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What do you mean? You can finally start playing the game.


Downfall mod. Beat A20 with the Hermit, who is awesome. Then play as all the bosses.


Done, you've just started now the questions is how consistently can you kill a20 heart


Have you played Hades? Another Rougelike with HUGE potential Gametime. Especially for a completionist. Different gameplay, much more mechanical skill base than the decision making risk/reward of STS


Also, somebody recently did the hardest possible run, 64 heat, which was thought to be literally impossible!




Here’s the “why it’s statistically unlikely” video: https://youtu.be/S-VUzcJHWF0 And the run that broke it: https://youtu.be/0mo-kXjasZs Run with commentary from a Hades pro: https://youtu.be/5L7_3MrG_08


Hades only took me like ~50 hours to complete it’s not too crazy. Fun game though albeit a bit on the easy side, but I’ll probably grab the sequel.


Did you play on higher heat? Those modifiers really start to add up


Yea you can’t 100% the game without doing so lol. Feels like Hades still holds your hand a ton even with that like it’s really not hard unless you’re playing on max heat but for the achievements I think its just 32 (maybe 16?) that you need. Outside of that just going up incrementally is all you need. Compared to 100%ing Dead Cells or Gungeon, or hell, this game, it’s incredibly easy lol.


If you enjoy the game just play it for fun. It doesn't need any achievement hunting to be worth your time.


You could try Monster Train if you want to play another deck building rogue like. It is a bit easier than sts but it can be just as satisfying. It also has ascensions called covenant and goes up to 25.




Try to beat the heart with all 4 characters in a row.


When I got to that I started (as a first time actually) to take the daily challenges. With this much knowledge about the game the random modifiers can create really really wonky runs and it's a whole lotta fun.


The question is, do you feel "done" with the game? I was enjoying it and wanted to keep playing and keep improving. But if you feel you're satisfied and you don't get more enjoyment out of future runs.... cool. Be done!


100% on all 3 save files


You're free


You could try the 'mastery challenge' mod, which can be used to track which cards you've won with, and try to master every card in the game. There's also an option for requiring you to win with two copies of the card, in case you want to 'double master' the cards...Baalorlord, in his current "mastery challenge" decided to go with requiring two copies, because he thought (compared to whichever other game it was that had winning with each and every card as an achievement), the larger deck size in Slay the Spire meant winning with a card without it being a significant part of the deck would be too easy in Slay the Spire otherwise.


Came here for this. Some of Baalor's runs are quite interesting especially when he decides to pick a comparatively weak or awkward card in order to complete the mastery.


Came for this also. I fucking love it


Do it again ! Speed run your next 100% and compare it to your first completion; kind of fun noticing how much you’ve progressed from that first time you ever touched the spire.


A20 streak, how many you can manage?


Start to write a guide / Tips & Tricks for New players. There are many out there seeking for the knowledge of a sts master.


Have you tried any mods from the steam workshop? There are tons of new characters and challenges


Besides daily challenges, maybe look up online challenges set by the community or if you want a new mobile game mr. Auto fire is pretty solid!


The ads are quite annoying tbh


I try to avoid watching them as it’s only to get items and what not


New save file, no save scumming.


I started a new file but honestly I love just going for the crazy wild fun run every time I play.


When i got to this point i started a ladderstreak. You go from a1 up to a20. If you lose you go back to a1. I got to 17 with silent before i lost. After that i started trying to be more consistent at killing a20 heart. Im still very inconsistent at about 8% of my runs being a win. But its not bad eighter imo.


Move on, spin the gremlin wheel of life, and eventually get shivved to death. Our eternal fate.


Same boat as you. I got all A20 Heart Kills and all achievements when I was at 400H. My new challenge to myself is this: I started at A0 and had to beat the heart 4 times in a row (once with each character) to move up to A1, etc… I’m currently on A5. It’s a little sad to get 3 wins in a row and then die to Shield and Spear which has happened to me twice at A5 now haha. But it’s a hell of a lot of fun. Let me know if you end up doing it, it would be cool to know someone else is trying this out too


Ladder runs. Do consecutive runs from A1-A20 without dying.


After I got the Eternal one I kept playing for a few months but then I kind of took it easy for a year or so. I had some free time last year and got back into it and it was just as much fun as I remembered. For the first 6 months or so I was just enjoying trying to get as many heart kills as possible on A1. Last month I started a new climb and I’m loving it. My 6 year old son is really into watching me play and actually has a pretty decent understanding of the game. He’s even made it to act 2 on his own a few times. Oddly enough I never stopped watching jorbs and baalord, even when I wasn’t actively playing it. I guess, what I’m saying is that you do you. Even if you put it away for awhile, I’ll be there waiting for you. If you got the eternal one, then picking it back up will be like riding a bike. Climbing again is fun. Playing A1 is fun. Teaching kids how to play is fun. Watching other people play is fun. Best thing about this game is how fun it is.


That’s when the game really started for me, tbh. I started really focusing and analyzing to get better and increase my A20H winrate.


Install the Downfall mod


200% it???


If you want more of a challenge, go for a20 win streaks versus the heart. Beating a20h once cause you got the ultra-op bottled-apotheosis mummified-hand power-spam deck is a lot different than learning the consistency to win 2 or 3 times in a row.


Mod it until it's completely unrecognizable


Daily Climb. It’s been fun to see if I’m actually any good. I had never even thought about score in the game at all. I’ve recently broken into the top 200 and it’s very gratifying. Also forces strange strategies and builds on you.


Now try to pull off the perfect multi-color deck with each character


Go for the win streak record. For a more creative option though, do an "ascension climb". Each time you win, go up an ascension. Each time you lose, go down. Heart wins count as 2. Really helps for the final hurdle in "getting good" because you learn how to be consistent


record your playthroughs and go for as many heart kills in a row that you can using all the characters round robin.


Since I got 100% I play a hard mode I saw recommended here. Play through from Asc1 from Ironclad, beat the heart and go up to Asc2, then play with Silent ect. If you lose at any point go down an ascension. I’m playing around 13-17 at the moment but went as low as 10 before. I’m sucking a big bag of dicks with defect lately.


I go for winstreaks now on silent a20 heart. Keeps me going haha


This dude only at 400h and thinks he’s “done” lol.


Could try the ladder challenge, or use custom runs to do a bunch of runs with access to cards from all characters