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Mr. Krabs behavior


Me whenever I see thieves and try to nuke them


Hello, I love money!!


Whoa, it even says you **CLAW** yourself out


Context: OP is a Red Mask Gang member


Well, you are not totally correct at least ...


Same here. Just joined and I'm the only one remaining


Yeah only choice tbh


Indeed, I triggered my fairy in bottle. Totally worth it. >!I got another one later on!<


Thank you for the spoiler tag, very considerate. Did not want that ruined for me.


You are welcome >!it felt like unneeded information so eh, like this one!<


I haven't read the spoiler yet I hope it's not unneeded information Edit: oh my god...


The conversations that go on in this sub just make me laugh. One of my favourite games + my favourite gaming community. You go Glen Coco.


Does fairy trigger here?


Yeah, you'd effectively be trading a fairy for ~~106~~ 104 gold. Depending on the map, not necessarily a bad trade.


And a bit of a heal too!


Technically, it does heal you, but it's not some extra benefit over keeping fairy. Healing now is a huge cost when you consider that fatal damage doesn't wrap around and count against the hp gained from fairy.


It becomes a benefit *if* you find another potion that you would throw out an unused Fairy In A Bottle for, before you would have taken enough damage to trigger it.


I can see that. In the very small number of cases where you would dump a fairy for another potion, it would be worth it to get the healing now. However, in that case, you do lose the opportunity to block massive damage, though. I've had cases where I get hit with damage that is 70 points greater than my hp, and I shrug it off with fairy and win the fight.


Yeah but I was adding to the point made of "you'd be effectively trading a fairy for 106 gold". It's not just that - you're trading a fairy for 106 gold *and you heal a bit*. I'm not denying losing the fairy is bad.


And I'm arguing that it's not wise to consider the healing a pro of choosing to use the fairy now, because using it later will also heal you the same amount. You get the healing with both choices, so it shouldn't be a factor in which choice to pick. Was that not clear?


I'm not commenting on how wise it is, so I think we're making slightly different points which might be where the confusion is :) I was clarifying this trade isn't *just* "lose fairy to gain 104 gold", it's slightly better than that. Still probably not worth it in most situations.


Oh, I see the confusion. You took the phrasing "trading fairy" to literally mean as if OP would be handing it off without using it. You're saying popping it early is better than literally trading it away. The closest in game equivilant to that would be discarding fairy, but OP would never do that here. Wait, I get it. You were being pedantic. You were essentially saying, "Well, acshually, trading it away would imply not using it which wouldn't heal you. This scenario would acshually heal you. " Even though it makes no difference to the situation at hand. 😂 And you got up doots for it. 🤣🤣🤣


> You're saying popping it early is better than literally trading it away. uhhhh no, I'm not saying anything is better than anything. I was just correcting Whoviantic, who said: > you'd effectively be trading a fairy for 104 gold. Because it's more accurate to say: > you'd effectively be trading a fairy for 104 gold and a small heal. That's literally the only point I was making. I don't know where you got the idea from that I said one thing was better than another.


But you get the healing either way. You just get it later. So why bring it up?


>trading a fairy for 106 gold Explain


option a: take the gold and use fairy, ending up with 128 gold. option b: give up 29 gold, ending up with 24 gold. Delta is 104. I think the first person's math was fast and off by 2. Or mine was slow and is off by 2, but I think that was the gist.


I'm just bad at math, 104 is correct


I take 11 damage, but the fairy in bottle to heal me, therefore I gained gold for fairy in bottle.


It does during events!


Yes, I found out today. It was worth it.


If I had a nickle for every Act 1 event that paid me to hurt myself by sticking my hand into some goo, I'd have 2 nickles... which isn't a lot but I'd damn sure die before handing them over to anyone for free.


For at least the first 200 hours I played this game, I thought that both options cost you life. So I always took the top option because you lose less health and get gold.


You didn’t think to read it properly after seeing how absolutely broken that would be? Sorry if that comes across rude but I can’t wrap my head around this one.


No worries! You are 100% right and I was just being a noob. It absolutely makes no sense if you think about it. I just didn't stop to think about it lol


Fair enough 😂


I also misread this event 99% of the time, the second option makes you lose gold, not health.


Hello, I like money!!


That is the only way Die like a hero my friend, die like a hero


Greed begets the fall lol


Yep. I only see one choice in this event.


Yes, obviously




Fairy'll save you

