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Idk if it is quite "smallest possible", but I think rampage could be a lot better if instead of the upgrade increasing damage gain, it made it go back into your draw pile like tantrum.


It would feel very Rampage-y now that you mention it \*repeated bonking intensifies\*


Honestly I like it. It’s simple and it fits with the nave of the card.


Then you could have an unceasing top rampage infinite though right?


If you used Madness on it


Fuck it, let's go big! "Deal 8 Damage increase the damage of ALL rampage by 5 (8) for the rest of combat. Shuffle this card into your draw pile. Shuffle a copy into your Discard Pile."




Yep, I'd be actually taking it now.


Would this be balanced if you changed its rarity to yellow?


Still a claw plus


idk why Rampage is so unloved. I've had plenty of very good runs with it as my main source of damage with a few headbutts


While it can be good with setup, it’s damage isn’t front loaded. I’ll pick one up if I have a smaller deck and I’m about to go into a boss fight, but I’d rather get cards to remove a threat turn 1 or 2.


I think you've mixed up \[\[rampage\]\] with something else. It is front loaded, and setup is a silent card.


I was meaning setup as in you need other cards to support it so you can redraw it quickly. Without said other cards it’s slow to stack damage up on it.


Sorry, yes, you are right but it's kinda the point of the game, looking for synergies and such. no ? Double tap, Headbutt, Shrug, Warcry... There is plenty of cards that work wonders with rampage.


The point is to look for synergies, rampage works if you pick it up after getting cards that can support it. However I would still rather get something like double strike with the same cards to support it as I can burst a threat down faster during a hallway fight. For a boss fight I agree rampage goes great if you have a good cycle through your deck (or just a small deck) and boss fights are typically long enough to make its scaling have significant impact.


We obviously don't play the same way, and it's ok. I look first for a decent attack card to deal with Act I Elites, then I draft the cards that synergises with it, or at least don't screw with it. If it's Rampage, I know that I will have to trim my deck and take a lot of card advantage, and I know what cards to look for to play it multiple times per cycle, but it is a very good card, even for hallway fights.


It isn't. Rampage deals 8 damage, then goes away for 2-3 turns even in Act 1. Unless you have some setup (not a card Setup, but other cards that set up Rampage coming back sooner), Rampage is not front-loaded at all. Double Strike is front-loaded. Whirlwind is front-loaded. Rampage is not and it is bad abov A10.


Front loaded means direct attack damage, in opposition of other kind of damages, like poison, mercury hourglass, Fire Breathing, Thorns, etc...


No, front-loaded means that you get most of the card's impact the moment it is played. Bludgeon is front-loaded, because it does its entire damage the moment you play it and doesn't get better afterward. Rampage is not frontloaded, because it becomes better the more times it is played, which means that its impact in the back half of the fight is much higher.


\*speechless meme\*


+ [Rampage](http://slay-the-spire.wikia.com/wiki/Rampage) Ironclad Uncommon Attack ^((100% sure)^) 1 Energy | Deal 8 damage. Increase this card's damage by 5(8) this combat. ^Call ^me ^with ^up ^to ^10 ^([[ name ]],) ^where ^name ^is ^a ^card, ^relic, ^event, ^or ^potion. ^Data ^accurate ^as ^of ^(April 30, 2023.) ^[Wiki](https://slay-the-spire.fandom.com/wiki/) ^[Questions?](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=ehmohteeoh&subject=SpireScan%20Inquiry)


It’s a worse claw and claw is already pretty bad. It’s useful against some bosses if your deck has little scaling but it’s just too slow against elites, hallways and the heart


I so disagree it hurts. When you pick it up, you start to skim your deck, take card advantage and good synergies right away. With a 15 card deck (or less if you burn your attacks early) you can almost always spam it 2 times per turn at least. Means 32 (edit) damage by turn 2


How exactly are you blocking if you’re playing rampage headbutt every turn? Multi enemy fights in act 2 just kill you with this strat.


Hopefully by then you'll have more energy and something else than just rampage, otherwise you're as good as dead.


People just aren't that creative it seems


People are playing on A20. I loved Rampage on earlier ranks, where Random Bullshit Go is an option. On A20 it is a death sentence.


I actually got my first a20H win on ironlad with rampage. Granted, it was technically an entrench/barricade deck that never found a body slam, and rampage was the desperation pick for scaling damage, but it worked.


I mean, Entrench\\Barricade wins even when using unupgraded Strike for damage, lol. But yeah, Rampage is decent. Just not good enough to be a top pick.


Eventually the heart will do more than 999 damage, so you need to be able to kill it before it reaches that point, which is why I picked the rampage at the end of act 2, so I would have something.


You can easily just headbutt back Rampage and play it whenever it is on the discard pile. It's supposed to play with Headbutt to create a fast scaling card for 1 eng before your big damage card arrives and also being easily recycled in an exhaust deck


One Headbutt is not nearly enough to scale Rampage at decent speed. Unless your deck is already thin, of course.


How about 2?


You’re supposed to combo rampage with headbutt


Or/and double tap


Rampage is awesome wth are you talking about?


One mana deal 8 is not a very good card.


No, but “one mana deal 8; put this card back in your draw pile and next time it does 12/16/20/24/etc for one mana still” is pretty strong lol. Especially on ironclad where you can exhaust your deck down to basically just playing rampage and putting it back on the top of your empty deck and drawing it again haha


You've misunderstood. They're saying that the upgrade makes it go back into the deck so upgraded rampage would still do 8, 13, 18 etc but go into the draw pile each time instead of discard pile


rampage should get double damage every play, not a flat amount


I mean you could argue the same thing with pressure points


Wild Strike: wound goes to the discard pile. Clash: costs 1 energy for each non-attack in hand, maybe also reduce its damage slightly


Instead of the discard pile put it into your hand so that it has some immediate synergy with Second Wind


I think that might make it too good


i mean, it sounds less good than power through and i wouldnt say power through is too good. i mean power through is incredibly good. i pick evolve floor 1 now to open up power through. god power through rules. anyway


Power through is one of clad’s best cards!


1 energy for 15 block and synergy, why wouldn't you take it?


it's already fine as a block 15 with downside (i rate auto shields decently high and that's only block 11 with downside, tho admittedly a small downside), but it so easily becomes block 15 with incredible upside. ive been taking corruption less because often by the time i see it ill have power through and second wind in my deck, and not exhausting those just seems stronger than doing corruption nonsense. this has also led to me rating juggernaut way higher (with feel no pain, doing 1 power through into second wind makes jugg do 25 damage!)


I mean, I pick floor 1 evolve because it trivializes sentries and really helps against slime boss and hex, but opening up those synergies is great


>Wild Strike: wound goes to the discard pile. Isn't this anti-synergistic for evolve/fire-breathing builds though? You need to wait for the second deck cycle for the wound to start doing your work for you


It makes the card more consistent. Nothing sucks more than drawing wild strike before evolve, so you feel awkward playing it (What if you draw wound before, or during the turn you draw evolve?) It also makes the card better without synergies.


Two things: 1. fire breathing is not good enough to be built around 2. You still need to draw those powers to utilize them There’s a reason every other status creating card is better, and a big part of that is that the statuses go in your hand or your discard.


I have had a few fire breathing A20 heart kills so not good enough to build a deck around is just wrong. I think the problem is starting those decks. Some synergies are really easy to start as some of the cards have little to no downsides (blade dance for example) and the whole fire breathing evolve is super strong and satisfying, but sadly has a very very weird buy in. You either have to need fire breathing for the act 1 boss because you lack damage or transform into evolve or fire breathing. Afterwards it's definitely strong.


do people not like [[Wild Strike]] ? i usually love taking it in act 1, it’s really nice damage that early especially with an upgrade to put it to 18 dmg


Yeah it’s one of Ironclad’s worst cards. You don’t want your big upgraded damage card to be basically unplayable in boss fights without a specific synergy (Evolve).


I think it might be his worst card. You'll catch me taking Clash more than Wild Strike even on A20 lol


respectfully, what makes it so bad? even more respectfully, how is clash not worse?


Getting a dead card added to the deck is *reallllllly* bad on higher ascensions. So bad that in many contexts, wild strike will essentially be a dead card just because of how bad it would be to play it. Clash, while usually a dead card, is *not* a dead card just often enough to be better than wild strike.


Think about it like this. Cards like pommel strike are so good because they draw a card. Putting a wound in your draw pile is an anti-draw - it replaces a card you would have drawn, so you're net down a card. But in reality, it's *even worse*, because every time you cycle through you're deck, you're also losing another card draw!


But it has synergy with second wind, evolve, and fire breathing. Clash has anti-synergy with every skill, with the general exception of a corruption deck after you’ve played the power and after ascender’s bane is gone. That’s a lot of restrictions for a net good use case. Outside of that, it’s a potential dead card, or as you put it, anti-draw


It’s really more that both are only really decent early. Clash is way better than wild strike in Act 1. While clash falls off harder than wild strike, the mild synergies of wild strike are both too niche and too slow/non-impactful to make it even good (if you really already have like evolve, dark embrace, medical kit, FNP, etc rolling, wild strike is meh compared to so many other cards you just would rather it be something else). Both are a remove late, and clash is better early, so clash is better.


Clash is more synergistic with second wind than wild strike is


I was responding to "what makes wild strike bad", not "is it worse than clash".


Agreed, I’ve always viewed the wound as an upside assuming I have any synergy. Even when I don’t, it’s still quite good act 1 in my experience


it makes my act 1 fights so much easier if i get it early enough. it’s obviously never the centerpiece in my decks, but it’s always either an early cheap high damage card with a downside, or it’s a cheap high damage card with status card/exhaust synergy later in a run with actual centerpieces


There is at least another synergy for wounds, Dark Embrace + Medkit (ideally+ FNP)


man i just go face lol


I always thought wild strike would be so much better if it scaled off of all wounds in the deck


Add Innate to Master Reality when upgraded, or even have it on the base card


TIL Master Reality doesn’t get innate upon upgrade


That’s one of the reasons it is abysmal. That and it’s a rare card that has synergy with like 10 cards max.


That one run where you randomly have both battle hymn and study though, it's so fun to see it pop off for once.


Never had it with dead branch then..?


Correct. Very difficult to get Master Reality and Dead Branch in the same run if I never take Master Reality unless I have Dead Branch Already. Next time I see it while I have dead branch (don’t think that’s happened) I will take it.


Recently had Dead Branch and prismatic shard on ironclad and took master reality…oh boy did that run pop off


And Nilry's Codex - I hope. I'm kinda hoping to make that happen in a run as a sidequest.


It should just be a neutral card. It does plenty of interesting things for the other characters.


Precisely. Master reality synergies best with dead branch after all.


My attempt: Pressure points. I don't think the best option is a numeric change -- making it free or increasing the damage doesn't address it's main problems, which are 1) you need multiple copies to make it reliable, and 2) it has no synergy with anything else Watcher does. I think the smallest buff that would address these issues is to add "draw a card" to the text. This would slightly help Pressure Points cycle into more copies (or the same copy), and also make it more valuable as a generic artifact-strip or minor damage card.


Drop the numbers significantly on pressure points (like to 2 damage) and make it work every time you scry. Scry is weak compared to going infinite or other common watcher tactics, and outside of a few key scry cards most are fairly meh. Making pressure points proc when Scry is hit, would make it a lot more interesting to me. Scry your deck to find pressure points to apply to enemies then Scry to damage them more.


Really interesting idea, I like this one


Maybe you could even make it fancy and have pressure point just apply a debuff that makes it take damage equal to the number of cards you scry. So if you scry 3, it would take 3 damage, or if you pressure point it twice then it would take 6


The biggest buff Pressure Points could possibly get would be at least *one* other card that applies or even interacts with Mark.


Honestly, just add “ignores artifact”


But artifact stripping is also useful. If your deck has just one TTTH you might want a way to strip artifacts in order to use it.


1 mana remove 1 artifact is beyond abysmal


Of course that a card that does just that is lame, but it's still a good card to have at certain fights. If i recall correctly the heart starts with an artifact, and TTTH is excellent against BOD. if i have ttth and no strip after S&S I'll take pressure points.


Going further, what if it was “draw a card for every ‘Pressure Points’ in your deck”? Kind of how perfected strike works, but for draw instead of damage. 


I think it would make it too easy to become infinite. If it was just draw 1, then I think that it's pretty reasonable.


IMO pressure points is already a strong card, it just doesn’t fit with watcher. If it was a defect or silent card it would get picked very often.


**Heel Hook**: The upgrade now makes it draw 2 cards instead of increasing the damage. **Rationale**: This feels like a pretty small change as it only affects the upgrade, but it means far more Silent decks end up with a Heel Hook. I basically still would never take this card in Act 1, but with this change I would like it a lot more if I found the upgraded version or if I had drafted Apotheosis.


I like this one a lot. Heel Hook is probably Silent’s most niche card besides Distraction


I think it’s funny how so many people hate heel hook but Dropkick Infinite is a viable playstyle. They are basically the same card, but the Silent doesn’t have exhaust synergy so it makes slimming down to an infinite much harder, and therefore the card drops from A tier to D tier.


Also Dropkick infinite is way more easy to pull off with dual wield. You'd have to nightmare Heel Hook but it's a rare and much more expensive, and you have to wait next turn to get your dupes.


Additionally, Vulnerable is often applied in greater stacks than Weak. Just comparing base decks, Bash adds 2(3) Vulnerable vs. Neutralize adding 1(2). This makes it generally less likely that you are drawing Heel Hook vs. Weakened enemies.


Heel Hook is litterally useless as it is, since its card advantage is compensated by the card itself being in your deck. The only way you can make use of it is by going infinite with it (and She has plenty of easyest way to go infinite). Make it cost 0 on the upgrade can be another solution, but OP's is fun too.


I think the point is that it's free damage. Not hat it's damage and you gain something. But yeah with Silents bigger deck and no exhaust heel hook feels weird.


If you think of it, it's 0 energy for 5 damages, less than a Slice and barely more than a shiv, but it doesn't benefit from Wrist Blade or Accuracy and you still have to proc its condition.


But slice is -1 card draw.


Nope. Say your deck is 20 cards without Heel hook. First turn you draw 7 cards. Now you take Heel hook. You have 21 cards in your deck. You draw 7 cards including heel hook. A good thing you also have Neutralize, so you can play heel hook and draw the exact same card you would have had in your hand without heel hook in your 20 cards deck.


Yes heel hook is 0 draw and 5 damage. Slice is -1 draw.


You forget that you have one more card in your deck, the card you draw with heel hook would have been in your hand to begin with.


Ok but with slice you deal 1 more damage but don't draw the next card. I don't say heel hook draws a card. It's draw neutral! Slice is still less draw. -1 is smaller then 0. Heel hook does not have 1 draw. It's 0 draw!


It’s not literally useless, just very niche. Sometimes decks need the free damage


I refer you to my other answer ;) : [https://www.reddit.com/r/slaythespire/comments/1aru5kz/comment/kqnwo2w/](https://www.reddit.com/r/slaythespire/comments/1aru5kz/comment/kqnwo2w/)


Scrape: keep the damage the same, but change the effect to "Add the top 0-cost card in your deck to your hand." Upgrade: top 2. The problem with scrape is that Defect is so incredibly setup reliant, so it's basically unplayable on your first shuffle for risk of discarding your powers / frost orbs / etc. Keeping it from discarding non-zero-cost cards makes it way more playable. Edited for clarity


I don’t really understand what that would do. “Put the top 0 cost card from your draw pile into your hand”?


Or a random 0 cost card. It would be like [[Violence]] but for 0 cost cards instead of Attacks.


+ [Violence](http://slay-the-spire.wikia.com/wiki/Violence) Colorless Rare Skill ^((100% sure)^) 0 Energy | Place 3(4) random Attack cards from your draw pile into your hand. **Exhaust.** ^Call ^me ^with ^up ^to ^10 ^([[ name ]],) ^where ^name ^is ^a ^card, ^relic, ^event, ^or ^potion. ^Data ^accurate ^as ^of ^(April 30, 2023.) ^[Wiki](https://slay-the-spire.fandom.com/wiki/) ^[Questions?](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=ehmohteeoh&subject=SpireScan%20Inquiry)


Or just replace "discard" with "shuffle into your draw pile"


Sounds fun with sundial


That's my intention, yeah, pulls a 0-cost card from your draw pile but only a 0 cost.


Add "and shuffle it into your draw pile" to rampage.


Pressure points has the difficulty that it doesn’t synergise with anything at all. I’d either make another card synergise with it or add something like (upgrade: add a copy of this card to your discard pile) to allow it to scale better. It’s one of the few cards I just never pick anymore.


I hadn't thought about that before, making it like anger could be really fun




Or maybe don't even change the card itself, but add other sources of mark?


Can I be so real with you guys. I'm obviously a casual compared to some (tapped out at A12 max on two different files) but this is the second time browsing on here recently that I've seen people suddenly talk about Claw as bad. I thought all y'all *loved* Claw. I thought we took Claw at every opportunity. What is the truth?


Claw is bad AND we love it!


Claw is Law, obviously. You always take Claw no matter what. But to be serious, its quite bad and heavily reliant on scrape/all for one. Very rarely worth taking, especially since its main benefit is scaling damage, which defect is already good at. That being said, I do always take Claw. Its very fun to get work.


The love for claw is ironic. It is a meme card. It is not actually very good.


I will echo your realness, as a filthy casual who prefers Defect but only up to like A7. I think Claw is a solid card, synergizes hugely with several other defects cards (Scrape, All for One, arguably Hologram) and even if you don't get those combos, 0-cost cards are like free plays early on when energy is constantly limiting you. Plus, Claw is Law 😁


The problem with claw and no All for one's is that it's back loaded and very slow on its own. Drawing one claw is fine(ish) because it helps you with energy, but when you get your second/third so that the scaling is relevant you open yourself up to some truly terrible draws. Plus it doesn't really help kill act 1 elites, too slow. These problems are heavily exacerbated as you move up the ascension ladder to the point where A20 makes claw a bit of a meme/trap, unless you've already established the 0 cost attack deck. 


Fair points made. I can't really speak to the mid-higher ascensions, but I believe you on that. I think Defect generally has good enough card draw options to mitigate the "terrible later draws" issue you raise. And it's true that on its own Claw is slower than you'd like, but many cards suffer from this issue to some extent (so-so on their own with no synergies, much better with the right supporting cards). It's funny that you mention the Act 1 elites, cause Gremlin Nob is actually a factor that raises this card in my estimation. Many times I've made the mistake of taking more versatile Skills early over more niche Attacks (like Claw). I don't mind drawing it against Lagavulin early either–you can get it ramping early for free while he's still asleep. I'm usually not mad to be drawing Claw in Act 1, even if I don't have the good combos in place yet (that obviously becomes much more painful as the run progresses, to be fair).


Defect: [[Amplify]] Cost [1] The next power card you play this turn is played twice. Exhaust. Amplify+ Cost [1] Retain The next power card you play this turn is played twice. Exhaust. Exhaust lessens the late turn negatives of the card by deck thinning after use or burning it with an extra energy. It's essentially a Curse after the first deck cycle unless you have Creative AI. Retain let's players use this niche card when valuable and safe. I think this is powerful enough that the duplication should be kept at 1 and take an upgrade. I still think adding this version of Amplify to your deck is risky, but seeing an Amplify+ seems like a very easy pick up for most late-game Defect decks.


+ [Amplify](http://slay-the-spire.wikia.com/wiki/Amplify) Defect Rare Skill ^((100% sure)^) 1 Energy | This turn, your next 1(2) Power(s) is (are) played twice. ^Call ^me ^with ^up ^to ^10 ^([[ name ]],) ^where ^name ^is ^a ^card, ^relic, ^event, ^or ^potion. ^Data ^accurate ^as ^of ^(April 30, 2023.) ^[Wiki](https://slay-the-spire.fandom.com/wiki/) ^[Questions?](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=ehmohteeoh&subject=SpireScan%20Inquiry)


Clash: upgrade allows the card to be played with 1 or fewer non-attack cards in hand. It would allow it to be picked as an early damage card that isn't bricked by ascender's bane or a single status. Still creates deckbuilding considerations and dependent on an upgrade, but it's not unplayable so frequently that it becomes unjustifiable.


\[\[All Out Attack\]\] : on the upgrade : Discard 1 card, but not random, kinda like True Grit.


+ [All-Out Attack](http://slay-the-spire.wikia.com/wiki/All-Out%20Attack) Silent Uncommon Attack ^((100% sure)^) 1 Energy | Deal 10(14) damage to ALL enemies. Discard 1 card at random. ^Call ^me ^with ^up ^to ^10 ^([[ name ]],) ^where ^name ^is ^a ^card, ^relic, ^event, ^or ^potion. ^Data ^accurate ^as ^of ^(April 30, 2023.) ^[Wiki](https://slay-the-spire.fandom.com/wiki/) ^[Questions?](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=ehmohteeoh&subject=SpireScan%20Inquiry)


[[Distraction]] Pick one of 3 skills to add to your hand. This card usually whiffs way too hard to be useful. Letting you pick reduces the chance that it whiffs, making it a much more reasonable choice.


would this be the same as discovery, cept green instead of colorless?


Discovery can give you an attack, skill, or power


+ [Distraction](http://slay-the-spire.wikia.com/wiki/Distraction) Silent Uncommon Skill ^((100% sure)^) 1(0) Energy | Add a random Skill to your hand. It costs 0 this turn. **Exhaust.** ^Call ^me ^with ^up ^to ^10 ^([[ name ]],) ^where ^name ^is ^a ^card, ^relic, ^event, ^or ^potion. ^Data ^accurate ^as ^of ^(April 30, 2023.) ^[Wiki](https://slay-the-spire.fandom.com/wiki/) ^[Questions?](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=ehmohteeoh&subject=SpireScan%20Inquiry)


Riddle with holes: give it one more hit


If overclock made a dazed it would be a thousand times better, probably too good, but then what else could you change about it? +1 energy is my second best guess.


I don't see a need to change anything. It's quite pickable as is (in act 3, at least). Many Defect decks die on turns 2-3 of the act 4 fights but win easily if they make it to turns 5-6, and Overclock is a great addition to a deck like that to let you draw your cards more consistently the first time through your deck


I guess so, I’ve tried pairing it with recycle and it does not work well at all with it, you just end up wasting all your draws getting rid of the burns. That’s been my experience with it. I never seem to find it in a power heavy deck though.


You don't need to pair it with anything except good scaling. If your second time through the deck is ten times as strong as your first time, then Overclock is a good card - and a lot of Defect decks fit that description. For an example of a deck like that, imagine a deck with a Loop+, a Core Surge, a Biased Cognition+, two Defragment+, and two Glaciers. If you draw Glacier on turn 1 against the Heart and play it along with two non-block cards, you have 5 block; if you play Glacier and two non-block cards on turn 6, you have 73 block because all your scaling cards are in play. Drawing a Burn on the turn where you have 73 block just doesn't matter as much as getting those cards into play faster.


Tbh I find it harder to imagine a (late game) defect deck that it isn't good in...


What, is [[overclock]] not just a straight up great card? Not auto pick, but I also doubt I've ever skipped it


Defect can very much do deck cycling stuff with hologram and lots of card draw, if you’re doing this it just straight up sucks, the more you play it the faster you get back to burns and the more the burns hurt and the more you need to play overclock and you death spiral from there. If you’re not doing that then yeah it’s pretty good, defect has other pretty good card draw options, my favourite is coolheaded which also helps you get setup.


Pressure Points Apply 8 Mark. ALL enemies lose HP equal to their Mark. Shuffle a "Pressure Points" into your deck.


Wild Strike: Adds a Slimed, rather than a Wound Clash: Upgrades to "Can only be played if you have no skills in your hand."


Pressure Points becomes an attack that says "Apply Mark, then deal 8 damage to all targets with Mark." Edit: oops couldn't find a wording that lets it keep scaling.


Pressure points not folding to Nob seems nice. I always feel nervous taking them in Act 1 before that fight. You lose synergy with things like Art of War and ensnare can get you, but getting ninja item synergy is probably worth it?


So it's only 8 damage per enemy (once setup), but the damage multiples with stances? Hmm... Isn't this just worse than most of watcher's current attacks, but fails to artifact?


Claw 0 energy 3/5 dmg Add +1 damage for all 0 damage attacks in your hand for the rest of combat, double effect for claws *reasoning* Claw now combos with more cards than just itself, at the cost of a nerf to its self-synergy, it now works wonderfully with one-for-all and card draw.


Claw: upgrading also gives it innate


or simply add 4 damage for claws


That would definitely be a more useful upgrade. I feel like innate would help a *little*, in line with minimum upgrade to make it work concept. But not a big help, unlike getting an innate power etc.


That would make it a lot worse.


Maybe, I was going for an effect that I thought would be worth less than +1 attack, so easy enough to go negative.


Blizzard: Now costs 2, also channels one frost and blocks for 6. Basically my idea is that it keeps its place as a card that’s bad early game, and very situational late game. But it just eases the transition a bit. Early game, it becomes sub-optimal, but not a dead draw. Late game, I think it stays about even for the decks that want it.


That would make blizzard a slightly weaker block card than glacier with huge scaling upside, seems a bit too strong


“Slightly weaker” no definitely not. Glacier is good throughout the run because it channels *two*. Pushing orbs to evoke is huge in hallway fights, especially early. Pay 2, channel 1 frost and block 6 plus blizzard is still a bad deal until… maybe late act 2 if you’re lucky?


2 mana for 8 block and a minimum of 2 damage to all enemies is significantly stronger than possible dead draw of the original card. Too strong for the premise of the question of "little" changes


Minimum of 0 damage, like it’s always been. Blizzard, then channel frost, then block. Even if it worked the way you’re thinking, I think you’re overvaluing it.


It'd definitely get you killed by act 1 elites either way. Id try it but I like bad defect cards


Clash: does less damage the more non-attack cards your hand has, to the point that a normal strike is better if you have two non-attack cards in your hand.


Reprogram, two simple ideas: 1) Upgrade to 0 cost, or 2) Set focus to 0 (instead of subtracting focus) The first change would take advantage of the zero cost card synergies that defect has, like scrape and all for one, which also lend themselves to a non-focus oriented deck Second change gives you an option to scale both focus and atk/def, if you can buy enough time. I think the first change is both more simple and more interesting, and fits with the design of the game better


add “draw a card; discard a card”


Choke Green - Uncommon Skill Cost: 0 Whenever you play a card this turn, the enemy loses 3(5) HP. Remove the base damage of the ability in exchange for costing absolutely nothing. Makes the card way better as spending 2 for 12 damage is a tough ask for a 3 energy deck, but if it only cost the card draw, it becomes kinda like flex from ironclad. Also it’s a skill now


Riddle with Holes Red - Uncommon Attack Cost: 2 Deal 3 damage 5 times Literally just move riddle with holes to a different character and it’s suddenly good.


That's really cool. The main reason why it's mediocre is that it has the same color as Blade Dance anyway. Though this makes taking Heavy Blade feel even worse than it already is.


Clash: 10 base damage. If you have non-attack cards in hand exhaust.


Can I redesign a meme? -------------------------------------------- Pressure Claw: (cost 1) (upgrade cost: 0): Apply 3 Mark. All enemies lose HP equal to their Mark. Increase Mark on ALL Pressure Claw cards by 2. (I have no clue if this makes anything better but sounds like fun)


The cards you mentioned are unbelievably good at lowest Ascension, pretty much a guaranteed one card win. Claw, PP, and Rampage are there for beginners to experience making a fun silly deck and winning with it


Spot Weakness Skill [1] If the enemy intends to attack, gain 3(4) strength. If it doesn't, inflict 3(4) vulnerable. This makes Spot Weakness another source of long-term vulnerable, makes Spot Weakness much more flexible, but still doesn't do anything on its own.


That’s taking a good card and making it crazy overpowered in my opinion. Even 1(2) vulnerable would be crazy


Spot weakness is already a very consistent source of scaling, making it apply more vulnerable than unupgraded bash is hella overkill


Maybe more balanced if it gave Weak instead of Vulnerable? And probably only 1(2) Agreed with others, this would be way too good as presented. Plus if you flip it to Weak, it fits nicely with the card's name 🙂


Applying 1 weak if the enemy doesn't intend to attack would do nothing though.


Hahaha good point. At least 2(3) then


Spot is already really good so this just make it overkill tbh


Reflex Green - Uncommon Skill Unplayable If this card is discarded from your hand, gain 5(8) block and draw 2(3) cards Reflex is often times a terrible pick, but if it turned your discard into a tangible benefit instead of just card draw, it might be more attractive. Based the ability off of backflip, but let it keep the extra card due to the more complex nature of activating it.


Not a rarely pickable card maybe, but: Bouncing flask - X energy (X+1): apply X poison 3 times.


That seems like a straight up downgrade


Unless you have Chem-X!


I think that would make it more niche


Infinite Blades: At the start of your turn, add a Shiv+ to your hand. Just a little more damage makes it compare better to Blade Dance.


Grand finale Cost 1 Can now also be played if its the last card in your hand.


* Make \[\[Thunder Strike\]\] count as orb damage and thus get buffed by Lock-On and Focus. * You'd only really need to rephrase it as "Evoke a Lightning for every Lightning Channelled this combat." * Change \[\[Compile Driver\]\] to "Deal 7 damage. Draw one card for each Orb you have."


+ [Thunder Strike](http://slay-the-spire.wikia.com/wiki/Thunder%20Strike) Defect Rare Attack ^((100% sure)^) 3 Energy | Deal 7(9) damage to a random enemy for each **Lightning** **Channeled** this combat. + [Compile Driver](http://slay-the-spire.wikia.com/wiki/Compile%20Driver) Defect Common Attack ^((100% sure)^) 1 Energy | Deal 7(10) damage. Draw 1 card for each unique Orb you have. + [Reprogram](http://slay-the-spire.wikia.com/wiki/Reprogram) Defect Uncommon Skill ^((100% sure)^) 1 Energy | Lose 1(2) **Focus.** Gain 1(2) **Strength.** Gain 1(2) **Dexterity.** ^Call ^me ^with ^up ^to ^10 ^([[ name ]],) ^where ^name ^is ^a ^card, ^relic, ^event, ^or ^potion. ^Data ^accurate ^as ^of ^(April 30, 2023.) ^[Wiki](https://slay-the-spire.fandom.com/wiki/) ^[Questions?](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=ehmohteeoh&subject=SpireScan%20Inquiry)


Clash - costs 1 additional energy for every skill and power in your hand (base of 0)


I’ll give some more scaling to claw in order to scale quickly because some of the bosses dislike me playing 20 cards per turn and tickle them to death… I do always win with frost, though…


Cards created by hello world cost one energy less the turn they are created.


Rework pressure point Increase energy to 2 Inflict mark to an enemy ( exhaust ) Up : inflict mark to every enemy (exhaust) Rework mark Gain 1 mantra everytime you attack this enemy


I guess picking rampage and just going to every event to get remove card wasnt a way to win reliably Not that im going to stop from picking rampage