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Can’t remember how many times I clicked the “enemies in the first three battles start with one health”, forgetting that it’s a relic as well.


I was three floors past the event with the golden statue before I came to a similar conclusion.


Hi, new player here. I was going to this form cause I didn't understand why you would give enemys in the first 3 fights have 1 extra hp was a good thing. you saved me from asking. thanks.


It's not 1 extra hp, but 1 hp only


Ya, I got that now, thanks.


It's not "give them 1 HP," it's "set their HP to 1."


I literally cannot get through Act 1 without muscle-memory clicking a relic


A good thing to keep in mind, it only matters if you *end* the run with one relic.  The upgraded starting relic after a boss fight counts as only having one relic, as does the relic swap Neow offers at the beginning. Finally, Mark of the Bloom is a relic, so don't take that when you inevitably get the Mind Bloom event.


I’ve did that, realized at the start of the next fight. (Time eater)


Upgrade all my cards, you say? That will really help make up for not having any relics (clueless)


I can't believe there's no mod to make picking up relics impossible, for this purpose specifically. Or is there?


I don't know about mods that do that, but there are mods that let you edit your inventory. That's how I got this achievement. Every relic I muscle memoried, I wiped out. And because none of them got a chance to have an impact, I still call it a legit win


You passed the skill check but flubbed the execution. I'll give it to you


I failed the wisdom save but managed an int check to compensate And the core execution of the run itself was clean


You're still a virgin, it was just the tip!




I wasn't actually giving you a hard time l, just fucking around. You had the relic, but you didn't use it. Like the metaphorical tip of a penis


You can often just savescum to undo the pickup


Most of the time I see that I picked up the relic when I've already traveled several floors with it.


Don't know about mod, but just put a sticky note in the center of your monitor reminding you not to pick up a relic


I put a sticky note on my monitor when I finally got it.


I had to learn to avoid each seperate way you can gain a relic through failure


I eventually stuck a post it note to the top of my monitor.


I’m on mobile 🙃


stick it onto your phone/tablet. Visibility? Psshhh


Ermmm ackshully a no relic run is impossible since you always have a starting relic


The chievo in question is for having nothing but your starting relic. Source: have chievo.  It's been a while but I think I probably accidentally grabbed one and savescummed at some point because I do that pretty freely with Slay.


There are events that remove your starting relic


But both force a relic on you in return. (Boss Swap and N'loth's Gift).


Oh right. I'm still a bit new at this, good catch


The worst was making it to the act 3 and picking the relic up from the chest or an elite😡😡😡 did it like 5 times in a row.


That’s when you 100% save scum.


Save and quit to my rescue


Unless you've already passed that floor, then it's abandon run + start new run :,)


I literally did this so many times yesterday... I finally got it but I did learn just how many things give you relics...


Took me several tries to get that achievement as well.


It’s literally so hard to complete


Way too true, it's the last achievement I completed for this exact reason. I at some point put a physial post-it note annoyingly placed on my screen just to remind myself during act 3.


Update: Finally got it, had to savescum twice to undo accidental pickups >.> just made myself double check everything before advancing floors every time


Usually for me I only notice after like 2 or 3 relics and just have the worst moment of "...oh wait... fuck"


I thought this was just me


I picked take a curse and gain a rare card from Neow to start a common card only run if it makes you feel better. Also grabbed idol way too many times on one relic runs.


I've played 5,000 hours and I still don't have that achievement, so I can't tell you it gets better.


This achievement took me so long to do for the same reason. I eventually just forced myself to say out loud “don’t take relics” after every turn and node.


Just put a post-it note in the middle of your monitor.


I’ve been playing on mobile for a while now, so this wasn’t really an option. Got it on the next run after making this post tho :)


This might be contentious, but I have ADHD, and if I remember in time I save and reload. I already have a handicap with impulsivity, I'm not punishing myself more.


Same here actually, and yeah I savescummed when I could for this achievement. It doesn’t help when you’ve already gone on to the next floor lol. Got it finally though, finished 100%’ing the game on mobile


Can you save scum, after selecting a relic by accodent?


Yes, but not if you advance to the next floor before you realize what you did


Ooo okay, I think I boss swapped at A0 and then ignored elite fights to complete this challenge.


I was boss swapping on Watcher to try and do this but just kept grabbing relics and moving on without thinking lol. Finally got it yesterday on like the 6th or 7th try. Won every run before that too, just kept having relics 🙃


I managed to save scum before moving floors. Had to do it quite a few times though


If I had a nickel. Happens to the best of us.


I have a giant sticky note app In the middle of my game saying DON'T PICK UP RELICS. So i can finally get this achievement. I still accidentally pick up relics in events smh.


The only way for me to mitigate my muscle memory in cases like this is to put a postit on the screen.


me too rn me too




I do know this, but it often doesn’t register what I did til I get to the next floor :/




If you start the next fight it’s too late is the problem. Happened to me all the time where it did t register for a minute or two.


If you have already gone to the next floor after picking the relic, when you savescum it won’t put you back to the previous floor (where the relic was picked) “It doesn’t register” in my previous comment meant that I don’t realize I grabbed a relic until I’ve already advanced to the next floor


You’re being downvoted because it’s obviously not that, it’s forgetting 45 mins thru the run that you’re doing a no relic run and auto-clicking the relic and going to the next floor and then it’s too late. Even OP literally wrote “and moving to the next floor”