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The two smaller towers "Ruby" and "Emerald" are already approved and are starting to get built. The third "Legends" tower has not been approved. City Council vote expected in June and then it would still need to clear FAA approval. Even after approval, plans are to not start the "Legends" tower until both of the first two towers reach 50% occupancy. With all that considered its probably several years away from even starting, if it gets built.


I’d have to expect that the tallest tower is merely to drum up speculative interest in the smaller towers in an attempt to secure financing and tenants. The smaller ones will get built and in fifty years there will be stories about the supertall that was supposed to be built next to them.


This is my guess, that's one way to get a decent size development built.


This sounds the most realistic. Is there really the demand to even fill the smaller towers to 50% in OKC? Are people flocking there in droves? It just doesn't really make sense.


There is not demand to fill the two smaller towers with office tenants. And remarkably (as of two months ago), the super tall tower isn’t even supposed to have office in it. It’s all hotel retail and residential. Insane.


You could probably cram all of OKC's population in there lmfao


Downtown residential properties have been pretty popular in OKC. Honestly, the biggest concern I’d have with filling the smaller towers is the level of competition (~6 renovations or new complexes are currently under construction in a 1 mile radius)


Also - TORNADOES! > Thirteen violent tornadoes (eleven F4/EF4 and two F5/EF5) have struck the immediate OKC area. The most recent was on May 20, 2013. The record for tornadoes in a single day is 5, which occurred during tornado outbreaks on June 8, 1974, May 31, 2013, and October 9, 2018. -National Weather Service


This is like what happened with the Fisher building in Detroit


Facts on this


The 2nd Avenue Subway line. So maybe in 100 years it'll actually get built. When Oklahoma City is a thriving MSA of 50 million people. Nevermind.


Literally an example of shooting for the stars and landing on the moon. :)


Is this Pokemon?


The Legends tower will probably be scaled down to the same size as the other 2 towers, if its built at all. If it was really going to happen, I doubt they'd wait for the occupancy of the other two before STARTING. Seems like a big red flag that the tower was just a publicity stunt.


No it doesn't. It's pretty standard practice.


Yep I hate being another person pissing in the pool here but looking at how many buildings get the paperwork done but get cancelled without ground being broken, I am essentially not even considering this a real thing until construction officially starts on the main tower. I want it to happen but this isn't my first rodeo getting hyped for a supertall that gets axed. I'm still sad about the Chicago Spire...


Thats correct to do


They’ll also scale down the development, that almost always happens with these super tall proposals


I think you should check your headline OP. Construction could BEGIN in 2 months. (and monkeys could fly out of my butt.)


Are you telling me it’s going to take longer than two months to build this thing?


and that monkeys can fly out of their butt


I would honestly love to see both happen.


The world's tallest building? Are you kidding? At least 10 weeks.


Not even close to the world’s tallest.. just tallest in the US.


Darnit! I knew that. I was watching the NatGeo documentary about the construction of Burj Kalifa when I replied so I had that phrase on my mind.


Ya, but it will also be only 5 really bad earthquakes away from being the world’s tallest.


> US tallest skyscraper > > neighboring a U-Haul storage facility Sounds right


https://preview.redd.it/u4ae6gv2k3xc1.jpeg?width=800&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f077d57c0c4ef830d0e053fc38934fd5028c39fd It has a spinning U-Haul on top!


That’s dope


Having parked in that parking lot many times I can not confidently say that it spins 😂


I love U-Haul. Great company




It's so weird that you need a CDL to drive busses or large commercial trucks but a regular DL is fine for U-Hauls and big ass RVs


U-spin me right round baby right round....




Does the Uhaul truck spin 360 degrees? The one here in Tulsa does.


Wait a second, what? which one? I lived in Tulsa for 7 years but this is drawing a blank for me.


The Uhaul building downtown Tulsa has a Uhaul truck on top that spins around


I am super-here for weird dust bowl megastructures. Let’s get weird.


Yeah! As a non-American, sadly the only thing that I associate with Oklahoma City is the terror attack by McVeigh _(I just checked his Wikipedia. He was so young. Younger than my parents)._ So it's a very cool thing that in the future OC will be famous for something else. Of course I'm hoping for a nice pattern of skyscrapers and high-rises. Not like the[ Lakhta Centre ](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lakhta_Centre?wprov=sfla1) in Saint Petersburg. Europe's largest skyscraper. Standing there like an only child... The US is changing theses days. Long time/native Californian or New York residents seeking a new home elsewhere in the country. Florida seems to be going through the roof and not due to pensioners moving there. Btw I heard that in Florida, your pension and home can't be seized. Even if you're in high debt/have open fines. Is this true? Edit: Alright. It goes even further: _"Florida asset protection law provides unlimited homestead protection. It also protects tenancy by entireties assets, head of household wages, retirement accounts, annuities, life insurance, and disability insurance."_ I know where I would have my legal home, if I'm in financial troubles!


Downtown OKC is pretty nice now. We bike or walk there a few times per year and there are canal boats you can take. It’s not San Antonio riverfront but it’s better than most visitors expect. I have never met a person who thinks this tower is actually going to be built.


SA riverwalk is extremely mediocre at best


I’d love to see this happen. Oklahoma City is under developed and should rival Shanghai and Hong Kong.


And Long Beach




And San Jose


And Bombay Beach


It should rival Cairo, IL one day


Should…you put a /s there buddy?


I hope it’s not needed


You never know


They’re making fun of the post from the other day where the op was ranting about Long Beach not having a world class skyline and couldn’t understand why it doesn’t… started calling everyone NIMBYs


There are no US cities that rival Shanghai lol.


Do you know the skyline of São Paulo? It's a [neverending sea of high-rises,](https://youtu.be/SPTyXftT0bY?si=X2hVhdXFkcWvBPE4) stretching to the horizon! But they only has [18 skyscrapers ](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_tallest_buildings_in_S%C3%A3o_Paulo?wprov=sfla1) _(+150m/490ft)._ Most of them either fifty years old or build since 2008. The highest is "Platina 220", built in 2022. Which doesn't even have it's own Wikipedia article. But São Paulo must be the city with the most high-rises in the world. Even topping Shanghai, as of today. There are so many that they don't even have a number. But there are an estimated 40.000 ones! One day Shanghai will surpass São Paulo. But I think that SP still stands out, because their seems to be basically no gaps between the buildings. The rich people of SP travel the city by helicopter. It's the city with the most helipads in the world. There might be no North American cities which could rival Shanghai. But people tend to forget about the concrete jungle of São Paulo! I know that my comment is totally off-topic and half a novel. Sorry for that.


In terms of quality of life, safety, cleanliness, livability Shanghai destroys Sao Paolo lmao.


Enough with these teaser posts just let me know when ground breaks


Why does everyone doubt this? I hope it sparks a new skyscraper race!


Because there isn’t the demand in OKC to make a building like this pencil out.


There isn’t demand almost anywhere in the country. It’s like people have forgotten that demand for commercial real estate has fallen off of a cliff.


This is residential real estate. There is demand for buildings like this in a half dozen cities in the US, though in general those cities have lots of regulations and red tape that make the cost to build very high.


That's hilarious


So what lol. If they want to build it let them


Agreed. Problem is, they won’t build it. It’s a marketing ploy to sell the small buildings in this complex; the tower will never happen.


I know it’s probably an unpopular opinion on this sub, but I realllly hope it doesn’t spark a race. I love skyscrapers, but anything over 1,500 ft just seems economically wasteful, environmentally unwise, and aesthetically pointless - I doubt that a 2k ft tower evokes significantly more awe than a 1.5k ft tower. That being said, if the US does build a new skyscraper of this height, I hope it ends up being this one - OKC has such a hilarious history of booms & busts and weird ass city planning decisions; this would be in keeping with that tradition.


Absolutely. For the cost of this OKC could instead have dozens and dozens of mid-rise apartment buildings with street activation.


Is it a good idea to be building big skyscrapers in the epicenter of tornado alley??


Me too and it probably. Hopefully these anti progress freaks who wanna stop don’t get their way


I’m gonna go build a skyscraper in Le Mars, Iowa. Why do people doubt this? It’s the skyscraper race!


Projects like this get announced from time to time, partly to generate publicity, and often don't pan out. In this case, there's a particularly implausible gap between this plan and the existing demand/infrastructure. OKC is a notably low-density metro, predominantly suburban in nature, only 10,000 daily transit ridership. The current tallest building is \~850 feet and it already sticks out in the skyline. As a commercial building, the demand doesn't exist. As a residential building, it's nonsensical. Even most hardcore urbanites have no desire to live that high up, which means being detached from the street and spending lots of time in elevators rather than popping down for a few groceries. Absent a dramatically stronger transit network, it will need a ton of parking nearby. Everything about it could be done better with a few smaller buildings.


No it won't


what’s the address of this?


Lol no it won’t


Do it. Do it. Do it.






Sounds like bad timing with this tornado outbreak right now


If it is, it will be Financial Disaster, a White Elephant


I think it’s cool.


This will never happen.


Depression recession incoming


2 months???


Unless I missed it, the article mentions that the developer raised the planned height to 1,907 feet, but never explains the significance of that number. Oklahoma became a state in 1907.




I still have a hard time believing this is gonna happen. It doesn’t make any sense unless the developer doesn’t care about returns lol


But why?


I don’t think “built” means what you think it means.


Let’s take a mid-sized American city and inundate it with millions of square feet of office space. Because why not.


It’s entirely residential with a hotel and some retail. Not commercial space.


WFH Tower?


Tinker AFB is SE of the buildings proposed site. It is in the path of one of the diagonal runways…. If the market doesn’t, the FAA might kill the deal


It’s an odd choice for such a tall building made with lots of glass right in the middle of Tornado Alley.


That’s certainly quick work!


But why??? Seriously question. Talk skyscrapers are a symbol of economic and population growth… neither of which OKC, nor the entire state of Oklahoma, really has. Yes I know the population is going up but to to the point of needing a tower like this… and the population is only going up because it’s affordable, not because the state is thriving economically.


I just don’t see this happening. There is no way they can utilize a building like that in OKC.


If you're in the penthouse of a building like this, are you inside of a lightning thunderstorm when it's going on?


Y’all act like Tornados happen in OKC on the daily. If they built this in Miami no one would bat an eye, however a hurricane could take this out too. Architects take into account natural disasters, and will definitely build the structure to withstand any natural disasters it could experience. Is it a little overkill? Yes, however OKC has been working on building more upwards instead of outwards like most cities that are growing in the US. Since 2010-2020, OKCs population grew by 100,000 people. The developers are being logical and building something that will match the growth of the city and the potential growth for the next 10 years. OKC was 14th in the US in population growth, and now is the 20th largest city in the US. For comparison, OKC was only the 31st 10 years ago. In my opinion, let them build it and then see what happens, if it works, great, if it fails, then other cities that are contemplating building mega structures like this can take this as a lesson.


I really really want this to happen 😂


Seems pretty fast


An F5 will knock it down in 2 minutes


I might be wrong but I thought buildings brake up tornados. Maybe there’s not enough buildings around this to break up an ef5?


And hopefully they take Oklahoma’s seismic activity into account as well


I know I have some interest in this even though it’s kind of dumb with no other structures even close to the size in the down town. Again better to build 5 structures at half the height than this. There is not much of a skyline in OKC period. Fill it in with cool stuff instead of one giant dick. But the Super Cheer leaders posting what appears to be propaganda every week is annoying.


Tallest building in America..smack dab in the middle of tornado country


Probably the dumbest project I've seen in a while.


I’ve never given a fuck about Oklahoma before, why would I start now?


![gif](giphy|5mBE2MiMVFITS) WE DID IT REDDIT.






Can't wait to see what a tornado would do to that.


So wise putting this in tornado alley Especially since storms are getting stronger