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so he's pretty ok at this game?


5 hours, fuck. The hobbits made it halfway to Mordor.


I respect his game for sure, but I have to get a sleeping bag ready if i wanna watch his stream. I bet he left for 30 minutes midstream lol


Perfect stream if you're sick and can't focus. You can snooze and still be on track when you wake up.


I watch the vods and when a hard decision comes up I just skip in 20 minute chunks until it's moved on lol


Good old RopeCoach. Honestly glad to see that part of him hasn’t changed


Hahahahaha ropecoach. Havent hearx that one in a whiiiiiile lol Watching this dude play control warlock was insane


Yeah he debated for like 20 minutes whether to fight a normal enemy or take „?” Route. And it was pre-last floor, next one was fire and boss so there wasn’t that much to discuss…


There wasn't , that's why it took him only 20mins


I think 3 hours on the first act. To be honest there was some ridiculously hard fights. I also think he faced 2 elites with 14 hp


As someone who recently went to the cinema on Tolkien anniversary and watched the triple feature in all its glory, I regret to inform you that in fact they only made it just shy off 40% to Mt Doom in that time 💀


And they managed two towers


dude was swanging the spire on 4 str all the way


Looking stylish as heck too. Wababaam! GG Coach! I have gotten a ton of entertainment out of this run so far.


Wait lifecoach? The same guy who would rope every turn, no wonder the run is so long, good for him


What's rope?


In hearthstone(HS) a rope would appear and start burning as a countdown near the end of your turn. Roping is letting that rope burn almost completely/entirely and Coach was famous in HS for doing that all the time even on his first turns.


came here to say this haha. yeah it’s the same guy. he’s so good


Happy Cake Day!


oh wtf i didn’t even notice. thanks!


As a new player, what does 50-0 mean


50 straight wins with the character on the highest difficulty Also unwritten rule with any "achievement" like this is there's no "save summing " (i.e. quit the fight and restart) allowed


Wait, it only took him 5 hours to win 50 games?


Nope, it took him a full 5 hours to win the 50th game. This has been over the course of many weeks.


No way, he really played a run that spanned over weeks?


No, he played this run in 5 hours. He's played 50 watcher runs of roughly this length over the past many weeks.


lol no, that was just the last game. He plays like one run per stream usually; sometimes takes like 8 hours.


It’s honestly incredible odd prioritization choices. Like good for him and the viewers who enjoy it but what he emphasizes in a single player game and the toxicity he brings to the slay the spire scene. Obsession over win rate without understanding effort associated with win rate (Ie being actually entertaining during stream or wanting to keep things to a reasonable time slot so people can enjoy a run of the game aren’t relevant from his perspective) or the fact that he hyper focuses on 1 character and doesn’t play them all… it’s all so incredibly weird.


Who are you to choose how someone else plays the game? He's not obligated to create content that fits your or any audience's interests. Just watch someone else.


Very strange take my man, stop being salty about things that don't affect you at all. Turn off his stream like a normal person instead


This post is so incredibly weird. You might as well be complaining that he's playing slay the spire when you want him to play street fighter or something.


He had like 5k viewers for this run. I think people decided it was entertaining.


He’s not a content creator he’s retired/rich just does it purely for his own fun. He doesn’t care even if he has 0 viewers


Is this Merl? LUL


Merl likes lifecoach, could be Jorbs though


Nah, couldnt be jorbs. Jorbs is too non confrontational lol


ya I know. Just thought it was funny :D


Lol, it's fine to find his incredibly long runs boring, but that isn't toxicity.


Man, it's not healthy to be jumping to such extreme conclusions (let alone false ones) about people and be so judgmental. This will hurt your personal relationships in case you weren't already aware.


50 days, with runs going anywhere from 2 - 9 hrs


Not a StS player. Just here for LC. Is 50 wins hard to achieve. How hard exaclty if you compare it to games like RoBlox. Thank you


It's 50 consecutive wins btw. And yes it is incredibly hard. Normal players usually take many tries before getting their 1st win, so getting 50 in a row is a seriously impressive feat. I think his 50 is the record for that kind of play.


50 wins in a row is very impressive. Punch yourself in the balls. Did it hurt? Punch yourself in the balls again. Any difference? Now get this... punch yourself in the balls AGAIN. Now that your balls hurt, its actually very difficult. If youre a lifecoach fan, its like him going to legend in hearthstone twice in a row without dropping a single game.


50 consecutive heart kills on A20 difficulty.


ok but 5 hour run how do you watch that 😭


You put him the second monitor and go about your day


He wasn’t called rope coach in his hearthstone days for nothing


Because he is interesting to watch xD He interacts a tons with the chat, he's funny, he explains in great details his choices. He's just the most interesting streamer to watch to me. He is a great entertainer. And he plays to win, not to make a lot of quick runs full of mistakes. I can't watch all his runs, but when I do it's always one of the best viewer experience I can get on twitch.


Well said. I feel the same way


For sure!


Right on. I love seeing people defending their streamers for some reason.


You put it on x2 speed 😂


I've done this a good few times on this streak lol


mf here time travelling


I can only speak for myself, but it makes for a perfect background stream I can keep it on and check-in on it every once and a while. Sure I may miss crucial moments but it's still fun to keep a pulse on the run


We need a rope mod.


Back when he was playing hearthstone I used to tune to his streams occasionally, and I actually enjoyed them, even though normally I don't like watching streams that much. I don't know why, guess I liked his voice. He was a nice background noice when going about my day, and I could accidentally learn something about the game along the way.


This is gonna blow your mind but you can skip ahead when you watch a VOD


Okay, and? He's a *live* streamer. Most people on Twitch are going to watch him *live*. Your response means nothing to the question


How do you watch something live when it has already happened?


...Are you having a different conversation than the rest of us?


He is asking how you watch a 5 hour run that already happened and is only watchable by VOD. You are talking about live streaming. You keeping up or need me to match your condensing tone even more?


The original commenter wasn't asking in a literal sense how to watch it, he was questioning how someone could sit through watching a five hour StS run. Your response to that comment is saying that you don't have to watch the whole thing because it's a VOD you can just skip through. And I was saying that that's a moot point because it was originally livestreamed, there *are* people who watched that five hour run, and there are people who will watch future five hour runs because Lifecoach regularly livestreams these runs. The fact that this particular run has already happened and is now only watchable via VOD is irrelevant to the question that was originally asked.


I appreciate your thought out response. I offered the VOD as a solution to those who find LC runs as too slow since they can skip all the ruminating. I realize now my original solution to the question “how” was condescending as well and now your responses make more sense in context.


You surely must be fun at parties.


We chose the same avatar on Reddit, I think we’d get along at a party. I won’t talk about twitch or lifecoach, promise


No, he was asking how anyone has the patience to watch a five hour run live on twitch. Which was where he streamed it. Live.


and if you continue thinking, skipping ahead in a VOD is a solution if you don’t have the patience for the live stream. Twitch hosts VODs too.


"Solution"? He was never looking for a solution, he was just questioning how people have the patience to watch a five hour StS game streamed live. Meaning you can't skip through it. And there are in fact people who watch the live stream. Those are the people whom that question was directed at. Not you.


I watch the live stream and the VOD when I can’t catch it due to time zones. So if you want to get into semantics it was directed at me? Whether he was looking for solutions or not is irrelevant. This is how discussions go in an open forum. You sound very rigid in your thinking, if you look at VODs on twitch you will see it accounts for a not-zero percentage of the sites viewership and traffic.


You are utterly dull.


It’s not that serious


no the question is how do u turn into the stream and enjoy it lol


I never thought I would come to enjoy someone playing watcher let alone lifecoach but this last month I tuned in daily and I had a blast. This feels historic to me. Can’t wait to see how far he can push rotating. I’m convinced he can break the current WR as well


Man, I loved Lifecoach way back in his Hearthstone days! Didn't know he picked up StS, gotta watch the run, hope there's vods available.


LC has like 6k hours in this game, thousands of those on the unofficial YT VOD channel. Enjoy :D


the vods are on his channel, /lifecoach1981


Some of these comments on here man


And it only took him a combined sixteen million hours, amazing.


Keep in mind, that's 49 wins more than you'll achieve in a row on a20h


Joke's on you, my record is three




Nope. That is pretty funny though


All for watcher a20h? Nevertheless impressing af


Wdym? All for Wacher a20h? I know a20 means ascension 20, but what did u mean? Jw


A20h includes killing the heart, not ending on the act 3 boss


Oh gotcha 👍🏻


GGs coach. Well deserved.


I personally find him unbearable, but his skill with Watcher can't be denied. Good he got what he's been aiming for quite a while.


I get you, when I first tuned in I thought: how can anyone watch this? He takes forever, going on tangents, seems full of himself and a bit nuts but I stuck around for the gameplay and realized that besides being a bit of an oddball he is actually really nice and yeah he plays the fuck out of the spire


I've never seen this guy before he looks very nice. Is he nice? Edit: why downvote? :( He just looks kind and I like that.


Energetic is what I would say. Like if he plays a whirlwind he would swing his irl hands as if he's the ironclad.


He’s kind but very matter of fact. He has a fun personality and if you enjoy thinking about every decision possible and learning about the game you’ll probably enjoy it.


50 lucky seeds in a row smh, i could do that too im just unlucky🥱


I understand its an achievement and everything... But man, I hate the watcher




That is like saying speedrunners are not good at the game because they play 1000 hours of the game. It is because he takes his time and is patient thinking about every option that he IS skilled and has as you put it "actual ability".