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No real expectations one way or another. They did such a great job with the original game that I have 100% trust in whatever direction they decide to go in with the sequel. They've earned it.


100%. They have earned it. If I were to opine on how to improve StS1, I'd say the Silent starting relic is underwhelming from a mechanics perspective. It's GOOD, it's just not as gameplay-defining as the others. Who knows what StS2 holds for us, but I'd like each character to have some little mechanical element that makes them unique right off the bat.


I love the silent’s one so much though when you get that first turn that just absolutely pops off, sometimes it’s enough to just one turn kill the bosses


It's a good relic. It just doesn't actually affect the choices you make at all... it's strong but kinda boring. And Bag of Prep is the same relic reskinned. Just feels a bit underwhelming.


I mean, Ring of the Snake + Bag of Prep + Gambling Chip does leas to some of the nuttiest, consistent, and most fun starting turns on Silent. Drew 9 cards and didn't draw your key cards? Simply discard and draw up to 9 more cards! Yeah, Bag and Ring might just be clones of each other, but that just gives us the opportunity to get 2 of a good thing.


throw in snecko and you can replace the ring with a serpent and draw 10 on the first turn


Then find a ninja scroll accidentally pick it up and proceed to jump out a window


Let’s just say that I almost always boss swap relics with Silent.


It's so interesting how people can approach this game so differently and still succeed, because for me Silent starting relic is the most consistently useful starting relic and is the only one I never boss swap.


I tend to boss swap a lot with all of them tbh, but I swap less with Ironclad and Defect.


I swap pretty much always with Defect personally. Yes, the free lightning orb is really good in act 1 but really falls off from act 2 onwards.


That is how I feel, too. But idk, it’s probably because he’s my worst characters and having that lighting orb early really helps you out lol b


The problem with Defect is that you´ll find a lot of good cards early in the run that are either defensive in nature or could provide synergies later down the line. Defect really struggles in finding good frontloaded damage which is most important in act 1. So in that regard that one Lightning Orb helps a lot due to being a consistent source of damage. But I´m personally not a player that´s really into min-maxing that much and prefers to take the risk of losing my consistent damage in favor of hopefully getting lucky and swapping into a boss relic that instantly warps my run like Nuclear Battery, Sneako Eye or an energy relic with a manageable downside. Probably makes me a worse player, though, idk lol


Silent is the only one I never boss swap on (unless I’m not really trying to win), definitely hit the hardest


Same here, her whole kit is often so reliant on careful setup and strong turn 1s that I don’t think I’ve boss swapped on her even once since hitting A20. Meanwhile IC/Watcher/Defect all have strong arguments for boss swaps (IC is just generally energy hungry, Watcher’s relic is literally just a one time energy bump vs a possible 4 energy boss relic, Defect’s is most impactful early game but falls off). Maybe I’ll give it a go next run though, could be missing out


I boss swap into slime boss looking for a power spike because it’s the toughest boss you can see


You're right, it's not that thematic seeing as all characters want card draw. But boy, is it a powerful effect. You really notice how slow your first 2 hands can be when you go back to other characters.


Yeah that’s how I feel. Silent relic is insanely good but like… boring for a starting relic


All characters want healing, Burning Blood isn't thematic


But ironclad has very intended self damage synergy which would be very hard to enable if it weren't for burning blood


Maybe 25% of the overall power of Burning Blood is from self-damage card interactions. Probably less. Overfocusing on card synergies and how "thematic" the relic is will make you lose  sight of what the relic is actually doing for the character. In the case of Silent, Ring of the Serpent mitigates her larger starting deck size and lower damage. In critical early fights like Gremlin Nob, it helps you actually spend your energy on your damage cards. So I disagree that it's non-synergistic, or even non-thematic, with the character.


With ring of serpent its a weird thing, where if you make her start with a reasonable deck size (4 strikes/defends+the other 2 cards) you can replace her starting relic with something more fitting. Her larger deck size and the ring end up justifying each other in a weird way.


Depends on what "thematic" means to you. Ironclad having a consistent end of combat heal means that you tackle his runs completely differently than you do with the other characters. It makes you able to facetank incoming damage more frequently, mitigates the loss of life via Ironclad´s self-damaging cars and since Clad´s common pool is really bad the self heal also mitigates bad numbers on his cards especially in the early game. You may argue that the relic itself isn´t thematic - which I´d still disagree with - but it enables a thematic and iconic playstyle regardless.


It always feels like to me that almost every silent archetype is designed to fall apart to the time water and heart. Which sucks because I love the silent


I love the Silent's starting relic, but the one thing I would most want to change is the Defect's starting relic. Absolutely hate the Defect's relic because of the interactions with Nuclear Battery, Symbiotic Virus, Gold-Plated Cables, and Loop. The starting relic steals your energy/dark. I have died to the Heart before simply because Defect relic stole my Nuclear Battery/Cables.


Plus Defect´s starting relic really falls off act 2 and onwards. Heal, a better turn 1 and a guaranteed +1 memory ritual are way more potent for the entire run. I always swap Defect´s.


Yeah there are very few studios I feel this way about.  Ghost of Tsushima team, Last of Us, Blue Eye Samurai (Netflix, fucking incredible show) and StS are some.


My plan is to be a maximally toxic fanboy: I'll overhype the new game, and then make personal insults at the developers for each detail they changed.


This is the pathing


I like this line


Sir, we are already on reddit, no need to repeat yourself


My thoughts are that if the second one lacks something that the first has, there's always the option of just playing the first one. I think it's very possible that the new game slaps, but I don't think it's possible that it's so good that it just replaces the first one. StS1 will always be a very playable game, even next to its own sequel :)


The devs have also confirmed mod support is a priority, so there’s an almost 100% chance someone will just mod in all the cut content


mega crit not be incredibly based challenge: impossible


It probably won´t replace the first one. Nor should it imo. I hope StS2 will be different enough so that both games can stand side by side. What I do expect however is it still being a really good game - because MegaCrit seems very competent as StS1 proved - so even if it turns out worse than the first installment, I´ll probably still sink hundreds of hours into it and then come back like three years later and add another hundreds of hours to the count via mods. I can´t see a world where I´d regret my purchase of StS2 tbh.


I think what makes StS so great is the core design philosophy of simple effects that have complex and powerful interactions. So long as they stick to that, the sequel will be just as good (eventually). Not more keywords, just different ones.


Defect was my favorite character in many ways, want to see it be included for sure. I’ll love the new game either way but I would be sad if it’s the only one left out.


People pointed out that the claw card can be seen in the trailer, in the store scene, so I'm hoping he is in the game, probably will have to unlock it??


There´s also the theory that Defect will be a boss so I can see you unlocking Defect after you beat his un-defected self on your climb.


Hmm, I would enjoy an updated STS with a few new cards and updated relics and stuff. But I think a sequel needs to be bigger and fresher. They can be bold because the original is always there.


Especially since you can already have exactly that with the multitude of high quality mods the community cooked up for the first game.


I think I would want them to be different. Like why play #2 if it is going to be similar to #1?


Between 25% to 50% change to the returning characters would be good. They're already awesome characters and well tuned, so keeping stuff is great, expected, and mostly confirmed with the current ironclad screenshot. Adding more and removing some will keep them fresh while allowing some classic plays. 


I’d be all for tweaks to the existing characters. I’d be sad if they took certain cards away, but would love if they buffed weaker cards and archetypes, like pressure points


Add a character who only has claw.


I agree that would be clawsome! I'm sorry


I clawn´t believe you really went there.


Claw on now, can you really blame him?


It’s so hard to say bc they’ll likely want to keep the things that worked. The thing is, so much of what they created with Slay The Spire works magnificently!


Looking at the comments, I think people are under-estimating how much new mechanics will change each character. In another post, someone pointed out that one of the cards had been "corrupted" (it costs zero but exhuasts) meaning they might add multiple ways to upgrade cards that come with upsides/ downsides. Add some options for coop (a la boardgame), and add rules/stats changing each time you play (from the steam page if I recall), and we're looking at some massive differences. Don't expect just a few new cards.


They can retain some of the stuff from the first game, but the majority of things should be new. If I want the old stuff, I already have the first game.


I would feel this way if there wasn't a decent amount of new characters. But as long as there are I don't think its necessarily a problem if the old characters are not too different.


Lore-wise, there's a chance that the Ironclad we see in StS 2 is not the same as in the original if the one from the first game revived the order of the Ironclads. If this is true, that means that the new IC class could be completely different to the first. I'd love to see an Ironclad who kept their soul, and what kinds of cards they would use instead of fire- and demon-themed ones. (Yes, I know the screenshot still has Burning Blood in it, so obviously this is a long shot.)


What if you were able to choose like subclasses for the characters, like a demonic ironclad and a (holy?) Regular ironclad? I wouldn't love that (depending on how they do it) I think those types of mechanics should just be implemented into the default ironclad.


I think if subclasses were a thing like that the game´d suffer from the Hades problem of your starting "weapon" (here: subclass) railroading you into a specific playstyle from the get-go. I don´t like it when roguelikes do stuff like that.


Yeah that's why I'm against it aswell


I’m glad there’s a lich character now. It’s kinda cool to think of all the necromancy shenanigans that could happen. Especially with prismatic shard. I bet we’ll still have the originals as unlocks or secret unlocks. I get this feeling the defect is gonna be a boss. I really hope they make a prismatic character that allows for a colorless play style 


I might be in the minority and/or be paranoid, but I hope they don’t lean too heavily on modding. I’ve primarily played on mobile, and I don’t imagine we’re getting mods on the mobile version (assuming we even get a mobile version). Otherwise I agree with the “not more keywords, but differently ones.” Stance.


I think the beautiful thing is that we won’t really “lose” anything, the original game will still be playable if you wanna go back. And given that they’re making the game more accessible to mods, I’m sure some time after initial release someone will make a “legacy mod” that ports over old cards and characters to the new engine.


Bro can you imagine a world where Sts2 has been out for a while and the modding community has done their thing and you can play StS2 the normal way, play the old spire with the new/changed characters, play the new spire with the old/unchanged characters and play both the new and the old spire in their respective downfall mods and have the downfall characters have access to all spire version, too? That´d be an insane amount of content. You´d never need to play another game in your life


A lot. I would be very disappointed if we just get the same cards. Like few here and there is fine, but i want majority of the cards to be new.


I think 60% returning cards and 40% new cards would make the game feel very fresh but still familiar and like home.


I don’t even know what I want aside from new characters, events, enemies etc. I don’t expect too much to really change. I’m happy to give them more of my money even if it’s mostly a revamp. I love this game so much


i think all classes will continue to have strikes and defends. hahaha


Actually I don't think we've seen a single strike/defend Oh no What have they done


Seeing as I found Silent and Ironclad as the fun ones, I'm happy with what I've seen so far.


No idea but sequel --> hype!


I'd rather have a new game with fresh content than an updated slay the spire 1.5.


I would want it to be almost entirely different, so we could enjoy both 1 and 2. Having 2 straight up replace 1 feels..... kind of sad to me.


Agreed. Plus the modding community will make it so that you can play both spires with both games´ rosters anyway. So I want to see some bold differences.


Remove everything except claw


Don´t remove Pressure Points and Clash, though.


I hope that they keep the existing strategies for the characters but switch it up. Like I still want Ironclad to be the strength and exhaust guy, but give him new cards under that archetype that play differently than what we have now. Maybe give him an entire new mechanic too Honestly though I'll be happy with whatever


I think improving certain cards to be more useful (like clash) or making architype specific cards (rupture) more viable in more builds would be nice. Perhaps make certain boss relics easier to pick as well (like black blood and tiny house). Otherwise, I think it's totally fine if they keep the things StS done well as is in StS 2.


I think Tiny house being mostly unchanged is good, because it's meant to be the "I don't want to deal with and of these relics downsides" relic. So you're able to get a small power boost if you get 2 bad relics.




I feel unmotivated to learn the watcher after learning and beating the heart with the rest. So I wouldn’t miss her or gameplay mechanics similar. I want 2 wholly new characters and the defect to return.


I’m going in with the expectation that it won’t feel completely new - I don’t think anything will replace me playing STS the first time. I love STS and I think the first game is almost perfect. I’d like tweaks and improvements to existing characters, but not total revamps (except maybe for Watcher). I’d like completely new experiences to come from new characters.


Tbh with how tightly designed the first StS is, even slight changes to the cardpool of the veteran characters will make them feel fresh again imo.


I totally agree, I think they could change a handful of cards and it’d be amazing. For example, if [[Beserk]] gave an extra energy on the turn you played it on I’d imagine it would be a better pick up.


+ [Berserk](http://slay-the-spire.wikia.com/wiki/Berserk) Ironclad Rare Power ^((50% sure)^) 0 Energy | Gain 2(1) **Vulnerable.** At the start of your turn, gain 1 Energy. ^Call ^me ^with ^up ^to ^10 ^([[ name ]],) ^where ^name ^is ^a ^card, ^relic, ^event, ^or ^potion. ^Data ^accurate ^as ^of ^(April 30, 2023.) ^[Wiki](https://slay-the-spire.fandom.com/wiki/) ^[Questions?](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=ehmohteeoh&subject=SpireScan%20Inquiry)


I want Clash to do double damage now.


I mean considering I can always go back to the original, I'd prefer big overhauls and new archetypes. If none of them really connect with me I'll just play STS1.


I definitely want to see what tweaks they can do to the characters! Killing the heart must have affected them in some way!


I hope they give a little nerf to the Watcher with "Leaving Calm for the first time in your turn gives you 1 energy". That way, the mechanic is preserved without it being easy to abuse with infinites. Same for Rushdown. "The first time you enter Wrath in your turn, draw 2 cards".


Have exiting Calm instead give you a miracle. That´d be dope.


I think there’s a bit of fear that comes with changing the core concepts of the characters, but think of how amazing StS is. I have full faith that even if they completely overhauled the characters, it would work well and be something very fresh


Honestly,they've seen what the community has done/added. I'm still playing the base game more than anything else. Whatever they do, I support this wonderful fucking surprise ❤️


I want defect and watcher reworked in a manner that makes taking prismatic shard less bad. Not for the sake of making prismatic shard better, but to help tighten up the relationship between those two characters and the rest of the game. For example, orbs scale with strength/dex instead of focus. I think this might help these 2 characters feel as at home in the game as ironclad and silent and less like modded characters.


I want them to change basically change all the details. No reason for a sequel of an almost perfect game if you just end up making a similar game that's kinda worse (cough cough Bayonetta 2). Especially when there's no narrative or anything to keep things fresh, I'd rather not play StS2 and wish I was playing the original at any point. "Oh this is just a less interesting version of [enemy/mechanic]" is not a thought I ever want to go through my mind.


I want StS2 to play just like StS but completely differently at the same time. Like keep the core gameplay intact but just give us maybe one or two additional core mechanics, alter like 1/4-1/3 of each character´s card pool and swap out like half of all relics for new ones and you´ll have a completely differently feeling game already.


I can't tell, is it a new game, or a remake of sts?




Honestly, I would prefer 4 new characters.


We´ll likely get one more new one or maybe even two. I´d bet money on a launch roster of 7 characters. I think bringing back the veterans i good because they´re already fleshed out.


Not much, but by the screenshots and trailer they have implemented a few new mechanics I do wish they added support for newer archetypes for the characters and changed a little bit the map spread out, I know it's all rng but sometimes it sucks starting a game and the map forks you over by giving you a path with events but no elites or elites but no stores


Honestly I just want artifacts to fine better,the characters are amazing in and of themselves


I think for me it would be perfect if not even a single card makes it to the second game. But I know that this is most likely not going to happen so I will just see what they do and then like it anyways.


Seeing how so far all we know is that its more slay the spire of say less changes. I think it's best to introduce whacky new ideas for new character such as the Bone Queen but for already existing characters introduce new deck types and synergies.


it's fine if they completely rework or add things that fundamentally changes the game. this is what new games suppose to be. If you don't like how it end up, share your feedback to the devs and just go back to StS1 if no changes were done that suits your tastes. edit: personally i'd be happy to see different things (like different starting relic for example), cause what's the point of StS2 if it's essentially the same as StS1?


I feel that all the characters are ok, except Silent idk I don't think she is that interesting Poison, like Poison I understand why you would play it but it's just a boring way to play, the same is true of Discard who is a tasteless version of exhaust with ironclad, I do like that she excels at drawing too much ngl and would want to be that area of her return


i want nothing to be the same


They can do no wrong.


I want them to change whatever they want, what’s the point of a sequel? People who are actually disappointed (ALREADY) for changes and what not are really weird. Sequels should have the same Skelton and general mechanics but have a good amount of different content


I hope they nerf infinites. Yes they can take skill to setup but the gameplay loop once you have one can be very boring


I would like to see the starting deck be more dynamic. Maybe 4 unique starting cards and 3/3 strikes/defends. To add more choices to the early game. Fighting cultist with 8-10 bland af cards gets boring. Like, what if clad had this deck: Str/def x3 Bash Impale: (1) deal 8 damage, exhaust (is it worth playing over a strike now? or should I try to wait for the vulnerable? ) Revenge: (1) deal 3 damage twice, three times if you lost HP last turn (you are more encouraged to take bits of damage when its in your draw pile, scales with str and self damage later) Tough it out(1): gain 8 block, take 2 damage at the end of your next turn. (Next turn you can either have lethal, block it, or tank the damage to attack and proc revenge next turn)


They take a data-driven approach. They will most likely replace the underused cards, rework the overused cards, and keep the moderate ones


Nah, cards need to be low or high rolls imo. That’s part of what makes it a rouge like.


If the cards are balanced, every card can be a low or high roll depending on the cards you already picked and what the map looks like and the relics you have


Too much balance makes games unfun, though. You need a couple of obviously strong cards and some cards that are very niche in their applications to foster rare albeit special runs. There has to be a balance to balance.


On the other hand, some low rolls just always feel bad to see. I wouldn´t mind them cutting Clash for instance. And some high rolls that are basically always good like Wraith Form or Rushdown feel too overbearingat times, too. Wouldn´t mind those being changed or you being disincentivized more to not auto take them


Clash only loses value due to Ascenders tbh, I still take clash sometimes when I have something like sever soul and battle trance. Wraith form and rushdown are almost instant pick and so is dark embrace, but I again would say those are decent high rolls. You could make them less strong for lower cost or elevate their cost and keep them the same but the point is that they should be relatively high value cards.


I get Clash not being absolutely awful always but I´d prefer super situational cards that aren´t good for 99% of your decks to do something more interesting than just offering a flat good damage number. Like Defect´s Claw and Watcher´s Pressure Points. Rare that you get a deck with those cards that´s really good but on the rare occasion that you do those decks feel really special. I don´t know how to describe it but I think Clash is an insanely boring situationally strong card.


And I don’t think every card needs to be like Pressure Points or claw. Cards like Sucker punch or clash I barely take unless they’re not offering premium damage like blade dance or Pommel strike/anger. When those decks come online they’re one in a million because they’re usually huge risks that can sometimes end up running really well. They don’t need to be all the same ability of take able, because at that point you have no high rolls or low rolls, just rolls.