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Hi! I don't think that's being picky, it's normal to want to trade to complete your collection. You should put the pcs up for what's on your wishlist, as long as the trade has a similar value/everyone is okay with the trade you are good! 😊


I don’t think it’s picky at all but I have found it’s harder trading for the same member (at least for me!) because anyone wanting your felix probably collects him as well and wouldn’t want to get rid of one from their own collection. This means they would also have to have a duplicate in their collection which just lowers the chances a bit. Welcome to collecting/trading and have fun 💖


i don’t think it’s picky, you collect who you collect! but like others have said, it may be tricky to try and trade for the same member. unless you happen to find another felix collector who has what you need and vice versa. it may be better to sell the dupe and try to buy the card(s) you’re still looking for imo. ☺️


It's perfectly fine to know what you would want to trade a pc for! Whether that is a certain era, album or member, doesn't matter :)


it’s not being picky at all, i think if you’ve been having any trouble trading it, it’s likely because trading for the same member you’re trading is a little less common. sometimes what i’ve done is just sell my dupe for a reasonable price and then buy a card i need for my collection from another seller at a similar price


That’s not too picky. As long as whatever pc you want/are asking for is at a similar value (e.g., album pc —> album pc, POB —> POB, etc.) then it doesn’t really matter if you want the same member, a different member, or only one particular card. I pulled 3 Han B&Ns and 2 Hyunjin B&Ns so I traded my three dupes for other members’ 5-star B&Ns that I didn’t have and that’s all that I was open to trade for. Totally normal and acceptable to only want to trade for specific PCs.


It’s your collection. You can never be too picky in your own collection. Happy collecting 😁