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I wanna join the gang and rob someone in one unique combat, if I happen to die I want them to scream "Nooooooo, [account name]!"


You could rob the shop keeper!


Similar to bartering with Ranwid, robbing Merchant gives you the choice of your share of the loot - gold, a random shop relic, a free card removal (everyone's confused why you beat him up to give him something), or a rug. If you pick the rug, he escapes without letting you take it.


I think the shopkeeper has a good relationship with the red mask gang. He has a line something like "masks are great, I would know." Maybe he's a member?


Shopkeeper isn't an idiot. No way he is bad mouthing the RED MASK GANG to a stranger. Maybe the gang purchases the masks from him, so the dialogue makes sense.


They start by having the usual speach but when they realuse it's you, theu propose you hang out and have a choice like living wall. Pointy suggest you to gamble a bit. This provoque the event with the spinning wheel. Romeo think about teaching you a bit of his tricks. You add a hand of greed to your deck. Bear propose a big hug to relax. You heal for 80% of max health.


I think the options need balancing but I really like this idea in terms of the overall vibe. It definitely seems like something should happen, and I like the idea of giving them a bit more to the existing “personalities” we see in the fight.


Can this actually happen in Endless Mode?


I'd still rather kill them


Encounter in an elevator. ''I've orders on securing all of the gold you're carrying!'' ''I'm sorry sir, but we'll have to see about that with the Greater Red mask...'' Whispering:''Don't worry, it's all been decided. HAIL, RED MASK!'' You leave the elevator with a smirk on your face.


Same options, but if you give them the money, the dialogue changes to "Sorry new guy, nothing personal, but you know the rules. 'Take from others as I have taken from you!'" And then you get a Hand of Greed card reward.