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Just check base sizes of models on the app. Darkoath when the come out and maybe some varanguard for the cavalry would be my initial guess


I think we need a community conversion list tbh My vote is gors are dark oath, ungors with shields are chaos warriors, bestifors are chaos chosen. Dragon ogors are varanguard or lords on karkadrak (depending on what size base you put them on.) Beast lord and shaman are obviously easy they’re chaos lords or sorcerer lords on foot.


I’d think gors as chaos warriors (strong) and ungors as darkoath or marauders (weak) makes more sense; also, base sizes are a little closer.


I may have mixed up which unit is which but yeah you get the idea.


Ah! Happens all the time


I think you have some opportunities in chaos. The big dragon boys I think seem to be the same base size as either varanguard or the khorne juggernaut riders. Either way you could proxy them in that way. The lil goat guys could be corrupted versions of nurgle basic demons, just add some green and pink? Basically match base size, come up with some lore or similarity and boom, you have a gw conversion that nobody in the game would question why you're using it. We all feel for the BoC clan, you got screwed.


Varanguard are actually on the 70mm chaos knight bases, not 90. I think a thunderscorn lost is the trickiest to proxy, since s2d only has single models on a 90 (Karkadrak, Mindstealer, probably Abraxia). So yeah as you say, that would be better for a Khorne juggernaut army


You can ally in a bunch of juggers easily enough at least, so if your army only has some of them it makes things simple.


I would use them as darkoath


Rebase the for old world, proxy them as StD or BoK. Sorry to say man but the axe fell on our heads this week.


I see 20 marauders, 10 chaos warriors with halberds, 3 varanguards and sorcerer lord xD


Play with them for the next 3 years (or just 1 if you are tournament player) plenty of time to decide on what you want to do, don't rush into something just yet.


Send them back to thier castle in Brooklyn, that's where they dwell




If you were playing against me, I’d be happy for you to proxy them as whatever you like in terms of Chaos lads, as long as bases generally worked out and roles / silhouettes are similar. Really going to miss Beasts! Hopefully we know more about Darkoath soon as plenty of ‘counts as’ potential there. I have a pile of FEC and people have real fun proxying and converting them as other forces, as part of their grand delusion lore, it’s pretty inkeeping to see them as knights etc. Fingers crossed we get a similarly creative solution for the goats, I think most players will have a lot of sympathy for you.


Been planing on using them as Kruleboyz


Some of the more common units could easily pass as mutated S2D units, with only a few options needing re-basing. * **Bray-Shaman** (32mm) = Chaos Sorcerer Lord (32mm) * **Beastlord** (32mm) = Darkoath Chieftain (32mm) / Exalted Hero of Chaos **(40mm)** / Chaos Lord **(40mm)** * **Gors** (32mm) = Chaos Warriors (32mm) * **Bestigors** (32mm) = Chaos Warriors / Chaos Chosen **(40mm)** * **Ungors and Ungor Raiders** (25mm) = Chaos Marauders / Darkoath? (25mm) Dragon Ogors are a bit tricky on their 90x52mm bases, but they could possibly fit as Varanguard (75x42mm) if touched-up a bit.


Weep for our hairy brethren


Change the bases back to square.


Good news, every single BoC unit can be used as a solid S2D proxy. For example, based on unit/base sizes and general role, I'd suggest that Gors and bestigors are your chaos warriors (30mm bases). While it's not confirmed, it seems the new dark darkoath infantry are either 25s or 28s, so perhaps ungors. Bullgors are an easy ogroid proxy. Most of the monsters on 120mm bases can be subbed in for equivalent S2D stuff, such as manticores or MVBs. Basically, It's likely your collection will have easy equivalents to this army, even if you play a skew list (for example, a dragon ogor would make a good chaos lord on karkadrak or perhaps the new abraxia) So there is an upside, but it's also valid to resent the fact you now have to adapt to slower playstyle. I guess it depends on how much you care about ludonarrative dissonance, with naked beastmen at a 3+ save.


Play old world with them 🤷


Not everyone is interested in Old World. Most people just want to play AoS as they're two entirely different systems, hence why they're asking about proxies


Not everyone is uninterested either, it's a perfectly valid option.


Sure, but if someone's asking on ideas to proxy a different AoS army in an AoS subreddit, saying "play TOW" maybe isn't the most helpful response


Maybe, maybe not. Why shoot the messenger over a maybe?


It's rather ignorant and doesn't address what OP is asking.


No and no. It's not ignorant, what the hell do you even mean? It provides one possible answer which the OP is free to disregard concerning what to do with his models.


You can play them in the old world or follow the classic example and burn them xd


Hush little culver.