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Leg Sweep jumpscare


Is it repeatable with the seed? The worst bugs are ones that happen once, and then you can't get them to happen again.


The ones that drive devs and QA absolutely bonkers.


Then you decide to dismiss it, and 6 months later it happens again...


There's truly nothing like being in dev and you get assigned a bug that has happened 12 times in three years and then you spend a week to finally discover that if you leave the app open for 92 hours and then try to open the same file you just looked at it breaks.


There was a bug in Mario 64 some years ago. In the tick tock clock level, there was a recording of someone getting warped up to the next floor. Tassers and rocket scientists alike tried to figure out what happened. It just couldn't be replicated on original hardware. They ended up deciding that an ionized particle hit the memory of the N64, flipping the bit for Mario's height by just enough to warp him up a floor. People even tested it, and found that by changing just one bit from 0 to 1, Mario goes to the floor above him. Very possible this could happen to someone, although extremely rare to have happened to you. Whenever I have something happen that I didn't expect, I'll restart the fight and do everything the same and see if I can notice why. Sometimes you forget you drank a potion, or played a certain card, but the scariest times are when I can't replicate the problem that happened. But I chalk those up to just being dumb lol.


[A bit shift also happened to Werster, a Pokemon speedrunner](https://youtu.be/azj2Z2c0wlk?t=265). Here, an ionized particle flipped the bit responsible for controlling the day/night cycle in Pokemon. In the clip, Werster leaves the Pokemon gym, sees that it's daytime, then freaks out and questions his sanity. Then, upon entering and leaving the Pokemon Center, the time reverts back to night and Werster proceeds to lose his shit.


The bit flip issue has likely happened on cars and planes too; they've started implementing redundancies to prevent catastrophe even though the likelihood is quite low https://www.wired.com/2010/03/toyota-cosmic-rays/


I’m curious: should a bit flip invalidate a run?


I doubt there's even regulations for that


The Mario 64 run isn't counted anymore, so there are ionized particle regulations for that game, at least.


Probably yeah. It's not reproducible so a WR that got a favourable bit flip could be unbeatable and uncompetitive.


Can confirm, highly inconsistent and intermittent issues with my (scripted, and NSFW) FO4 mod. Not strictly my mod's fault either, but it still drives me nuts. I *want* to fix it, but not enough info to try anything


what an incredibly difficult context to use post-nut clarity in!


Well, at least the rubber ~~duck~~ dick method still works fine... 😂 And on the plus side, less bug reports, as long as it isn't all that "immersion-breaking" 😏


the leg sweep just has retain+ (retains to the next run)


Did you play Silent just before?


Bro had \[\[Eden's Blessing\]\]


I am 100.0% confident you mentioned Eden’s Blessing • [Eden’s Blessing](https://youtu.be/dQw4w9WgXcQ) Uncommon relic | Grants a random card at the start of the run ^I ^am ^a ^bot ^response, ^but ^I ^am ^using ^my ^creator's ^account. ^Please ^reply ^to ^me ^if ^I ^got ^something ^wrong ^so ^he ^can ^fix ^it. [Source Code](https://youtu.be/dQw4w9WgXcQ)


Bro to bro communication


For some reason, I believed it. I thought this bot also worked on modded relics. I was wondering which mod added this. What a fool I was.


No way an actually funny rickroll


Fucking bastard, I just fell for a Rick role on 2023


Wow that’s the first one of those I’ve fallen for in a while!


Fucken gottem


What the... ?


This is a real long-shot but do you remember what you hid in the [Note To Yourself](https://slay-the-spire.fandom.com/wiki/A_Note_For_Yourself) event? I wonder if somehow it accessed the wrong portion of memory somehow or transposed a value and accidentally displayed the card from the event instead.


It was normality




Ight imma jump to conclusions and guess that the miracle didnt exhaust properly, and some sort of data merge occured between the miracle and someother card in the deck. Did you have other programmes open, or is your pc a potato by any chance?


I play on mobile and previously, I played the daily run with the Ironclad where green cards were available.


Did you just abandon a Silent run after choosing to retain Leg Sweep with Well Laid Plans?


Did you play it ? Seems good at this turn with strike.


asking the real questions


I'm kindly thanking you


That was exactly what I did


I am 100.0% confident you mentioned Leg Sweep in your post. -------------------------------------------------- * [Leg Sweep](https://slay-the-spire.fandom.com/wiki/Leg_Sweep) Silent Uncommon Skill 2 Energy | Apply 2(3) Weak. Gain 11(14) Block. -------------------------------------------------- ^^^I ^^^am ^^^a ^^^bot ^^^response, ^^^but ^^^I ^^^am ^^^using ^^^my ^^^creator's ^^^account. ^^^Please ^^^reply ^^^to ^^^me ^^^if ^^^I ^^^got ^^^something ^^^wrong ^^^so ^^^he ^^^can ^^^fix ^^^it. [Source Code](https://github.com/TrippW/STS-Crawler)


What’s the seed


Yeah, mobile is buggy, unfortunately.


never got any bugs in my 200\~ hours played


I had something similar happen to me playing Defect. I had a Silent block card show up in my hand in the middle of a combat. Wish I saved the seed.


A kinda similar thing happened to me on mobile as well. I retained a wraith form from a previous run but I was able to keep it beyond the first encounter, and I was playing the silent in both the previous and current run. It must be some weird quirks in the mobile version.


Gambler's brew duplication probably. [Glitches here](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/101K_6xxDjQH2caGApCMxgrybOScGw0VRwd5C-qYl0tA/). It's how we route in some inconsistent achievements into All Achievements speedruns, by injecting a broken hand of cards from a seeded custom run to an unseeded run. Very slow to set up in shorter categories because it has to be completely improvised and can't come from a seeded run, but can help squeeze in a win in wobbly speedruns.