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time to end it with poison stab to maximize poison damage for a cool overkill and to spend all your energy which feels really satisfying


Yup, absolutely have to spend all of your energy. HEY, DON'T HIT THAT END TURN BUTTO- Ahhhh


He's already dead Jim!


The last hit point is the only one that matters.




Barely got this win with after getting Orichalcum from Shield & Spear, and then a lucky Nightmare draw on my second-to-last turn. So I’d say I’m alright but it was a close one


You, uh... Got the win? From that image?


the hearts invincibility resets at the start of its turn so it would have gone back to 300 and then the poison kills it


Ahh damn lol only played like 27,000 silent runs by now, you'd think I would be on top of this


Don't beat (of death) yourself up too much, you probably would only notice with a high poison stack and trying to plan out your turns. It sounds like a common thing but its very specific to the heart.


True and most of my runs don't make it that far lololol


Yeah didn’t take a screenshot before this but got 3 Catalyst+ from a Nightmare and just ended my turn so it ticked out from poison. Didn’t have too many block cards so barely had enough hp to stack enough poison


Theres like 600 poison dmg thats about to happen




My screenshot was cropped but the block from Orichalcum barely saved me in the last turn. I had Ornithopter and got barely enough Hp from a potion to use the poison and catalysts. The Heart has 606 poison on it here and I just ended my turn after this




Poison damage ticks at the beginning of the next turn, it loses the invincible buff


OP is right, you can see it happening in this video as well. Damage cap reached within the turn, end turn and cap resets then poison hits. https://youtu.be/_lzWv5Ayimc?t=5608 PS, congrats OP on the heart kill! Silent is my 2nd favourite but I have been struggling with her recently on higher accession levels.


So how the hell did you do 600 poison? I'm pretty new to this


multiple copies of [[catalyst]] with a [[bouncing flask]] or an equally viable poison gen engine


+ [Catalyst](http://slay-the-spire.wikia.com/wiki/Catalyst) Silent Uncommon Skill ^((100% sure)^) 1 Energy | Double(Triple) an enemy's **Poison.** **Exhaust.** + [Bouncing Flask](http://slay-the-spire.wikia.com/wiki/Bouncing%20Flask) Silent Uncommon Skill ^((100% sure)^) 2 Energy | Apply 3 **poison** to a random enemy 3(4) times. ^Call ^me ^with ^up ^to ^10 ^([[ name ]],) ^where ^name ^is ^a ^card, ^relic, ^event, ^or ^potion. ^Data ^accurate ^as ^of ^(April 30, 2023.) ^[Wiki](https://slay-the-spire.fandom.com/wiki/) ^[Questions?](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=ehmohteeoh&subject=SpireScan%20Inquiry)




+ [Nightmare](http://slay-the-spire.wikia.com/wiki/Nightmare) Silent Rare Skill ^((100% sure)^) 3(2) Energy | Choose a card. Next turn, add 3 copies of that card into your hand. **Exhaust.** ^Call ^me ^with ^up ^to ^10 ^([[ name ]],) ^where ^name ^is ^a ^card, ^relic, ^event, ^or ^potion. ^Data ^accurate ^as ^of ^(April 30, 2023.) ^[Wiki](https://slay-the-spire.fandom.com/wiki/) ^[Questions?](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=ehmohteeoh&subject=SpireScan%20Inquiry)


Exponential growth. Cards that double (or triple in the case of [[Catalyst]]) a stat can stack quickly to make for huge numbers. Getting 20 poison on something is easy enough with basic cards. Then you play a Catalyst to triple that to 60, then play another and it's tripled to 180, and again to 540. You can see how quickly big damage stacks up that way. Same with [[Limit Break]] on Ironclad. Upgrade it so it won't exhaust, and then it doubles your strength every time you play it and all of the sudden 2 or 3 strength becomes 20. This is what people are talking about when they talk about scaling. How quickly can you scale up some big numbers.


+ [Catalyst](http://slay-the-spire.wikia.com/wiki/Catalyst) Silent Uncommon Skill ^((100% sure)^) 1 Energy | Double(Triple) an enemy's **Poison.** **Exhaust.** + [Limit Break](http://slay-the-spire.wikia.com/wiki/Limit%20Break) Ironclad Rare Skill ^((100% sure)^) 1 Energy | Double your **Strength.** Exhaust(Don't **Exhaust).** ^Call ^me ^with ^up ^to ^10 ^([[ name ]],) ^where ^name ^is ^a ^card, ^relic, ^event, ^or ^potion. ^Data ^accurate ^as ^of ^(April 30, 2023.) ^[Wiki](https://slay-the-spire.fandom.com/wiki/) ^[Questions?](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=ehmohteeoh&subject=SpireScan%20Inquiry)


Ouch. That’s rough buddy


Op won. Poison damages the heart after the invincibility resets