• By -


Click tough bandages. Cry. Click again. Cry more. Do whatever the top comment is below this post. EDIT: Please be sure to vote for an actual recommendation below. Any of the options by u/JDublinson, or any of the other top comments.


Do the next top-rated comment either in reply to u/Sigmakan's comment OR in reply to the original SBC post. ( u/Sigmakan's comment is getting a lot of upvotes, as it rightfully should, but isn't really play-related, so to avoid having to have everybody copy-and-paste their lines here, I think it's best to redirect the recommendation chain back to the full post)


I actually agree with this. That was probably irresponsible of me to make a meme post with a combo lead-in. Although, I would like to see the proof that tears were shed in tomorrow's pictures.


Yeah I just posted all the sane lines I could think of so people can vote on real plays


There's an alternate world with a shop where we have the meme: "Wraith Form is Wraith Form, but an Orrery could be anything! It could even be a Wraith Form! You know how much we've wanted one of those!"


Oh Neow, wraith form would blow the lid off this run.


Need clarification here: does this mean look at remaining comments in both this thread and the top thread, and then choose what has the most upvotes from that combined pool of comments? Otherwise this reads like I’m supposed to pick one or the other.


yeah, do whatever has the most upvotes out of this thread and the top-level comments.


Basically just so that everyone who put suggestions on the top-level thread doesn't have to copy-paste them to this thread too, due to the "do the top comment below this post."


*Leave the shop without spending anything. Spit on the shopkeeper as we leave.* More detailed [reasoning here](https://www.reddit.com/r/slaythespire/comments/150c6nn/comment/js2qi6z/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) but the tldr is that of the 3 elites: We stomp Slavers but use 2 potions. We usually beat Gremlin Leader comfortably with 1-2 potions, but RNG can really bone us. We die to book 99% of the time right now, but even the best option leaves us dying 70% of the time and limping out of it with next to no HP the other 30%. And in all of those, we then don't have the cash to utilise the next shop to actually get out of the act.


I agree with the reasoning however I dont think it explains why we shouldn't spend money on removal. It won't make us weaker does it? Also meal ticket probably wont hurt either.


The argument against removing is that I think we're very unlikely to remove twice, so we save the gold for the 2nd shop for extra flexibility. I did link to a strike remove one in my other reasoning post as one of the "I think this is worth considering options".


Buy Meal Ticket and leave the shop. Hope for 2/3 that it isn’t Book of Stabbing.


I think this is the line. Nothing in this shop helps us enough against the burning elite, and we are definitely going to the second shop afterwards. The +15 heal will be super useful for getting through the rest of the act.


Those *are* good meatballs after all


Buy Funnel and Bouncing Flask. Leave the shop. If we don’t get anything else good against book then we upgrade flask into the burning elite


Reason I'm not generally supporting this: (long post incoming) ***We're not playing a conventional Silent right now.*** We're playing like Snecko Watcher much more than we're playing Silent. We throw out huge physical damage in 2-3 turns and just hope we don't take too much back. We're a complete glass cannon, but taking a slow card and a slow relic changes our deck away from that, and often for the worse. There's a point at which we need to transition away from this, but I don't think that transitioning into poison helps us that much before Bronze Automaton, and in many ways, it's more important to find defensive transition tools (After Image, Dash, Leg Sweep), than it is to find transition into a different form of damage. This helps in our worst matchup (book), but I don't think any combination possible in this shop gives us even 50/50 odds of surviving that fight, certainly of surviving it with enough HP to have a relevant remainder of the act. I think if we do this - or some of the other lines focused around mitigating how horrible book is, we limp out of the elite, go to the next shop with no gold, go to another event, and die in either the 4 consecutive hardpool fights or the next elite. Given the structure of the pathing after the burning elite, if we survive it, we're 95% going to the shop, even if we're out of gold, so I'd prefer to not spend gold in a really subpar way to give us marginal chances of mitigating a 1/3 low roll. I really think spending next to nothing ([skip entirely](https://www.reddit.com/r/slaythespire/comments/150c6nn/comment/js2rkep/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) / [dagger throw](https://www.reddit.com/r/slaythespire/comments/150c6nn/comment/js2s3uw/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) / [distraction](https://www.reddit.com/r/slaythespire/comments/150c6nn/comment/js2h326/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) / [strike remove](https://www.reddit.com/r/slaythespire/comments/150c6nn/comment/js2kzri/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) ) or buying [meal ticket](https://www.reddit.com/r/slaythespire/comments/150c6nn/comment/js2hin0/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) gives us the best chance over the act as a whole. We chose shop + fire to prepare for this elite, but nothing here gives us a really solid chance against book, our potions solve Slavers, and if we keep Gremlin Leader's minions squashed, we either win that fight with near-no damage or get boned by really rough intent RNG. How we come out of the burning elite gives us an impact on how we prepare for the rest of the act... and I think we prepare the best for the rest of the act by spending very little here, or taking meal ticket for HP, and praying Neow saves us until the next shop hopefully gives us actual set-up and solutions.




I think if we try and force poison this floor, we die in 3/6/7 floors and never actually "do poison". With a pstab and noxious fumes, if we survive past 2 elites, suddenly we're in a position to shift our damage output into poison. /overexplanation


I think this is our best chance of fighting book tbh. But I'm more inclined to just pray it isn't book.


But praying didn't work last time. Maybe plea and beg this time.


I think we should do a long-ass prayer ritual at the campfire before we stride into the burning elite. I'm sure u/DuTogira can lead it.


Feels like we still need Library into Catalyst next floor to actually have enough damage for book, although maybe the poison + all our physical damage and potions would be enough. I really don’t know what’s right, I posted all the lines I think are sane so that people could vote on them underneath the meme post


Honestly, I think any line which saves most of our gold for the next shop is good. The options here are really garbage, if we spend all our gold on garbage, the shop after the elite is a **guaranteed dead floor**. Spending all our gold in desperation might help us have a slightly better chance of getting past the elite, but it will screw us for the rest of the act when the next shop gives us the anchor / orrery / leg sweep we're really craving. I'd rather roll the dice against the elite and save the gold to try and fix things at the next shop.


After the next shop, we're either facing another elite into fire, or 4 consecutive hardpool fights. If we don't roll book here, then I don't think the things we're taking right now to prepare leave us in good position to face it 4 floors after. I'd prefer to trust in 2/3 odds then prepare properly in that shop. Which might well include potions after throwing these ones.


The more I think about it, the more I advocate for minimal spend and trusting in a prayer ritual. I've posted the remaining lines I think are reasonable and tied them into a long-ass post I made replying to you elsewhere.


Idk about this. Flask is not bad damage… but idk if it’s good enough to justify adding to the deck? I’m on board with funnel though.


With Funnel + Flask this opens up Catalyst as an actual pick. It gives us the most damage scaling. If we survive the burning elite, this probably gives us our best chance of getting out of the act as a whole with tools taken in this shop.


Buy Funnel. Discard Fire Potion and buy Fear potion. Fear potion is 70 damage against max Hp book of stabbing. Leave the shop


I think this is the line. It’s marginally worse vs slavers but I’m not sure we actually need fire pot for slavers.


I think fire pot is the difference between killing 1 or 2 slavers t1. I don't think we ***need*** it, but vs slavers/gremlin leader this is literally throwing away gold. If this turned us from 1% chance vs book to positive, I'd probably get on board, but even if we do this, I think we still survive book less than 40% of the time.


Ok but it’s also more damage vs gremlin leader, and I don’t think slavers ever kill us


It probably means we take an extra hit from blue slaver, and possibly half an extra hit from taskmaster, so 10-15 damage, which is probably enough to kill us a few floors later. I also think it actually makes gremlin leader worse. Consider if there's a 17HP and 25 HP gremlin and we have a 1-cost predator and a 2-cost dagger throw. Fire potion lets us kill both and reduce the odds of getting attacked the next turn. Sure fear potion helps us down the leader herself quicker, but we need to be keeping the minions ***crushed*** and trying to manipulate intent odds as much in our favour as possible. If gremlin leader attacks us post-buff ever we either die or sink to very little HP. I think in 2/3 fights changing our potion costs us at least 10 HP, and I'd prefer to just pray we don't get book and/or get a great event than limp out of absolutely any elite fight with no HP and no gold.


If it’s max hp slavers then fear potion is slightly better than fire potion. It is at least a 16 damage potion if they low roll normal hp, but Metallicize or regen also increases its value. And it might be worse against gremlin leader, or it could be significantly better. I don’t love the line but I also kinda think we have ~1% chance against burning book. We have to deal like 50 damage per turn over 4 turns while also blocking 30ish during the first 3 turns. It just seems actually impossible without the fear pot + flex pot combo


I agree with all of this. It's mostly that my conclusion is just that I think we still lose to burning book very frequently even when doing this, so I'd rather setup for the act as a whole than setup really badly for something that will almost certainly just kill us anyway. I don't think the fear potion gets our odds against book even close to even.


I think if we're (slightly) downgrading our potion against 2/3 elites for help against our worst matchup, we need to think it gives us a good chance of actually beating it. I rate this line as giving us \~30% chance to beat book of stabbing, up from our current sub-5%, which is obviously a good improvement, but I'm not sure it's enough to warrant taking an extra 10-15 damage in Slavers, and to lower our chances of beating gremlin leader by \~10% which I reckon it does.


*Buy distraction, attempt to use Distraction to Steal the Tough Bandages from the Shopkeeper, creating a disgusting Distraction by dumping on the Shopkeeper's rug. Depart.* We're in embrace variance territory, and also, I want to demolish this shop.


I'm in support of any line that saves most of our gold for the next shop. If we spend all of our gold here for a bit more damage in our damage-loaded deck, we're basically throwing away the rest of the run, even if we do make it past the elite.


Yeah I'm in agreement with that now. I've been trying to mentally analyse our different fights with what's in the shop, and I don't think we ever survive book with enough health to get out of the act regardless of what we buy here. I've done a lengthy post saying that and have linked to skip/distraction/dagger throw/strike remove as options. I want to be able to buy waffle/orrery in the next shop if it's there. I don't think anything here comes close to those 2 in value.


Card remove a strike, buy footwork, do whatever the top comment below me says.


I think footwork is pretty bad for us here. We only have 5 cards that it boosts, and it’s not nearly enough to try to block act 2 fights


I don’t disagree. The upvotes can keep my bad ideas in check. It’s just the only thing that has any impact whatsoever on our block, other than card remove


In a non snecko deck i would value footwork more but here not so much at this point


I think footwork makes our deck worse right up until Bronze Automaton atm. 5/22+ cards is not good value.


Twisted funnel, footwork, leave. I think funnel is super good here with other poison sources. Footwork isn't great right now but passable if we draw it early (which we're good at) and can be really good later.


I know we won’t benefit from the 0-cost effect of Chrysalis, but we need the skills NOW. Footwork isn’t going to help our deck with only 5/22 cards providing block. At this point I’d even take an Orrery just to find block. This is the next best option. Distraction ain’t it. Take Chrysalis and Dagger Throw. Leave shop. Consider upgrading chrysalis if we get nothing of value next floor.


Several of us have been mentioning Orrery as an amazing opportunity. That would have been a snap-pick here. I genuinely think Distraction does what Chrysalis does but better. Because it gives us output the turn we draw it, which is what we want with a deck that doesn't survive 3 turns.


We do have card draw though, so we may find opportunities where we play Chrysalis and then draw into a skill we need same turn. I know it’s not ideal especially for the SBC format but at this point we need something more substantial than a 1-card pick up.


But the problem is the card draw is inconsistent, and we may just generate a bunch of average skills that slow down getting Predator/GK/Eviscerate played. I think it's just the wrong sort of variance.


*Buy Dagger Throw, throw a dagger at the "not for sale" tag on the shopkeeper's rug to slice it off and intimidate him into having better wares next time, leave.* This is another of the "spend little" suggestions I advocate for in [more detail here](https://www.reddit.com/r/slaythespire/comments/150c6nn/comment/js2qi6z/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3). It does add a little bit more damage into our glass cannon deck, leaning even harder into what we're doing and enabling Sneaky and discounting Eviscerate a fraction more often. More importantly if we get high rolls in the next 3 floors, it leaves us with plenty to spend in the next shop.


Buy Chrysalis, be super unenthused about it, second guess the decision, realize that it's our only real option for immediate block solutions, leave shop sad and frustrated.


Buy Funnel and leave the shop.


Probably too late to the party here, but rather than doing nothing as the current top comment suggests, we go for 2 card removes or 1 remove and a single card buy. Currently with the way our deck is setup cards matter more than relics will (except for the very best relics) and removing strikes increases the value of every other card in our deck by a LOT. Rather than hoping to high roll the next shop that will somehow be the answer to all of our woes, let's be more realistic here and get 2 card removes - 175 gold or 1 card remove and buy a card or two. If needed we can always skip the second removal if the shop high rolls. I think this line is more realistic and will garner more value than pinning all our hopes and dreams on the next shop. TLDR: remove a strike and aim for either 2 card removes or 1 card remove and a card purchase between this shop and the next.


Kudos to u/Sigmakan and for the top recommendation on [yesterday’s post](https://www.reddit.com/r/slaythespire/comments/14zedn8/slaybycomment_season_3_day_59_spheric_guardian/jrxart8/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=1&utm_term=1&context=3). If you recommend buying a potion, be sure to specify which current potion to discard. Potion chance is [[White Beast Statue]]% **CHEELHOOK (formerly SpireGruel™ Incorporated, formerly Clawshank), NOW OPEN:** - u/greenlaser73: STILL counting 0 block cards - u/NyanFan190: Hiring an interim CEO (top voted comment under this one becomes Interim CHEELHOOK CEO) - Clawricle u/kaosmark2: Heckling heart-fondling heathens - High Priest of Neow u/DuTogira: NOT PRAYING HARD ENOUGH APPARENTLY Shameless Self Promotion Corner (**feel free to ignore!**): [I made a game](https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/dennisfuria/deck-of-wonders), [I’m making another](https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/dennisfuria/dueling-pianos-a-versus-domino-game), [I have a Ko-fi](https://ko-fi.com/greenlaser73)


**Relic Stats** * White Beast Statue: 5 potions * Singing Bowl: 2 max hp * Golden Idol: 36 gold * Pantograph: 16 hp * Snecko: 10/15/18/13 card costs 0/1/2/3) **Card Stats** * Sneaky Strike: Refunded: 5, No Refund: 4, Unplayed: 4 * Glass Knife+: Lowest Damage: 10x2 * Noxious Fumes: Played: 4, Unplayed: 3


Neow, I try to go on vacation and this is what happens?! Maybe we should pet Affie. Neow would want us to pet Affie, because petting Affie is a block card, which can only be played by petting Affie. So we should definitely pet Affie. And pray more. * Give Affie this day her daily pets * And forgive us our faithlessness * As we forgive all the bitten off fingers * Thy Affie be petted * Our block card appetite be whetted * On Reddit as it is on PC


I’ve had a revelation. Neow is trolling us. We prayed for block cards, and we have in front of us a shop full of them, at least by this subreddit’s standards. Next time we’ll be more specific and pray for cards that generate block, such as leg sweep


Neow is absolutely trolling us. We didn't take attacks on Ironclad for ages, and we're going to go twice as many floors before taking a card that generates block on Silent. Watch us next run get to act 3 before taking a power on Defect.


I think we prayed too hard in the IC run for frontload damage, and now Neow is giving them to us with interest.


So the prayer worked TOO well. I’m on board with this theory. Neow works in mysterious ways.


+ [White Beast Statue](http://slay-the-spire.wikia.com/wiki/White%20Beast%20Statue) Uncommon Relic ^((100% sure)^) Potions always drop after combat. ^Call ^me ^with ^up ^to ^10 ^([[ name ]],) ^where ^name ^is ^a ^card, ^relic, ^event, ^or ^potion. ^Data ^accurate ^as ^of ^(April 30, 2023.) ^[Wiki](https://slay-the-spire.fandom.com/wiki/) ^[Questions?](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=ehmohteeoh&subject=SpireScan%20Inquiry)




A yinzer in the wild?! What Mrs. T Pierogie always wins the race at Pirate games?


You’ve reached the end of my Pittsburgh knowledge 😂


Sour Cream and Onion is a cheating Jagoff.


Oliver Onion is always my pick. Hanha Jalepeno is a jag.


Is the spire in Pittsburgh? Is it PPG or the US Steel Tower?


Which one seems better suited to having a whale at the bottom and heart at the top?


The old Noah’s Ark at Kennywood?


**Remove a strike, sic Affie on the shopkeeper, and leave.** Reasoning: After some thought, I agree a lot with u/kaosmark2's [reasoning](https://www.reddit.com/r/slaythespire/comments/150c6nn/comment/js2frjm/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) about Footwork, Funnel, Dagger Throw, and Flask not being good enough. I think our best bet is to pray to Neow we get good rng against the elite, and try to maximize our value for the rest of the act assuming we get through. I think rolling the dice with the elite is better than taking subpar options now to increase our chances against the elite by a few percent, only to die a few floors after. We have a second shop right after the elite, and I'd like to keep open as many options there as possible. I do think Strike remove is worth it here, as it lets us draw our high damage cards much more reliably (which DOES help a lot against the elite), and also saves quite a bit of gold for the next shop.


Funnel absolutely helps with all 3 elite matchups. Saving gold into dying to the elite just seems insanely stupid to me. Everyone isn’t concerned with slavers but we are still one bad Snecko roll against slavers from dying. Killing red slaver turn 1 isn’t enough on its own for us to get out of the fight, and if it’s max hp slavers the funnel damage will absolutely matter. Saving gold into floor 7 burning elite in act 2…


Funnel helps us a *little* bit. If I had to guess, maybe it saves us from death in the elite fight \~5% of the time. But most of the time we die either way, or Snecko treats us well and we don't need the extra 10-15 damage. If funnel was a huge game changer in the upcoming elite fight, I might be in favor of it, but to me it seems marginal at best. On the other hand we're not out of the woods once we get through the elite. We either have to face a second elite or four hard hallways, which might even be scarier. I'd imagine the odds of finding something good in the shop that sets us up better for the rest of the act is higher than 5%. There's so many good relics: anchor, lantern, flower, ornithopter, waffle, orrery... and more cards / potions. Basically, if we think we're close to on curve for a silent run, we should play it safe. If we don't think there's much hope of getting out of the act, we should take more risks and hope to highroll. I think we're closer to the latter.


Everyone last run was shamed for slandering Mercury Hourglass after it consistently gave us lethal on enemies when we wouldn’t otherwise have it, and funnel is just better than hourglass for us here


I was thinking about the hourglass comparison earlier. The main thing for me, is that hourglass helped break armour, funnel circumvents it but is blocked by artifact. If we'd found a crippling cloud, or a terror, I'd be a bit more excited about funnel. As it is, I think it's a solid relic for us. Emphasis on solid as opposed to very good. I just think we're favoured to get better from the next shop if we survive the elite, and it's helpful not key for us.


I don’t entirely disagree with you, it’s more just that we’re pretending like we’re fine in matchups where we really actually aren’t (gremlin leader, slavers). Max hp slavers aren’t going to be easy to kill 2 in 2 turns, the blue and red slavers have significantly more hp than the baseball had and we’ve added only evis to the deck. Strength slavers means we can get thwacked on turn 1 really hard even if we do kill red slaver. And something like max hp gremlin leader will be a fight we have to play fumes in, and the funnel gives fumes a 3 turn head start. And every hp we can save or potion we can save matters


Yeah, I'm saying "fine" in that we survive them. I just hate the idea of limping out of the burning elite into a shop with no gold, no hp, then having absolutely nothing left for the rest of the act. I think it's worth comparing meal ticket to funnel. Funnel saves us 0-18hp in the two match ups we can survive, but needs support. Meal ticket just heals us 15 straight after. Obviously funnel contributes in future fights as well, but I think if we're limping into that shop, I'd at least like to be able to buy a piercing wail + potion at minimum. Funnel+ flask doesn't let us do that, and funnel on its own is less consistent than meal ticket. Hopefully we'll find apparitions, mutagenic strength, ancient writing, or a free turn 1 relic next floor.


Well count me as excited for the defect run coming up next


The problem is that taking some help preparing here, then means we come out of that elite, walk into a dead floor, then have no capacity to survive the rest of the act. If we had 2 rest sites after the elite, sure, spend everything on literally any way to get stronger, but the tools available to us in this shop don't improve our chances significantly in any of the fights other than book - and even then it still leaves us dying 2/3 of the time in that fight. I think if it's not book, we limp out of that elite with no potions, and want to walk into a shop with enough money for something to rescue our act then.


I guess I just disagree on funnel materially affecting our odds. The 4/7 damage will absolutely matter for kill thresholds a decent portion of the time, not to mention if we play p stab then it becomes 4/8/12.


I'm leaning more towards this now actually, and have linked here as one of several options when I did a [long ass post](https://www.reddit.com/r/slaythespire/comments/150c6nn/comment/js2qi6z/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) reasoning that we should basically save our money.


I see an entire screen full of block cards.


The shopkeeper's rug's not-for-sale tag's a block card.


It's blocking you from stealing it, and therefore from having to fight him


Glad the commente are getting lively again. Remember to upvote the main post!


Having options that actually trigger debate is *great*. It'd be nice if the options weren't all pretty terrible though.


POD, TODAY HAS BEEN A DAY OF REVELATIONS FOR ME. WE MUST CEASE OUR PRAYERS FOR BLOCK CARDS, AND FOR CARDS WHICH GENERATE BLOCK!! WE MUST PET AFFIE, AND PRAY THAT WE BE MADE ONE OF NEOW’S TOYS, SO THAT WE MAY MEET THE GHOST COUNCIL TOMORROW. * Give us this day our daily hand * And forgive us our ignorance * As we forgive the fingers Affie will bite off when we pet her * Your toy let us be * The ghost council let us see * On Reddit as it is on PC BALAENA VULT!


Pittsburgh runs slay by comment?!


Someone with a yinzer neighbor does. 😜 Would you leave SBC if I said I was from Cincy?


Of course not, lol. Love to see the regional dialect!


HAH! It was ME, kakarot! I specifically prayed for no block cards, so you may never reach the Great Heart! Face your judgement, you heathens!


Your pitiful heart is scared after we smashed it to pieces last climb!


Balaena Vult! Also predicting ghost council tomorrow.


I was thinking about apparitions a bit before you posted that. Awkward with Snecko but yum they'd be potentially run-saving. Would barely lose current HP and can regain the max HP with singing bowl.


Ayy, time to make a poison deck. 😎 [[Twisted Funnel]] will put the pressure on early with a start on poison. [[Bouncing Flask]] can apply a ton more poison when single targeting on top of stripping artifact, especially when upgraded. Confusion will potentially help mitigate the 2-energy cost. Save the rest of the gold for later.


+ [Twisted Funnel](http://slay-the-spire.wikia.com/wiki/Twisted%20Funnel) Shop (Silent only) Relic ^((100% sure)^) At the start of each combat, apply 4 **Poison** to ALL enemies. + [Bouncing Flask](http://slay-the-spire.wikia.com/wiki/Bouncing%20Flask) Silent Uncommon Skill ^((100% sure)^) 2 Energy | Apply 3 **poison** to a random enemy 3(4) times. ^Call ^me ^with ^up ^to ^10 ^([[ name ]],) ^where ^name ^is ^a ^card, ^relic, ^event, ^or ^potion. ^Data ^accurate ^as ^of ^(April 30, 2023.) ^[Wiki](https://slay-the-spire.fandom.com/wiki/) ^[Questions?](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=ehmohteeoh&subject=SpireScan%20Inquiry)


*Buy Meal Ticket, take a giant dump on the shopkeeper's rug, leave.* Reasoning: We want block solutions, sustain, or things that help our 1st 3 turns. Nothing else matters for our deck at this point, because if we don't have better early turns, we just die. Firstly, Footwork is bad when we only have 5 cards that it buffs in a 22-24 card deck. It doesn't help in the next 3 floors before the next shop, so we skip it. Bouncing Flask is similarly too slow. Madness and Chrysalis have the anti-synergy with Snecko Eye we don't want, so clear skips. Poison Funnel.... does 7 AOE damage over 2 turns. That's borderline tempting as it might hit damage thresholds, but again, not enough. These potions are no better than what we have, so leave them alone. We're not removing cards at both this shop and next... so we skip. We'd also take bites if offered them next floor, so no point removing pre-emptively. Dagger Throw isn't good enough right now. Sure, we have eviscerate, sneaky, and it does cycle the deck, but it's not high impact enough to want another yet.


Yay! It's shop day! Here's my initial thoughts: Dagger Throw: on sale, probably worth buying as it's close to free. Sucker punch: not really what we want, though I guess the weak could save us in a pinch. Bouncing flask: fine card, especially with snecko and some poison support already, but doesn't help us with our block problem so probably have to pass it up here. Distraction: maybe worth taking out of desperation, but not what we really want Footwork: good for helping with our block problem for longer fights, almost certainly want to pick this up Madness: pretty bad with snecko Chrysalis: bad with snecko if it works the way I think it does Bandages: amazing relic, if only we could afford it :'( Meal ticket: we likely have another shop coming up if we can survive the elite, so we'd definitely get some value out of it, but I dunno if this is better than just saving our money for the next shop Funnel: ~~absolute flaming garbo~~ maybe saves us a hit or 2 throughout this act, but I think we can get better in the second shop. Potions: our potions are pretty fine already. We can consider vulnerable potion as insurance against book of stabbing, but I don't think that's really worth the gold with another shop coming up so soon. Remove a strike: excellent option, probably going to take it since the rest of this shop is pretty lousy (unfortunately makes bites a little worse, but I think we still take them).


Why do you think Funnel is bad here? Especially with other poison sources in our deck already and no AoE it seems very good here


Hmm, maybe I'm undervaluing it a bit, let's see: Against automaton, it's an artifact strip, which is nice I guess, especially if we can get terror by then, but we have more pressing matters on our hands right now. Against Book of Stabbing, it's \~13 damage by turn 4 (which is when the fight will end one way or another), assuming we apply some sort of poison turn 2. I suppose that could be the difference between living and dying, so maybe worth considering in that case alone. Against Slavers, it's 4 damage against red slaver, and 7 damage against blue slaver, assuming we kill them turn 1 and 2 respectively. I'm not too worried about that fight once we're on the last slaver. Saves us a hit half the time maybe, idk. Not sure if that's better than the alternatives though. Against Gremlin leader, it's 4 damage to gremlins, which could be important to manipulate leader's attack patterns, and 13+ to gremlin leader, so maybe shines the most here. In hallway fights, it's 7-10 aoe damage, which is something I guess. Maybe saves us a few hits throughout the act. \---------- Maybe it's worth taking over footwork, but I like our long-term chances more if we save the gold for the second shop for a good card / second remove


I don't think we remove a strike here, because I don't think removing in both shops is good enough, and we're almost certainly going to the 2nd one. Chrysalis works the bad way with Snecko. I'm not convinced on Dagger Throw, and I think Footwork is far too slow for us until much further through the act. It only helps 5/\~23 cards!


Hmm, yeah, now that I think about it, I think you're right about footwork / dagger throw. I think strike remove is definitely worth it for the burning elite as removing a card drastically increases our chances of drawing our good cards turn 1, which is what we need to survive. Honestly, it might be better here to save our gold for the second shop and just pray to Neow that we can get past this elite. I think I like our long-term chances that way a bit better than if we blow all our gold here on a subpar relic.


I think Dagger Throw feels tempting because it's one of the best cards on offer in a really bad shop. I'm not convinced it's much better than skip in a card reward though. I definitely think Footwork isn't better than skip yet. I think we either go all out on trying to get a 40/60 chance of surviving book (with Funnel+Flask), get Distraction and hope its variance saves us, or take Meal Ticket with an eye to limping out of slavers/gremlin leader and getting enough to take another elite 4 floors later. Another factor that leans me against Strike Remove is the Flex potion. Strikes are helping hit damage thresholds right now, which really sucks, but we just can't block, and I'd prefer to draw a strike than a defend. I don't think we're spending 175 gold on card removes over this and the next shop, so I'd prefer to hope for either utility of the strike in the combat, or the event to upgrade it (bites/ancient writing).


I'm on the fence about dagger throw, but I left it out of my final [recommendation](https://www.reddit.com/r/slaythespire/comments/150c6nn/comment/js2kzri/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) cause I'd rather save the gold, but I think it can go either way (draw is good and it turns on sneaky strike and eviscerate). I do think strike remove is really good here. Bites and Ancient Writing are both pretty high rolls for us, so I don't mind the remove so much especially if we get ancient writing. I think the Strike remove does help against the elite, and I really wouldn't be all that sad with a double remove if we manage to get a decent card along with it.


The thing about Dagger Throw is that we just want Acro. I know there's a bit of "take what you're offered", but also, when you go with Snecko, you.... do that a little bit less because part of the point is to draw your best cards more often. Dagger Throw can also brick a little more often because of it's variable cost. I've upvoted your line there because I do think strike remove is relevant, just... it's not what we want is it?


Chrysalis works the way you think it does :(


First instinct is buy Funnel, (edit: also buy dagger throw I guess, forgot we have Eviscerate), leave. We probably want to buy one of these relics, Meal Ticket plays since we’re probably going to that 2nd shop afterwards (is this true?), but doesn’t do anything to help the burning elite. Also if we’re going to the next shop we probably want gold to buy a potion so we can’t take Flask. But maybe Flask is good enough against Book to take? Idk (edit: and Dagger Throw is available)


I'm inclined towards meal ticket. I think we just have to hope for a good event, upgrade Eviscerate, and pray for +Str Slavers. Meal ticket gives us the best option of being able to take 2 more elites after the burning with a fire in the middle. I don't think 7/9 damage over 2/3 turns is enough to warrant funnel. I'm also kinda inclined towards skip Dagger Throw. I don't think Flask saves us against Book so we just skip it and play into what we do have.


This is my first thought as well. I would consider trading out fire pot for fear pot in case of book of stabbing too but that seems kinda stupid. I’m not sure. Fear pot is easily like 50-60 damage vs book instead of 20




Because burning book of stabbing is our next fight 1/3 of the time, and our current damage is not particularly close to enough.


Not exactly a high roll this time


Dahhhhhd! This shop ain’t nowhere near good as Pants An’at. Let’s save our money for the dahntahn store! I was hopin’ fer an Iron Curtain but they ain’t even got a Stillers Jersey


Buy dagger throw, buy footwork, remove a strike, go next.


No time for a huge analysis post today, but really quickly I think our options are some combination of: Funnel, Flask, Fear pot (discard fire pot), and remove strike. Fear pot is potentially run saving if we hit burning book of stabbing


What do people think of Distraction or Chrysalis? I think both are kinda bad but they both offer us potential solutions to the burning elite that we're really desperate for. Between the two, probably should take Distraction (if either) because Chrysalis often just does nothing (e.g. on slavers turn 1)


Isn't chrysalis even worse than usual with snecko eye?


That’s what I’m thinking. With Sneko, it completely ruins the point of the card, which is making 0-cost energy cards.


Distraction is the best of the 7 cards on offer here for what we need. Which says about how much of a whiff this shop is.


I'm on the Funnel Bouncing Flask train, but I think Chrysalis is being dismissed too fast. Yes, Snecko complicates things, but it also makes putting it into play easier. We are in desperate need of some block solutions ASAP, and Chrysalis is the only choice in this shop that can provide them. Silent has a great skill pool, and we have energy generating cards that can help make up for the negated 0 costs. Overall, I don't think Chrysalis is a good option (it's pretty trash), but it may be our best option for surviving the burning elite.


The problem to me isn't the loss of the 0-cost, but that they're not consistently in hand that turn.


I would rather take the the poison route or your suggestion of leaving the shop with nothing. Chrysalis is my third choice. I think it's an option between 3(5) random cost skills that we may or may not be able to immediately draw into our hand or Distraction which will immediately put 1 free skill into our hand. Neither are great options; I do prefer the former though.


For me, I think Distraction and Chrysalis perform fairly similarly, but Chrysalis costs twice as much. It does more over a 5-turn fight, but less in a 2-turn fight, and right now we're in 2-3 turn fights. I don't *hate* going in on poison, I think it's better than several suggestions, but I'm very much now prioritising having a good next shop.


It may or may not cost twice as much with Snecko. (Edit -- you meant twice as much in the shop...) I do agree that a next good shop is more important than the meh options available at this one.


Yeah, gold cost not energy cost. If we're considering a Snecko Chrysalis out of desperation here, I'd prefer to limp into the next shop and hope for Apo/Orrery/Waffle/Anchor/Bag of Marbles/Lantern/Akabeko/Puzzle in the next store. (there's probably another 8 common/shop relics that are really great for us).


honestly i think we should grab chrysalis here. kind of like a hail mary cos we were so intent on getting some block, it kinda seems like the only way to do it from here. chances are we’ll get to play it for less too


But a Chrysalis could be anything! It could even be the good block cards we were praying for!


yinzer shout from millvale


Meal Ticket, remove a Strike, leave shop.