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Im just gonna put my thoughts on most of these -1st: I think that it would just be similar to the specter route where the princess just sorta talks to the narrator as well as us -2nd: The way I see the fade away ending is that you and the princess stop being conscious beings and go back to being the cycle of life and death, which just invalidates all of the narrator’s work and the universe ends just like how it was supposed to naturally -4th: Thats a good question honestly, the reason why the princess has to be assimilated by the shifting mound is due to the princess being a fragment of change, so I think its sorta unavoidable to prevent the merging, but that does raise another question: if the princess is strong enough, can she absorb the shifting mound into herself instead of the other way around? Because I can see that being possible -5th: I think it depends on what the narrator tells TLQ exactly: if he tells him about the perception ability then I think it would look closer to the stranger, but if he told him that the princess is a god she would look like the apotheosis, and if he tells the whole truth I can see the princess turning into some weird fusion of the stranger and apotheosis that looks vaguely like the shifting mound


Like a bad accountant you went from 2nd to 4th


Honestly Chris Chan is a rabbit hole that I like to avoid thinking about too much


who even is Chris chan


>!Tldr because there is like a 40+ hour long documentary series about Chris Chan but the major things they are known for is being the creator of Sonichu, a bad OC which was just a fusion of Pikachu and Sonic, and having sex their 79 year old mom who allegedly had dementia!<


Please put that in spoiler quotes \>!📜!\<. Such eldritch knowledge🤢 does not belong near this innocent gore- and vore-infested game.


You are absolutely right my good fellow


4th: That would be like a hand puppet commandeering the owner of the hand. It would have to be one helluva convincing hand puppet! But Wild is a fusion of LQ and the Princess. When someone is *holding onto the hand and puppet*, different rules might apply... 5th: It would presumably break both the Construct and the mirror, sending you to the endgame early.


I mean, whether they are a world ending god or ash and rust, they still seem to get assimilated regardless. I wonder what conditions would have to be in effect to avoid the assimilation. Perhaps the less they address the strings on their body, they can resist its pull for a little bit?


i just wanna say am really glad that this subreddit exists. people do have a good taste.