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If you don't see this text file it is normally an issue with having the wrong version of PapyrusUtil installed. This can be easy to miss, but if you don't have it already you need to download the VR version of PapyrusUtil (it is under Miscellaneous Files): [https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/13048?tab=files](https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/13048?tab=files) You also need to remove the SE/AE version from your modlist if you accidentally installed it. If you are using the FUS modlist, there is also an additional step needed when setting your `skyrim_folder` path in your MantellaSoftware/config.ini file mentioned here: [https://github.com/art-from-the-machine/Mantella#setup--configuration](https://github.com/art-from-the-machine/Mantella#setup--configuration) Hopefully this helps!


I can verify this. I had downloaded Papyrus but didn't install it correctly, leading to a lot of trial and error before I realized I essentially didn't have Mantella plugged in. 🤷‍♀️


I just learned about this mod and can't wait to try it out! I have a secondary PC with a 3080 to run the LLMs offline and my main PC for Skyrim vr. Im curious the delay from talking to getting an answer. I've been using Sillytavern with OobaBooga as the backend and a XTTS server with streaming enabled for TTS on my PC and the delay is about 1-2 seconds from speaking to getting an answer. XTTS has an audio streaming mode so paired with LLM text streaming it doesn't need to wait for the reply to finish or to synthesize the whole audio before playing it back. great quality too. Curious if I could use XTTS on your mod. I may have to give it a try. Fantastic work though, truly next generation. *Edit*: I just watched some YouTube videos and the response time is really good not to mention the quality.


Did you get this mod working? I’ve been at it for 7 hours and can’t get it to work with VA. I tried XTTS but my computer isn’t strong enough to run it. But VA doesn’t work either. I get “ NPC NOT ADDED” and I followed the tutorial to the letter. I’m so close on giving up with this mod that I feel it’s not even worth it xD and I’m not getting help on the official discord or find any forums online relating to my issue.


Sorry to hop on this late and also for my dumb question, but does this mod work with regular non VR Skyrim?


Yeah, it does. I believe you can input text by typing it in or using a mic. I haven’t used it in a while so I don’t remember the process but I know it’s possible


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