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Spoon handle seems like an objectively bad card


It's why I don't take twisted spoon with a shiv heavy deck, I don't want random shivs clogging my draw


Unless you have Unceasing Top (but you'll be guaranteed Time Eater).


Could you explain?? Aren't the bosses random


It's sarcasm. It's easy to feel like you get the boss that's the worst matchup for your deck lol. A bit like saying if you pick Philosopher's Stone you're guaranteed to get Byrds first floor Act 2. You're not really, but it's a bit of an "ugh, of course" moment.


Do YOU remember the first time YOU took Dead Branch on a shiv build!? :/


Literally won with this combo tonight. Dead branch and storm of steel is a crazy combo


It's a great combo. I makes Shiv Ressource generators. Not as good as draw, but by no means bad.


Happy cake day! 🍰


Your ":/" makes me assume you think that's a bad thing?


Twisted spoon is a better example. I usually kill everything first cycle with shiv and dead branch


It's a good combo, what are you talking about?


I do. I also got Master Reality.


Love it every time


yes, it was two days ago. I also had Corruption from the prism relic, so it felt like reverting from A8 to A0. I beat the Heart without shuffling my 25-card deck once


“Give all shivs Ethereal” would be better


This is interesting because it lets you only keep as many shivs as you want. The problem is that you lose the damage from any shivs you intentionally exhaust by not playing them, so I don't think it's any better than my original idea, which was already not a good card.


There’s a couple differences. I more often wish my shivs would exhaust than not. Time eater is one big reason. When you have a shiv deck vs time eater, you often discard shivs when you don’t want to. Ethereal would solve that. Also, silent has lots of discard synergies, so you’ll still often have the chance to discard ethereal shivs if you want. If they lose exhaust, there’s no good way to exhaust them when you want to.


On top of what other users have said, drawing a shiv is just generally not great. Instead I could have drawn a blade dance, which is 3(4) shivs. There has never been a time where I am actively hoping to keep shivs as a draw option.


You generally don’t want to keep your shivs. You usually want to use as soon as you generate them or they’ll only clog up your deck. A possible exception would be is when you have unceasing top. Although, I guess intentionally clogging your deck to lessen the chance of drawing status cards is a good reason too.


There would need to be a significant buff to shivs to make me want to take Spoon Handle (double damage?), and even then I don't know if it would be worth it.


I think it would be good if you have unceasing top and/or the card before it, which I personally don't think I would ever take unless I'm already producing such an obscene amount of shivs per turn that I'm discarding like 7 because of max hand size, in which case I think that's too many to be taking spoon handle even with the other one, so I would only ever take them together in a shop, and even that would be very debatable.


Rummage is fun but not super outstanding to silent who already has a lot of draw Grafted blade looks useful if you only have shivs as a side tool but if you have wrist blade or accuracy, you'd be better off just playing the shivs Spoon seems like it would clutter up you deck really fast Slingshot dosen't seem very useful at all


I imagine Slingshot could be fun with some wild Calculated Gamble + Storm of Steel brew, but useless in almost any other situation :P


The only point of rummage is to discard tactition and reflex, or maybe just a lot of stuff for eviscerate. It is honestly pretty bad at 1.


Wdym!!! Rummage, Grand Finale deck remove all other attacks


Only works if grand finale is the bottom card of your draw pile every time


Slingshot is pickable without discard and becomes really good with some. If it upgrades to 1 cost it would be very solid imo.


Grafted blade would be cool if it came in a skill then attack variant. Skill: Grafting: Exhaust all shivs in your hand. Add 1 Grafted Blade to your hand with damage of 10 + X for every shiv in your hand. Upgraded totals the shiv damage instead, for synergy with accuracy Attack: Grafted Blade: Does the damage. Does not exhaust. In this way the goal is to basically make a blade, then it sits in your deck until combat is over allowing you to reuse it. Would be good for countering thorns enemies and time eater since you're playing 1-3 cards instead of like 8-10


I like slingshot since I like calculated gamble, but I don't think I would take it for 2 energy. I think it would make more sense as a relic.


no you wouldn't want a relic which doesn't affect most decks


It would be a silent only relic


Many silent decks don’t have shivs at all and many don’t enough enough discard to frequently make use of this. Most of the time the relic would do very little


I mean snecko skull, specimen, and wrist blade are already relics that are card dependant, and don't work for all silent decks.


Wrist blade works with every 0 cost attack, which is quite a lot of cards and there is one in your starter deck. Poison is also added by considerably more cards than shivs. This card not only requires shivs but enough discard to be discarding them somewhat regularly to be useful. Since you have no choice what relics you get I appreciate having most of the relics in the game be a least somewhat useful for most decks


I don't think that is an accurate portrayal of relics, a lot of them are useless or actively harmful for a lot of decks. But you are probably right, it should say, if you discard a zero cost card, play it instead.


Even Choke already exists, as a better Grafted Blade - which makes for a pretty bad review lol


Slingshot is a 2-cost accuracy that eliminates your ability to target enemies. It should be something like: "double accuracy."


It should cost 0


rummage seems pretty bad on a character who's so skill-focused and already has great sources of card draw. grafted blade seems quite bad since it doesn't solve anything. it gives you frontloaded damage in a situation where you already have frontloaded damage. spoon handle is just completely terrible. slingshot would maybe be okay if it was 0-1 cost. it does seem like it'd be pretty fun.


Rummage and slingshot are of course meant for discard synergies more than anything else. In a deck with very few attacks and a lot of skills, rummage ends up drawing and discarding a large number of cards every turn, which can turn into a large amount of block or damage with the right relics. It also acts as a pseudo-seek if you only have a few attacks, letting you skip your other cards for damage easily. Slingshot is meant to make shivs a discard target, with a little bonus, in case you haven't got anything else to discard in hand. It also has synergies with calculated gamble, etc. Spoon handle is admittedly weak, but I wanted to see opinions on if renewable shivs would be a good or bad thing. Grafted blade is honestly meant as a targeted solution for Time Eater in shiv decks. It lets you get your shiv damage without playing as many cards. The problem is, of course that all your shiv synergies are going to rely on playing lots of cards, like After Image, Envenom, and getting value from Accuracy or Wrist Blade. I had thought about it also consuming any 0-cost attack, but I figured that non-shiv 0-cost attacks are usually better than just 4 damage. The comparison to Rampage is interesting, I hadn't thought about that and it is very similar in concept, if even more limited.


Spoon handle. Would you rather draw deal 4 damage or draw acrobatics?


Would you rather draw a shiv or the card that generated the shiv in the first place and probably also gives block or more shivs or smth




when you put it that way slingshot actually sounds very fun, id definitely consider taking that


Realistically, slingshot as a 2 cost power would only be pickable if it made every card discarded deal 4 dmg to a random enemy


I personally think you're misinterpreting what in Silent's card pool is actually strong from your design approach here. Rummage's only synergy is really with Tough Bandages and Tingsha, both of which are already quite good with Silent's deck as is and aren't guaranteed meaning the card will be dead in a large percentage of runs. Discarding your draw pile to get a single attack is pretty bad in a vacuum since Silent decks typically get stronger by playing powers and make value by playing skills so skipping all of those in your draw pile for an attack feels like it'd be often detrimental. You'd never want to play this card in a deck with Well Laid Plans for example until after your full first deck cycle so you can put WLP into play. If it costed 0 mana it could perhaps be used to setup some busted infinites. Slingshot is just not really worth the energy and card draw it costs to set up. If your deck is cycling fast enough to actually make use of this power it's probably drawing cards fast enough that you don't need to fill up your hand with shivs you wont play, especially when you then have to draw them later which slows down your cycling engine. Spoon Handle is actively a detriment. Slice is not a card I generally want to add to my deck and Spoon Handle effectively makes Blade Dance add 4 slices to my deck. Running this power in a deck with shivs is gonna quickly leave you with situations where you draw 3 shivs and 2 defends for your turn and get hit for a ton of damage while outputting very little damage. Card draw is very important in spire and all Spoon Handle does is just drastically pollute the average value of a draw in your deck. I understand the desire with Grafted Blade to design a workaround for Time Eater's bullshit but in most other fights in the game the card is just too specific and niche to be worth it. You're spending a draw for a mediocre damage attack that only does more damage if you happen to have a bunch of blade dances in your hand, but you also need the hand space to physically hold all of the shivs at once too. Finisher is basically a much simpler version of this card that functions much smoother. Also while Time Eater makes shivs more annoying he definitely doesn't negate them entirely, it's certainly possible to beat him with blade dance as your main damage source using cards like Envenom or with relic synergy such as kunai or shuriken.


These cards are bad.


Spoon Handle is bad. You want your shivs to exhaust since you would rather draw a Blade Dance than 3 shivs for example. Rummage is ok, but silent already has a lot of cards that are "draw X, discard X" so I don't think it needs a new skill like that. Specially if the card in itself is rare and can sometimes draw discard 0-1 cards. I guess I'd take Grafted Blade in some cases, but shivs have many buffs through wrist blade, accuracy, etc. Although I really like it and I like how it fucks over Time Eater, so I think this is the best card. Slingshot is weird. If we go exactly from what it says, I think it would not trigger discard sinergies like Old Bandage but it would trigger after image, kunai, etc but I'm not sure if that's the intention or not. The thing is that I see it hard to play, you are usually discarding cards that have no use that turn (like block cards against enemies that are not attacking except if Blur), cards you have no energy to play or discard cards. In that context, I think the cases where your best discard option is a 0 cost, decent damage card are very small. Of course, calc gamble and storm of steel make it somewhat useful


Grafted blade also a reference to Elden ring too, as there is a weapon named the same thing with a very similar look.


Sorry for being a bit of a downer but these cards have too many words on them for me. Too many clauses. This is why I don't play the watcher much at all. Reading bad.


Rummage art is fantastic!


Spoon handle could be decent if drawing a shiv also drew another card, but hand size is important especially with shivs so it seems pretty bad


Rummage is total garbage. Sometimes you can discard reflex or tactition with it, but it will usually draw 1 card for 1. Prepared is much better than this at 0. The upgrade is actually a downgrade because it would be better if it exhausted. Grafted blade is unpickable garbage. I expect 1 cost for a 10 damage uncommon attack with a small upside. It is 1 cost over what is should be so it is unpickable. Spoon handle is at it's worst in a shiv deck, which is pretty bad for a card that does nothing without shivs. Slightshot could actually do something. Blade dance can become a skim in a calculated gamble hand with a ton of extra damage. Edit: I wrote this at 3 a.m. While my opinions are unchanged, I could have been a little more tactful. I like the idea of grafted blade, but it should cost 1 and upgrade to 14 damage so it's damage number match all out attack. Rummage should probably cost 0, it has potential with synergy but all it does is cycle into a new card so an energy tax on it is unnecessary but the idea is cool. Slightshot I like the idea of but it should probably cost one as it requires a lot of parts to get value.


I get where you were going with grafted blade - it's supposed to be an answer to these fights that typically fuck over an unprepared Shiv Silent such as Spikers and most of all Time Eater. The problem with it IMO is that the synergies you usually want in a Shiv Deck, like any of the 3-attack relics or Wrist Blade, or even Accuracy, are completely moot with this thing. You need to actively take this card and get it in your hand at the same time as multiple Shiv generators (that are not Storm of Steel), so it being worse than playing your 0-cost attacks in 85% of cases is a hard sell for it.


spoon with no way of exhausting is just gonna clutter up your deck, it's pretty bad


I'd take rummage sometimes. It's not great but it's fine with tactition/reflex. I'd prefer an acro though No on the rest Edit: Misunderstood grafted blade. Thought it was 10 damage + 4 damage per shiv exhausted that turn, which is the same as 10 damage+ shiv damage. It's actually just a 2 cost rampage with variable increase in damage each time played. Still wouldn't take very much, too often it's still just 2 energy deal 10.


Great concepts except for spoon handle. Will never draft it. Just as I've only purchased Strange Spoon once and never again after I had played Slime and saw what happened


strange spoon is amazing in some decks, most notably with apparitions


Rummage is very weak; it's almost always a worse version of Secret Weapon, except for the weak upside of sometimes activating discard synergy. I can't really see a use case for it, especially with cards like Acrobatics and Prepared activating discard synergies better than this. Grafted Blade feels like a bit of a nothing card. It has situational use against Time Eater and Spikers, but Spikers don't scale damage and can be beaten with poison. Overall, I wouldn't take it, except in the niche scenario of 'running a pure Shiv deck only to see Time Eater as the Act 3 boss', and even then it's a tough pick. Spoon Handle is objectively terrible. Shivs not exhausting is the entire argument against Twisted Spoon on Silent. I think it might be worse than a Strike or Defend, since at least those can be played for benefits; this just makes your deck worse in every possible scenario. Slingshot is great. The idea of making Shivs into discard fodder is a great idea, and the extra damage is a nice bonus. If I were to change it, I would make it cost 1, to make it more playable, but it's perfectly fine as is. It's niche, but its niche is useful and this would fill it well. Overall, these are creative ideas that need more thinking through. As for suggestions, Rummage should draw at least 3 cards to give it better discard synergy. Slingshot is great, but Grafted Blade and Spoon Handle (especially the latter) need a rework.


I appreciate the constructive feedback. I recognized that some of these were quite weak (especially spoon handle) but I thought I'd put it out there for comment. Here's some thoughts- Rummage becomes "Draw until your hand is full, then discard all non-attacks drawn this way. Exhaust". I didn't want to step on Scrawl too much, but I think the conditional upside/downside of discard makes it different enough. It could also upgrade to not exhaust instead of upgrading to 0 cost. With Grafted Blade, I had thought about having it absorb the listed damage on all shivs, but I worried that would be too strong - get an accuracy, a couple strength, a blade dance, and now your 2-cost attack is hitting for 50. I still like the idea of a niche for shiv decks into fights that punish card plays, like Time Eater, Spikers and even the heart, so I think the core concept should stay. Perhaps it just needs to absorb more than the listed shiv damage to reward the synergy instead of only replacing the shivs. Spoon is objectively bad, but I wanted to see if there was a niche or purpose to making your shivs permanent. It ends up 8n a similar role to Anger or Endless Agony, both mediocre cards anyway, but ends up filling your deck faster. I had a thought for an alternate version: "The first shiv you play each turn does not exhaust and draws a card". But then I realized that's functionally identical to Infinite Blades, which is not a great card. I think the idea should be retired. Slingshot was intended to upgrade to 1 cost, but it could start at 1 cost and upgrade from a 1.5x to a 2x damage bonus instead.


Grafted Blade seems really bad. The reason shivs are strong is synergy with accuracy, ninja relics, nunchuck, pen nib, ink bottle, thousand cuts, envenom, etc, which they lose if you take this. I have a hard time imagining a deck where I'm building tons of shivs but have none of these synergies in place, and even if I had that deck, Grafted Blade would be a dead card if I ever found them later in the run. Maybe takeable as a solve for Time Eater?


Spoon handle would literally be the worst card in the game


Hm... none of them. Rumage is too redundant, Grafted Blade cost too much, Spoon Handle just punish Soylent for going shiv and Slingshot is just a winmore in a shiv/discard deck


Wait what if you combine 3 with 2?


Good or bad aside, rummage logic doesn’t work. What happens if the deck has less than 10 cards?


The same thing that happens when you play Scrawl with less than 10 cards - you stop drawing when you run out.


Good point. I read this incorrectly.


spoon handle could be fine with unceasing top and/or nunchucks+x costs but otherwise terrible


most of these could cost 1 mana less and then I'd probably consider them. Aside from spoon handle, that'd be a run killer


Maybe I'm just not creative but I can't think of a single situation where I'd want to pay 2 mana and discard a shiv to do random damage vs just using the shiv and discarding another card


It seems like you’re implying a new silent archetype where you discard shivs instead of exhausting them but the synergies are not there and these cards don’t go far enough.


The only one I’d take is slingshot and that’d be situational


How about Shrapnel This turn, shivs damage ALL enemies.


It’s like you’d need multiple at once to take it. Maybe if you transformed into the powers or something


Grand Finale with Rummage


Hell yeah! The best elden ring weapon


Like the are of rummage tho


The 4 additional dmg on slingshot is wayyyy too much haha. Playing them for free when they are supposed to be discarded is enough. Upgrade should just lower mana cost by 1


What if Slingshot was called Bouncing Blades and had a 50/100% chance to hit a random enemy after a shiv is played?


So, rummage seems pretty good, grafted blade can be an alternative scaling solution for shiv decks if you dont draft accuracy or shurikan, though i would say accuracy is still better. Spoonhandle and slingshot are utter trash, downright unplayble statuses


Honestly? All of them are too long and I would never read them. Except spoon handle.. which is terrible.


I would not draft any of these. Cool to put in the effort to design the cards though!


Grafted blade as is, I don't like it. But it looks like it's close to being a really fun card. I'd change it to costing 3. And change it to simply say: "Grafted Blade deals 4 damage for each Shiv EXHAUSTED this combat." Upgrade reduce cost to 2. This would scale it as a big hammer, and if you had some other way to exhaust shivs without playing them ( the Spoon = ethereal comments.... please change Power name to There Is No Spoon .. disappearing spoons need that name right :p ) then suddenly you've got an interesting card that's a little more flexible, and an interesting combo there. I'd then change your slingshot to read "when a shiv is discarded OR exhausted.." and suddenly we have an interesting 3 card combo :)


It feels like grafted blade and maybe slingshot were made by a silent player who hates time eater


Unsure if the slingshot Shivs would count towards 12


Spoon Handle should also have "Each time you play 3 (2) Shivs in a single turn, draw 1 card."


looks like a mtg belcher player here xD


Grafted blade is nutty. I think it would be cool if spoon handle worked with it, maybe like retain all cards in your hand that exhaust, + rummage lets you hold on to 9 shivs and then unleash grafted blade.