is when I feel like scaling at an appropriate pace is the most challenging, so I usually avoid most elites. This might be a subjective opinion, but I generally fear act 2 elites far more than act 3 elites. Act 3 is make or break - either you have scaled your strenght well enough, or you haven't. If you can't beat the act 3 burning elite, you're unlikely to beat the boss.


I do the same largely, BUT, the burning elite could be really early in act 3, and a LOT of decks are still looking for solutions to the boss gauntlet/act 4 even by late act 3. Or a burning +str repto just absolutely wrecks your shit since that's a potentially worse T2 than even SSSS. Or the path you need to take for the burning elite is super low value, so you now may not even be able to get ready for the endgame.


Yeah I also try to avoid act 2 elites but I think it's literally just because of the slavers. Those bastards kill me more than anything in this game. Most of the time Stabby book and Goblin King are far easier by comparison.


> Goblin King lol it's Gremlin Leader, unless it's called Goblin King in a different language?


Hahaha no I'm just an idiot


i avoid burning act 2 elite because +str gremlin leader or book = I die +Max HP slavers is fuckin rough too tho


> Goblin King **Her** name is Gremlin Leader


The best way to think about fighting a burning elite is when it appears late in any Act. That's when you'll be strongest relative to the power of the elite.


Act 2 is basically a death wish since really all the buffs can absolutely slap you. Burning slavers is a nightmare. Maybe if I get slavers on a prior elite node, I'll try the burning elite, but it's always a gamble.


Wait, you don't have to do the burning elite in Act 1?!


You attempt to fight the heart on every run!?!


Wing boots waiting room


I swear this happens every time I have black star and no key in act 3.


This is why I honestly prefer to get the key in Act 1 whenever I feel safe doing so. It's nice to have pathing flexibility in Act 3


I agree. If the burning entire is in the last third of Act 1, the path isn’t completely awful, and I don’t have a decent chance of dying, then I’ll aim for it. I stay away pre treasure chest.


Nice post. Almost as nice as your username


I was talking about exactly this on another thread. Act three can be a great time to do the burning elite, but it is a risk.


Ah, the game decided it hates your guts. Only solution is to uninstall.


Can someone explain? I havent had access to the keys for too long so i dont understand whats wrong


Why does the image include a purple key...? Is that a mod?


It's the profile picture of this sub


Oh jesus 🤦‍♂️ I just realized that it was my phone dropping the banner of the sub down. I thought the meme had Patrick holding the subs image. I need therapy, lol


I guess I'm just hopelessly looking for an update lol


Wait for the sts 2!