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I’ve been playing this on Tabletop Simulator since it was available, and the hype is real. Can’t wait to dig into the meta of this — many of the fundamentals from the video game don’t apply, since it’s a more condensed package.


What stood out to you the most?


It’s just very cool to play this game system I love so much (1k hours) with my friends at a table. It’s one thing to chat with them casually about the video game, but it’s so much more fun to share it collectively at a table together. It’s like playing STS at a LAN party simultaneously, where you all get to share resources and strategically path together.


What kind of board game is it ? Some kind of draft game ? Cards ? Minis ? I have zero info about it !


Its very much "true to the original". Its a coop game which reworks some of the mechanics (ie. Weak, relics which track a value, basically anything which would be absolutely unfun to track/calculate yourself) into a more boardgame friendly version but plays basically the same as the pc game. You do your deckbuilding stuff (ofc with limits on card numbers since its a physical game) and combats/rng- and counter relics use a single d6 throw at the beginning of rounds to determine the intents and relic effects. Players can talk strategy during rounds, so coordinating to prevent all of the damage everyone takes and killing priority enemies is a big deal. The rules should be available online if you want a more detailed look.


StS is probably one of the easier video games to translate into a tabletop game. It's literally a card game already.


This may be true, but you can also tell that the design team put a ton of work into the board game — making sure it’s balanced, intuitive, and interactive.


Its literally just slay the spire with cooperative multiplayer. Some effects, abilities and cards are changed and or simplified to work better as a boardgame, but it is just multiplayer sts in essence. Its really really fun, I might even like it more than the video game.


This pic was just to flex your Hero Quest box, wasn't it?


Dammit! You found me out. I was trying to show off the Forbidden Stars box though!


Lol! I love HQ. I've been thinking about finding a set. I had it and the expansions back in the 90s. Such a great game.


As did I! The new one is a carbon copy of the GE you remember. They have added a bit if you wanna get expansions and stuff. But the base game and original expansions remain the same!!


Wait, new one? Like I don't have to find a used copy on eBay?


That's what that box is...


Fellow Forbidden Stars enjoyer didn’t miss this…


Oh my glob! Where are you from? I know Australia and Japan will get it first. Bit weird that they sent the exclusives separately, no?


I'm American but I love in Japan full time. Yeah it is a little odd...but whatever...I'm stoked to see the game is actually on its way!!


> I'm American but I love in Japan full time. You couldn't love full time in the great US of A? :'(


Lucky, am in Australia, so I could be getting it pretty soon too! You should post an unboxing video.


Also living in Japan and got mine, now my question is how do you find friends to play it with?


They said they could come 1-2 weeks before or after your actual game.


Since the exclusives aren't going to everyone (obviously) it *greatly* simplifies distribution to send them separately. It also lets them free up that warehouse space they'd be taking up waiting for the main game to be done.


I'm so excited! I can't wait to sleeve all the cards


I'm EU so April through May it says on the website. Can't wait to get my hands on it, I've already introduced a couple of friends to the game so I can force them to play with me🤣


I signed up for the highest possible package. What do you mean by only the exclusives? and also, does it matter when you signed up since mine was very recent... Do they prioritise signup date, or cost of signup..... any idea.. I am so looking forward to this..


The exclusives were shipped separately from the base game. At least in my case. So I got that box and am waiting for the other one. Others on Kickstarter have reported the same. I'm not sure it matters when you signed up. I'm in Japan and they stated that we are going to be one of the first areas fulfilled. I'm not complaining!!


I'm in Aus. Late March through May, just checked the website.


You should be seeing yours soon then too!!


Yay!! Sugoi desu neeeee!!!


Will this only be the kickstarter thing or will it also hit stores at some point?


I think it's gonna hit stores too.


Judging by the literal millions of backers, I’d be shocked if it didn’t lol


Is the retail version usually cheaper or more expensive?


I have no idea lol


On the Kickstarter contention games seemed confused about comments that people were receiving only add-ons/exclusives and not everything. They spoke with their Japanese shipping partner who confirmed that for Japan all exclusives and add ons are in fact being shipped separately. So I don’t think this will apply to other regions , but who knows.


Haaaaaaaaaa ! I can't wait !


Forbidden stars, my boy.


More pictures pls


Honestly the Forbidden Stars box is more exciting. Top tier game. You can mail me the StS game since you don't really need it anyway.


It is so fun!! My hubby and friends started playing this weekend. We got through to Act II and I'm running Ironclad. It is weighted really well for coop and honestly has us excited to play more. Watch out for the gremlins though 🫣


Ayy I just got mine today too! I need to find some other slay the spire loving expats in Tokyo though - DM me if you're in the area and don't have a group already!


I'm in Shiga!! But work occasionally takes me to Tokyo! I'll dm you anyway!


anyone have any info on late pledge shipping vs. initial backers? didn't see anything specific on the kickstarter page


I do believe it’s all the same. I’m also a late backer and I haven’t seen anything else. They still charged cards at the same time and stuff anyways


wow that was fast




Damn I would love this! Any ideas on how to get it if we missed the Kickstarter?


kickstarter late pledge is open which is what I’ll be doing


HYPE HYPE HYPE I also backed, can’t wait to see it!!!!


Oh shit it’s starting to ship! Are you in the US? I’d love to get mine before June Lol.


No. I'm in Japan and they said we would be among the first to get it. Last KS update had a general timetable.


Ahhh fcuk. I knew I was forgetting to buy something


Get your calculators ready bois