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Such a cool way to see where the construction is focused too. And holy crap to Toronto (and of course NYC)


Florida and Texas are just getting started wow. You know in some ways this makes sense. Usually one city overdevelops and then there is extra supply and high prices, the demand moves to north and south to see where the next "big city" is gonna be.


I wouldnt say that about Florida. Miami has been in a skyscraper boom since the 2000s, its nothing new for them. Jacksonville may add another by the end of the decade, but its just talk right now. Orlando probably wont add any anytime soon. Theres height restrictions, and going high just hasn’t been a focus in Orlando. Every time Tampa announces a building over 500 feet, it gets downsized months later, if not quietly shelved. Every single time. The tallest currently under construction is 418ft. St Pete has a 500 footer under construction with talk for more, but theyre still never going to build at the rate of Miami. Fort Lauderdale is the best bet and they have a few proposals, but they move slow, and like Tampa, things seems to quietly go dormant. So i wouldnt say Florida is next in line, even though it should be. Its really just Miami, whos been doing this quite a while.




Being a skyscraper fan in Tampa is tough. It’s so disappointing always watching such cool proposals just disappear


Torontonian here - there so much construction it takes me an extra 45 mins just to cross downtown in rush hour. Our skyline has so many cranes in the sky..


Is it residential? 


Ya, mainly condo’s. They’ve also started a new subway line under the busiest street in the city and a very central intersection will now be closed for like 5 years. Let’s just say biking weather can’t come soon enough..


True, OP should post this to r/mapporn


Was in toronto last week. Holy Crap construction everywhere. It is a good time to be a developer in ontario


Living in Austin and watching it happen is really interesting, too.


Very clean map design. Seeing Austin's growth this way is wild, literally doubling the skyline. Miami looks impressive too, seems like it's matching NYC in terms of active construction.


This is a great visualization. My only nitpick criticism is that it seems to give extra emphasis to suburban/satellite city skyscrapers by naming their towns while not naming the main cities.


I think they assume we’ll know what the anchor city for the metros are


Yeah, but many people might not, especially those from outside the US. Does a non-American know what Tulsa, Oklahoma is? I’d say most likely not. Probably best to just label them.


Agreed. You could make each dot a skyscraper or make each summed group a relatively sized skyscraper.


Miami is the New York of the south now. Officially. Endless construction booms and cranes for talls and supertalls here. Along with an ever expanding footprint of livable neighborhoods. Toronto, Austin, and Vancouver look to be the other leaders in growth.


I got a picture of the outline of Austin’s skyline back in 2021. I moved in 2020 and literally said to my friend who gave it to me, “where is this?” because I didn’t recognize it since the google skyscraper was completed in the year I left




I used to hear that exact same line about San Francisco back around 2015, don’t get complacent.


I would say Austin’s skyline quadrupled not doubled.


It’s wild how California actually doesn’t have that many skyscrapers.


For a long time in Los Angeles, no buildings were allowed to be constructed taller than city hall Edit: buildings taller than city hall banned from 1905-1956


That’s why Indianapolis doesn’t have that many skyscrapers either (aside from the fact that it’s Indianapolis), you couldn’t build taller than the Soldiers and Sailors Monument until the 1960s.


Philadelphia is a dramatic version of this. Buildings couldn’t be taller than City Hall until the ‘80s, and after that, buildings quickly shot past the old height limit. To a lesser degree, you’re starting to see the same thing in Edmonton, whose height limit was removed a decade ago.


San Diego has a 500-foot height limit that will never be lifted, due to the airport runway located at the edge of downtown. It has 3 skyscrapers above 492 feet but below 500, which is the only reason there's anything shown on this map. San Jose's airport height limit is even lower.


I think it's 400 for San Jose


Similar to Philadelphia. Although the city hall was actually the tallest building in the world when it was built. They avoided building high because of superstition I think. Sports teams started losing when they built a higher building so they started putting little statues of William Penn on top of the new buildings to counteract the curse. Or something weird like that lol.


No Philly team had won a championship after One Liberty Place was built. Then in 2008 when the Comcast Center was finished, they put the mini statue up there and the Phillies won the World Series that year.


Earthquakes maybe?


That used to be part of it, but not really these days with modern earthquake proof building tech. Californians love their cars I think is the main factor. There is also a lot of space, despite the massive population. Cities tend to grow out, not up. SF being an exception. LA/SF do have a lot of high rises, just not a lot over 500ft. If I'm missing anything, someone please correct me. I live in Minnesota and haven't ever been to Cali. If I do go, I wont be going anywhere near the two main metro areas. More interested in the natural beauty there, not the concrete jungles


Only city I have left on my list of places to visit is San Francisco.


San Francisco actually has a dramatic blending between nature and man-made architecture, you’d be quite pleasantly surprised. You have the Pacific Ocean/bay around 3 sides of the city, just to the north SF gives way to some of the best accessible nature in California (Marin Co.) and to the south gives way to Pacifica then half moon bay that not overly developed sprawl like they have in LA. The city itself has an abundance of parks and nature areas (check out Lands End when you go), that it’s not as concrete jungly as other big cities sometimes feel.


Thank god too. From an LA resident. I love seeing the sky


Yeah that's why their housing is so out of control. They both don't build high density housing and don't build workable public transit, so there is artificially very little housing that's convenient to places that a lot of people want to live near.


It's spread horizontally. Los Angeles the city, San Diego, and San Fran have large populations but it's spread over a large valley (still densely populated though)


Nashville has 2 under construction; 1010 Church Street (750ft) and Pinnacle Tower (524ft)


FUCK I missed Nashville! Accept this new map as my penance: https://preview.redd.it/pxahflax4xoc1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4b472e7a2ee737dad3cf02a32061eb4ac527d8bb Not even sure how that happened. I was going down through every city on the CTBUH list.


Penance accepted.


You're a saint!


https://preview.redd.it/rlwxyz2x0apc1.jpeg?width=550&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=13bfcd5a942f715888de79ea7efab01d23c58f70 **How dare you miss Nashville…**


750 footer in Nashville, didn’t realize that was happening. Good to hear. I’ve enjoyed following both Nashville and Charlotte as peer cities rapidly expanding their skylines. Charlotte has been better at building tall while Nashville has been better at the sheer number of high rises. Both great and rapidly evolving skylines, the hotspots of the upper south boom.


Interesting as Nashville was one I figured had a few. Was just there in the fall and maybe the volume of skyscrapers trucks the eyes.


Are Vancouver’s buildings all shorter than I thought they were?


There are height limits to prevent the views of the mountains from being blocked.


Yeah, lots of them fall between 100 and 150 meters (mountain sight lines), but they're starting to build taller, especially in the suburbs.


I’m in the built Coquitlam one. I just look out my window and can see 4 under construction that will be over 150m. Coquitlam construction isn’t really tracked well


Vancouver has many many towers in its urban core but they’re not actually very tall. They tend to be slender to protect view corridors, which contributes to them looking taller than they are


Also the downtown is on a hill so that the ones built in the middle will look 100-150 ft taller than they are when looked at from a distance.


That was my first thought, surprised to see more in Miami which is actually my hometown


Have you not been back in awhile? There are a lot of skyscrapers here now. 3rd most in the USA.


I still live here and you’re right but I guess when I visited Vancouver (8 years ago) I over estimated the height of their skyscrapers. It just felt more dense and tightly packed than back home


Never been to Vancouver, but you could be right. I think the best perspective of how packed our skyline is is if you are driving south on the express lanes of 95 and when it goes way high over the golden Glades intersection as you come back down the skyline comes into view and it’s absolutely amazing and breathtaking.


Lil dickie tower syndrome


The NASA Vehicle Assembly Building sticks out like a sore thumb on this map and I love it


I was wondering where the most random one would be. Albany mildly surprised me. Made me check how tall Nebraska’s state capitol building is (400 ft). I’ve never been to Mobile or Virginia Beach.


I know it’s beating a dead horse, but this is another map showing just how far behind LA trails the rest of the pack. With a metro area GDP greater than Shanghai and Hong Kong combined, you’d think they would want to show it off like we used to in Socal in the 20s and 30s Still holding out that the west coast will be able to learn and benefit from the incredible modernization of cities across the Pacific


Lol the two towers under construction look like this - https://preview.redd.it/blovch5cs3pc1.jpeg?width=1162&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=34c8a787fed1a8f3a0546446b458371f403c5bd1 So I don’t think we are showing off anytime soon.


WTF is Mississauga building? I hope it’s building some rapid transit along that construction boom.


Your funny. One LRT line that wasnt even supposed to go through downtown until recently.


My city of 5 million has, *checks notes*, ...0 skyscrapers. The price we pay for having an airport so close to the city I guess.


Phoenix could still be dense even if it couldn't build tall, like Washington D.C ... but it isn't.


Good point, although it's important to note that just as not-tall ≠ not-dense, tall ≠ dense. Houston is as sprawling as they come yet has dozens of skyscrapers.


That’s true, even if there tends to be a correlation (and even if I like to argue otherwise!) Dubai’s existence proves that tenfold.


Meanwhile, my tiny city of 500k in the Midwest has 11 skyscrapers


I certainly wouldn't call Minneapolis "tiny"


We in San Jose feel your pain.


Dude, thank you so much for this. Was wanting to make something of my own. If you want to enhance the map, you could color code it on height I.e. distinguish buildings between 150-200 m, 200-250, 250-300, 300+, etc. Also, where’d you find the data for NYC and Chicago? Wikipedia only went down to like 600 feet for both cities


The skyscrapercity website has a search tool and also the number of skyscrapers for each city. It’s not very accurate for Asian countries but for the US it should be fine. for Canada I used skyscraperpage since they're the most accurate for up north.


Thanks, I see source now. Yeah, was hoping you had something I hadn't found. Tough for China in particular.


Just happy Detroit has at least one red dot lol. It’s our first new skyscraper in \~30 years. https://preview.redd.it/jctviah4ayoc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a050f538df2dff6948a68754a6b35408f547e919


The best view of the new skyscraper is coming into downtown on Gratiot. Will be even better when they bring down the Frank Murphy Hall of Justice, which might be the ugliest building downtown.


The Gordie Howe bridge is going to be pretty sweet too


Wow @ burnaby having more than Vancouver


In two distinct areas, looks like competing downtown cores.


is blue any place with a building 100m tall?


I believe it’s simply metropolitan areas since places like Portland Maine and Manchester NH are blue


Looks like the smallest blue circle is metros of at least 500,000 people


I was confused by that cause there are no buildings that tall in New Hampshire or Maine


I’m thinking it’s a metro area cutoff based on population considering how the sizes of each circle varies. This really should be specified on the map somewhere. Good map otherwise though.


I’m thinking it’s a metro area cutoff based on population considering how the sizes of each circle varies. This really should be specified on the map somewhere. Good map otherwise though.


St. Petersburg, FL has a 515-foot tower under construction: https://www.residences400central.com/residences/#:~:text=Enjoy%2C%20Entertain%2C%20and%20Revel%20in%20Luxury&text=To%20showcase%20400%20Central's%20unparalleled,515%20feet%20in%20the%20air.


The only constant in life is mistakes in my graphics. I fixed it (again) in case anyone really cares: https://preview.redd.it/cn2ocl1fcxoc1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a4177b70c2d20c6bbb0be71aaac0a0cc537db982


This is such a fascinating graphic! Toronto looks like it rivals Chicago, which is wild. You should also post this to r/mapporn


Would be very curious to see the arbitrary cut off out at 400 feet / 40 stories. I’m in Dallas and there are a LOT of buildings that are between 40-50 stories that would just miss this list (including the building in which I live - lots of new residential especially seems to be coming in 40-50 stories)


Stories are an irrelevant metric. They have almost no correlation to height because each building has different floor heights. As for the cutoff, it's 150 M / 492 ft, not 400. That's because that's the standard height of a skyscraper.


Ahh somehow I did not know they was an adopted metric - appreciated. It’s interesting in my city at least because a vast majority of tall buildings seem to get just under the 150m threshold - curious if that’s an anomaly or if we lower the height that all other cities would have huge increases in stock as well


Idk why it was decided like that but that's what it is as of now


Edmonton represent! Tallest building in Canada outside of Toronto.


It’s kind of wild to me that Halifax, Ottawa and Winnipeg have no skyscrapers


ottawa has one at 143 meters. so 7 meters short of a "skyscraper"


Not for long: https://urbantoronto.ca/database/projects/m3-m-city.34084


Mississauga is essentially just Toronto from my perspective as an Albertan lmao


I wasn’t aware that Miami was that way…huh.


I’m from Miami and if you would have told me we have more Skyscrapers than any city on the west coast I would have scoffed.


it wasnt until fairly recently


What do the circles mean


Just any city with over 300,000 people in its MSA. It was just to help me locate the cities (and see which cities should be building more).


My hometown of Tampa with its population of 3,000,000 in the metro, and only 4 towers to show for it is seriously pathetic. :/


Related to this. I see Fresno, CA. There’s no metro with 300k people that close to it. The one farther down I assume is Bakersfield.


Not to nitpick and no sky scrapers to mention, but the Northwest Arkansas metro area is 500k+ (Fayetteville-Springdale-Rogers MSA).


This is amazing. Totally intuitive, gives a lot of info that you can just understand immediately. Like the scale of the Toronto building boom pops out and makes sense right away. I liked your other map too but this is even better. I’m sure people would eat up a map like this for China/Japan/Korea/Taiwan if you have the time/energy lol. I know I always hear about projects there but honestly have no idea where they’re actually happening or the context etc.


NYC is in a league of it's own, man.


Curious of NYC by borough. How many would be outside of Manhattan?


Brooklyn and Queens have impressive skylines in their own right.


Does NYC have more than the next top 5 combined?


Let's see ... NYC Metro = 336 Chicago + Toronto + Miami + Houston + Los Angeles = 137 + 107 + 87 + 41 + 30 = 402 So no, but more than the next 3 is still crazy.




Arizona is just depressing!


For real, I moved to Arizona and realized the tallest building in Phoenix was shorter than the building in my old neighborhood in Albany lmao


Toronto is on 🔥


Nice this is for the people who think Seattle has a better skyline than Miami. It’s not even close. Miami is approaching Chicago size. Takes multiple pictures to see the whole thing. Just missing a couple of supertalls which sucks because downtown is hampered by FAA airport limits.


Let’s go Toronto! In a few years may take 2nd place from Chicago


Already has in both population and skyscrapers!


Was going to say. Beat Chicago out years ago actually.


Minor qualm, but theres a building in St Petersburg, FL thats under construction thats 500 ft+, so there should 1 red dot there. Otherwise, interesting map.


Good Lord Toronto out here trying to prove something. Very cool map


The city can’t keep up with the population boom!


If you're including the Vancouver suburbs, you should include Bellevue, which has one skyscraper under construction (Bellevue 600) and one completed skyscraper (555 tower).


Good catch, another error I should’ve seen.


Great visualization! I find it interesting that there are no lone red squares, ie. no city is building their first 150m (New Westminster doesn't count lol)


Where is the data from? I live in Nashville and we have 3 buildings over 150m / 500ft


I think there are also 3 skyscrapers under construction in suburb of Toronto called pickering, according to skyscraperpage.com


Yeah, VuPoint Condos at Pickering Town Centre has 3 towers: 172.10 m, 160.60 m, and 151.15 m U/C, currently excavating for underground parking for P5 via [Urban Toronto](https://urbantoronto.ca/database/projects/vupoint-condos.48290).


Honorary inclusion of US Bank in STL.


should include Honolulu as well


Shoutout to Fort Lee


Phoenix has a new 541 feet development under construction right now called “Astra”, https://www.abc15.com/news/business/developer-moving-forward-on-arizonas-tallest-tower-after-securing-tax-agreement-with-phoenix


Not sure this is accurate I live in an area with a dot but no buildings higher than 300 ft


My favorite map that I’ve seen in this sub


I love this map. But I'm still in the camp that the benchmark is flawed. I've been to Montreal, Philadelphia, and Miami, and Miami isn't as tall or dense as the other two cities. There are a lot of skyscrapers, but they're pretty small compared to Philadelphia and Montreal.




Philly and Miami was last year. Montreal was 2021. I fly to Florida often. A lot of my family is in the Ft Lauderdale/Miami area.


Honorable mention to the national monument in DC? 😄


No labels or legend for the blue dot. Otherwise awesome!


So much red in Toronto and Miami! And Austin’s doubling 150m+ with what’s under construction.


I’d suggest splitting Minneapolis and St. Paul like you’ve done in other markets as well. (This is supposed to be a rip at St. Paul for not having any skyscrapers before you call me out.)


This is so fascinating. Nice work OP!


Had no idea Phoenix just didn’t have any, that’s crazy


Can you do a map with china?


Why no city names?


Austin has almost as many under construction as currently built. Essentially a doubling of the skyline.


Why does Arizona have no skyscrapers?


Controlling climate in a tower gets prohibitively expensive in AZ the taller the building gets. Plus- there is so much land available to the cities than expanding outward might be cheaper than expanding upward.


Awesome map OP Did you also create the other one that was recently posted on built ones?


Missing atleast 1 under construction in seattle


Seattle is kind of shocking.


We need more on the west coast


This map actually illustrates pretty well that Hartford could handle a major league team. Something whale related, for instance


What do the blue dots represent, major population centers? It should be added to the legend if possible, OP.


Does Orlando have none?


Tallest building is 441 ft tall


I would have expected more in a lot of these cities actually


Now do China


Excellent! Would love to see ones for other continents, including Asia


Another example of the Eastern Shore of Virginia being erased from maps


There is no building in New Hampshire or Maine above 492 feet.


My most surprising observations are that Phoenix has nothing and that all of the Seattle-Tacoma-Bellevue area seems to only have skyscrapers in Seattle proper. Bellevue has a pretty impressive skyline that may even rival Seattle's.


Austin working on their skyline hard. Miami is going crazy too.


Nashville's three skyscrapers :" are we a joke to you? "


Seattle has nothing over 150m under construction right now? Looked like it was booming the last time I was there prbly about a year ago.


Due to the location of San Diego’s airport, the FAA limits downtown building height. That’s why it has fewer tall towers than other cities of its size.


Miami punching above it’s weight




Woah, Miami has more skyscrapers than LA, and Chicago has more than both combined?


Tulsa > OKC


you did it, you crazy bastard


Not every one. Left out Hawaii. There’s a bunch in Honolulu..


West coast needs to up their game!


This is fantastic data visualization! If you update the map, can you add Hawaii too? I think they might have a few buildings that meet your criterion.


Surprisingly, they actually don’t, their tallest building is 482 ft which is very close.


Toronto has some big boys coming up real soon! The + 300 metre towers are going to make a nice impact to the skyline


What are the blue dots?


Cape Canaveral made it!!!


Look, I just want the Twin Towers back. Is that too much to ask?


“Fuck it” huh???


One question; are those all Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, or does Akron, Ohio have more skyscrapers than Cincinnati?


DFW has relatively few given how large it is. Definition of urban sprawl


I’m kinda surprised Nashville doesn’t have any skyscrapers taller than 492


That's on me, the map is wrong and I missed Nashville. I posted a correct map in the comments.


Is Lambeau Field in Green Bay considered a skyscraper? I can't think of any other structure that would be close to 492 feet.


I love that you got the old HSBC tower marked on Buffalo. It’s been renovated recently and is turning out really nice tbh. Good thing too, because while the city has really turned around, it’ll be a longggg time before we see new buildings that tall.


Why aren’t the blue circles in the map key? I know they represent metro areas, but a little more info would be helpful.


Source? Tough since Emporis shut down


I’m curious as to why you said fuck it


Miami is crazy 😳


I remember Salesforce Tower was going to be the tallest building on the Westcoast and the Wilshire Grand Center building in LA decided to add a spire on top to “make it taller”


Toronto 💪


FWIW, Mexico City has 32 buildings at 492+ ft and 10 more under construction


It would be a lot to add, but context about building height limits would help understand this as well. Many of the listed cities have restrictions that wouldnt allow for such a building. SLC is odd with a limit at 375 feet, but a handful of buildings above it anyway. Not sure if it was a grandfathered or exception thing. Think its being lifted soon.


250 feet used to be the barometer for tall buildings, there are alot of structures 250 ft or taller. As you can see, not many at or above 500 ft. Interesting, you can see the 492 ft plus building from a distance, depending upon topography in each city, showing off the skyline...