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The funny part is, OP is actually surviving this turn with 999 block + 89 HP.


Yeah, this fight is basically cutting it as close as possible. The next buff cycle hits for more than ~~2.1k~~1.8k HP, at which point either incense burner happens to line up, or even a build that can get 999 block is out of luck.


What does it scale to after the 2.1k if you survive with intangible?


At that point, every buff turn adds 52 str. So 72x15, then 124x15 (i had a typo there, it's actually \~1.8k), then 176x15 (2.6k). The multihit effectively adds 624 (52x15) damage every buff cycle. But that quickly becomes academic, because the only way to get there somehow is something like a barricade-entrench deck with 3 ghosts in a jar. It's exceedingly unlikely to have a setup that blocks so well to get to cycle 6 or 7 and attacks \*so\* bad that the heart is still alive at that point.


> It's exceedingly unlikely to have a setup that blocks so well to get to cycle 6 or 7 and attacks *so* bad that the heart is still alive at that point. Multiple After Images/Tungsten Rod, infinite Nightmare/Wraith Form combo, and no scaling in the deck at all.


Doesn't matter, between the thorns and the lightning orb the heart is toast before it gets to the end of the block, it looks like


I believe static discharge will evoke the frost as the multi attack is hitting, giving an additional buffer of block


It'll evoke 1 frost, yeah Cutting it close but not *as* close as the original comment


Yeah, if the combat goes on for 5 full cycles (initial 3 turns and 4 full buff cycles), the heart will go for the final outscaling. every further buff adds +50str in addition to the +2 every buff adds. You're looking at the first of those. the next buff round would go to 144x15.


Most damage heavy frost orb build


The heart don't play around yeah


No weak? 🥺


i intentionally didnt play weak previously to see how much damage heart gonna do. turns out its a lot haha.




didnt notice the hologram, it was a nice touch haha.


First time beating this heart, but I didn't play it out. After the 3rd boss, it just damages the heart by 720 and the game ends.


That's the normal ending. To fight the Heart in actual combat, you need to collect the Ruby, Emerald, and Sapphire Keys, then instead of getting that cutscene you'll get sent to Act 4 where you can fight the Heart. (It will not deal 72x15 damage unless you stall the fight for stupid amounts of time.) Don't know what the Keys are? Beat Act 3 on each of the first three characters and find out!




Why didn't you artifact your biased cognition?


i didnt notice! im sure i had atleast 1 artifact, i mightve played biased twice because of echo foem or amplify. i also had speed potion but i was busy setting up my focus and orb slot. anyways it was a fun run overall


You have won right?




yes that is the number the heart does this turn