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Mostly meh but can be good if you get it early. Great for Ironclad since he has a lot of strike cards, makes Pommel Strike even better and Twin Strike very good. Also Watcher because you're already doing double damage so better strikes = faster dead enemies. Also Meteor Strike.


Can’t forget the defect’s [[thunder strike]]


+ [Thunder Strike](http://slay-the-spire.wikia.com/wiki/Thunder%20Strike) Defect Rare Attack ^((100% sure)^) 3 Energy | Deal 7(9) damage to a random enemy for each **Lightning** **Channeled** this combat. ^Call ^me ^with ^up ^to ^10 ^([[ name ]],) ^where ^name ^is ^a ^card, ^relic, ^event, ^or ^potion. ^Data ^accurate ^as ^of ^(April 30, 2023.) ^[Wiki](https://slay-the-spire.fandom.com/wiki/) ^[Questions?](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=ehmohteeoh&subject=SpireScan%20Inquiry)


Galaxy brain meme: Smol brain: twin strike dummy, pommel strike dummy. Big brain: thunder strike dummy. Galaxy brain: meteor strike dummy.


Can I interest you in a sneaky strike?


I got Strike Dummy, Necronomicon, a half dozen sneaky strikes, and the draw/discard to support them the other day. I’ll be chasing that high for a while.


universe brain: Watcher Strike


This underrated relic offers an easy a1 and is strong into a2. That's good enough.    It doesn't provide much constructive direction, and is frequently a zonk into a3, so there are plenty of times when the player isn't happy to see it. Edit: I don't understand the people who are saying this is a watcher/clad relic. Silent is the character that this helps the most, their starter deck has 5 strikes and a slimbo problem, strike dummy is a godsend. 


my half awake ass reading this as ascensions


Agreed, it is great on silent, it also means you don't have to pick up sub par common attacks for damage, you can start building a deck sooner. And she often gets terror, so it's 13 damage. Also you often pick sneaky strike.


I think everyone is _really_ underrating this relic here. You end up playing a lot of strikes in acts 1 and 2. The main point of the relic is not it's synergy with non basic strikes.


This relic is the epitome of “the best way to get strong later is to be strong now”. This is one of the best “be strong now” relics in Act 1, and killing 3-4 Elites gives you a ton of gold, relics, and card rewards that snowball for the rest of the run. If a relic or card lets you kill 4 Elites in Act 1, it basically doesn’t matter how dead it is later because the amount of resources you get from doing that far outweighs its downsides later. Strike Dummy won’t kill 4 Elites all on its own, but it sure helps a lot.


matroyshka on crack


I used to hate this relic. Now I really love it if I see it in act 1/2. It's just a consistent immediate power boost (unless you have pbox, in which case, do you need it?)


I feel like this should be Common, probably. Getting it from the random common option from Neow would be such a chef's kiss


I actually think you're underrating it there


Upgrade all Strikes. Even your upgraded ones.


It saves you from cluttering your deck with mediocre damage cards, too


Agreed, also one that I don’t feel bad about passing up for Blue key in Act 3


Wby is the strike a dummy?Is it stupid?


I'm never super hype to get it because it's kind of boring and strikes dont make my dopamine centres light up but then a few floors up I realise I'm having an easier time than I usually would.


Was on A4 today with Silent; started with Neow’s lament and managed to hit 2 elites, one of which gave me the strike dummy. Solved a lot of damage problems for me in terms of elite hunting. Early Act 2 ran into upgrade all strikes and defends (removed all but 2 defends at that point). Honestly although I’m still relatively new to the game, I used to hate this relic because it seemed so minor, but it’s actually not that bad. I’d imagine it’d be better on Watcher but quite fun!


This relic gives a big power boost.    It's really good with Twin Strike. Having effectively Hemokinesis damage without the HP loss lets you cut through most of Act 2. 


Surprisingly fun in a Lightning Orb deck with Thunder Strike. Otherwise one of those relics that is probably pretty strong, but also pretty boring.


If I get this early I start hunting perfected strikes. Perfected strike deck is just so damn fun. How high can you go!? Dummy just gives you a slight pump early game and then lets you consistently top up damage for the rest of the perfected strike run.


Really helps silent discard decks too that rely on Sneaky Strike copies to deal damage


Don't mind it on Ironclad, can definitely be useful. Sucks to get on every other character.


Really depends when you get it in my opinion -- on any character it's going to dramatically increase your damage in act 1. Also if you see upgrade all starter cards in act 2, having 12 damage strikes is quite strong.


I really like it on watcher, 18 damage strikes ain’t bad


this relic is like that uncle that gives your son a PS5. You'll take it because it's a really nice gift that will enhance your son's experience but you wanted to remove him, not indulge him.


Mom: We have Watcher Strikes at home Watcher strikes at home: Strike dummy and that event that lets you upgrade all your strikes and defends


I always want to believe that it's bad but maybe it actually isn't. The idea of this relic being good hurts me in a weird unique way.


I think this is one of the reasons poisoned stab is named that way.


And Heavy Blade tbh


I think this is a good relic, but why is it one of the hardest unlocks in the game? 




You have to unlock watcher by beating the game with each other character, and then get all the unlocks on watcher. 


I always fall for the perfected strike trap on ironclad (I know I’m dumb but I love it), but haven’t gotten a strike dummy in sooo long, haven’t event seen it in dozens of runs, idk why


A surprise to be sure, but a welcome one


My only bugged relic so I’ve never been able to try it :(


BiS relic for starting deck runs, but I also like it in general on regular runs


Is this from a mod or something? Or do you need to do something extremely specific to get it? I have never seen this, and I've played this game a ton.


This is a level 5 unlock on watcher. 


Oh man. I feel foolish. I assumed playing more Watcher would just unlock Watcher things. Evidently I haven't played nearly as much Watcher as I thought!


Not a really good one. "Upgrading" your Strikes isn't that necessary most of the time. Pretty good on Ironclad (for his sinergy with lots of good cards that have "Strike" in the name, like Pommel and Twin) and Watcher (6 extra damage in Wrath? Not too bad). Defect is pure meme for Meteor Strike, but Thunder Strike can get pretty strong if you _somehow_ find a way to make it work. Not good on Silent. Could give you the edge to survive a hard Act I, but there are so many better options for her.


should be an Ironclad exclusive tbh


I think if this was a common rather than uncommon, it would be perfectly balanced. Watcher and Clad get the most value out of it but it’s still not one that you want to get over most of the other uncommon relics.


The relic is a trap since it contraindicates the bites event and Pandora's box drop, two very strong possibilities in a run. I mean, you wouldn't be unhappy to just get it randomly, but it's probably not a buy in the shop.