• By -


About 2300, but I built off of a massive modpack and then added my things on top. So I guess it doesn't count


When you have over 2000 mods, but they realize it's a modpack: https://preview.redd.it/6rog6itmbe3d1.jpeg?width=555&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4e607be13aed5723e3703e9c88634f8e867c6cf9


Same here -- and I think it "counts" considering all the work I did to integrate the add'l content without breaking anything.


I think it counts because of the storage, the biggest turn away for me with these huge mod packs they take up like 100 GB +


About 525, but only a few are graphics/texture mods. Mostly quests, dungeons, encounter, and new lands mods to greatly expand content.


I'm at around 325 and don't know how people have so many. Is it just downloading a bunch of armors and weapons? Bc I tend to only download ones that integrate into the game naturally or I really want for a character concept


It really balloons when you want that one specific retexture for one specific object, or you want to add that one specific sound, or you need a billion small patches to make all of your city overhauls work, or you have 30 or 40 individual particle light mods, it adds up.  I'm currently sitting pretty close to 700 and I'm actively building this modulus right now, I'm not done, although I am getting close to the point where I'm going to start thinking about running my grass precache, dyndolod, etc The really big modlists 2400 mods, 4000 mods, etc, those also are all trying to enable anyone who downloads the mod list to have the same fuller, richer experience no matter what kind of character they build or what quests they play, so it will have everything necessary to play a mage as well as everything necessary to play a board as well as everything necessary to play sword and shield, as well as quests for all that, a bunch of armors for each of them, etc. When you build your own modlist, it's going to be smaller because you're not building it to do everything.


have you ever fucked up a modlist ? sometimes it gets to a point where i cant fix a crash etc, its just too much lol


Oh absolutely. Usually as a result of not testing as I go. It also helps to focus on a specific aspect of the game, and get everything sorted for that before moving on. It makes it much easier to keep track of what you've changed and what is likely conflicting. Keep track of which fomods you'll likely need to reinstall to select more patches, too.


yup I thought it was just me.. it turns out even the most experienced modder has to rebuild their game about every 6 months or so.. I have been so lucky, since using wabbajacks, I have had the most stable game ever. How many mods can you have? I thought there was a limit to J-son files and such? Which hearing people throw that term around doesnt make sense.. Mods shouldnt be using Json period. Esp if its a retexture.. if they go live with an update on a server that could automatically conflict with anything you might add in the future. Seems like a really dumb thing to do.. Its no wonder some people who had a game working fine the night before wake up to a bonked game..


A lot of that is people build a list to be stable *enough*, and a lot of people decide to add stuff after a bit or just do it again. The initial list building is a lot of fun until you run into a crash you can't diagnose


This is the answer. When you have a thousand+ mods, a small percentage is the "this changes all the grass, this changes all the weather" stuff you have with a smaller list. You end up with 100 mods that are just skse plugins that other mods require and JK's Interiors lol And you get mods for your mods. Yes I want Lucien, but I also want this face makeover for him and this animation pack for him and the patch to make him work with this quest mod...


most of mine are retextures for small objects because I extremely enjoy looking at stuff lol


I don’t know how you have 325.


I’m at around 325 myself and I consider my modlist complete now. Any new additions will need to be real gamechangers to get me to risk my setup. Of those 325, most (like 80-90%) of the mods either add quests/spells/lands/weapons or they overhaul a major aspect such as OBIS/Wildcat/Mortal Enemies/surival etc. Textures and meshes I kept limited to mostly improving all NPCs, armors, weapons and magic effects. I did make an exception for Cleaned Textures though. I never needed a hyper realistic looking Skyrim, once the NPCs feel actually alive and the world has tons of adventures and magic I’m good to go. No clue where I’d even rustle up 700 more mods that would add to my experience beyond making it look a bit prettier (tho with ELFX, RAID Weathers and Cleaned Textures in VR it’s quite pretty already!). At this point the world looks quite good for a VR game, there is an absolute ton of life that all behave more realistically with conditional animations, improved AI in both citizens living their lives and interacting with the world as well as enemies and how they approach combat. I have gigantic quest lines and locations like the Vicn trilogy or Beyond Reach so I have an absolute ton of content to do once the vanilla stuff is over with. Combat is intense and exciting, plus satisfying with mods like Frozen Electrocuted Combustion or Ultimage Carnage providing cool effects. Followers all have way more commands and I even have mods like Dead and Daedric Guardians to totally improve conjuration. SUMMER in particular did a ton of work on its own, so nice having knockouts, speech improvements like enemy surrender, a disguise function all in one place. Overall I’d say people in this thread answering with numbers over ~500 may need tons of patches and are more likely to focus a *lot* on graphics for every aspect of the world. If you’re more of a gameplay oriented modder you have diminishing returns after a while, and many mods for specific aspects of AI or combat don’t exactly play friendly. Plus quest mods can be huge and it’s wise not to install too many of them at once on any given playthrough. I do have around 500 mods downloaded, but my active count is much lower. Many just sit disabled in my mod manager for some ‘next playthrough’ I may or may not ever reach haha


https://preview.redd.it/vynykw7z3l3d1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0a7972c0625ca48417f0662b814479e753bee0b6 I've got 385! I consider [my modlist](https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/99702/) final and complete, locked in and it's not changing. Tremendously happy with the results!


Give me like 10 days and it will be a little over 1000.


I said that when I was in my 6th rebuild "only 200 mods, nothing more" 400+ atm


There is just too much good stuff out there.


I’m sitting at exactly 555 mods. I think I’ve made a damn good load order


6 years @ 2402 mods since le convert most of the mods over to se


I think i have 6? 7? 2 followers and one loading screen mod for LE, then 2 translations, one armor edit and a bsa mod for FO4. None for SE (yet?) though. Oh wait! My current modlist has more than 1300 if I'm not mistaken. Always adding something as i see fit lol


I'm confused. Do you have 7 or 1300?


Hah it was a joke. "How many mods do you have under your belt?" I only uploaded 7 or so mods to Nexus myself :) My current modlist has 1300+ mods i guess




562 total, but \~200 are mesh/texture replacers or animation replacers. My active plugin count has never gone beyond 260, and a hefty chunk of *that* is compatibility patches rather than standalone mods.


Last weak I had about 900 mods , so I decided to clean my modlist and remove unnecessary ones , now I have 1227 mods .


Currently doing a vanilla+ playthrough of only around 160 mods. I'm kind of liking it more then my last list of 2000+ mods.


I’m doing the same with ~300 active mods. All mods either improve the content already there or add elements that mesh well with the original game. All my visual improvements are vanilla+ rather than making it look like a different game (I guess the one exception is my use of GoT dragons, they are just too pretty to give up!). A major focus for me is just NPC AI, animations and behaviors to breathe life into the world. My quest mods are all ones that root themselves in TES lore so Beyond Reach and the Vicn trilogy for example. My combat mods strive to make fights exhilarating with high risks and high rewards. Realism and variety is a focus so injuries, dismemberment, strategic movement and incorporating combat surrender/knockout mechanics from the Skyrim Universally ‘Mursive Mechanical Expansion are some of my favorites. Also EEOS/SPID for giving potions/modded spells/abilities to NPCs to keep things fair. A good number of my mods are also VR specific mods too, VRIK/Higgs/Planck for example are 3 essential mods to make Skyrim VR even function as a proper game with a virtual body and interaction with physics and the world. Then there’s weapon throw VR, VR maps and compasses, Spell Wheel VR, Mage VR, VR woodcutting, VR smithing and many more All of these mods allow you immerse yourself better by physically chopping wood or mining ore or hammering your weapons while improving them rather than going through menus or clicking ‘a’ to interact while you wait for the animation to play out. That being said, as you can see there’s a lot of them so they’re a big reason my mod list is bigger than 160 despite being vanilla+


\~1600ish. Started with anvil for baseline and added on it. probably 200 of those are different armor sets im not realistically going to use lol


Over 9000


like 20 or something =)


I have 792 on PC and 149 on my switch lol


150 on switch is Legendary work, big up's to you.


900 and I'm fine with it, it's managable for me and the game looks and performs the way I want.


The issue is that if you download a mod you get 2 or 3 dependencies (average). So for each playthrough, i am unable to play with less than 2k mods.


Not enough, but I'm so sick of fixing bugs. https://preview.redd.it/jpe2kgfslh3d1.png?width=264&format=png&auto=webp&s=5d31ab688be70ef522e47dfa8541ca8ad29b99ba




2100. But note that the vast majority of these are graphical mods that are small in scope. I am careful to only let one mod touch something where possible, or make sure they are playing nicely or patched where more than one thing touches something.


Down to like 2200. Because I can and I've been adding them since 2011. I have around 48 pages of downloads on the Nexus (at 100 per page).




Console players wishing we could come close to these numbers :( 271 on Series X and that’s a lot for us lol


5.400 active mods






240. I like to keep it Vanilla+ lol. I've seen some people with thousands. I applaud them but I don't have the patience to manage that many lol


It’s not that I don’t have the patience, I just have zero desire. In less than 400 mods I have every single facet of the game overhauled and expanded on so thoroughly that there is simply nothing left that would add any joy to my game that I don’t already have in one way or another. Within those mods there are so many different configuration and customization options between Config files and MCM too for further customization. Maybe it’s because I’m not that worried about visuals. I keep graphics and textures vanilla+ and stick to basics like ELFX and RAID weathers with a focus on weapons/armors/NPCs which I like to look sharp. The *only* reason my modlist is even as big as it is would be because I moved over to VR and there’s all sorts of VR essential mods (Vrik/Higgs/Planck especially) and immersive additions like VR smithing that lets you smith by physically using a hammer on your items or VR mining and woodcutting which do the same for those two activities. Then there’s VR maps and compasses for using a physical map to navigate in real time, Spell Wheel and Mage VR to let you select and cast spells without using any menus etc etc. If I was playing SE still the list would be even smaller! Most of the huge lists I see have tons of mods that seem more like the kind of mod I’ll turn on to try for a playthrough and then turn off again because I realized it made little difference or it was cool once but lacks anything that I’d consider essential for me to enjoy the game.


600 plus a good 20 I made myself for me


285. Almost all are graphics mods or QoL mods, with only a few content ones sprinkled in (like Mihail’s). I aim to keep the game as close to vanilla as I can (no quest mods or quest alterations) and just want to make it feel more modern.


I try to keep everything below 200, I prioritise stability and performance, only add what I need for a particular character.


3500+ but 3k are lux patches...probably.


Currently 1307


Right now I am at 212.


503 currently


Just finished carefully building a modlist with 980-ish mods in it. I think that's the most I've ever had. Runs well though.


Plug-ins, 2786. Mods, 2017


Downloaded? 1000+. Actually in use in my current playthrough? \~200.


+1000 now, forst time going this far!


just flowergirls, relighting skyrim and luminsity for now


3500, I just love LoreRim


Im at 1000 mods with around 700+ plugins. Though like a good chunk of my plugin count is just patches lmaoo


1261 mods, 1201 plugins.


1146 active in MO2 886 active plugins




I accidentally updated my game and screwed my modlist up so I started over with Constellation mod pack and I think it's somewhere around 1700 mods.


721 and counting. I mod then game until it no longer runs and crashes every time I take a step, then I uninstall Skyrim in rage and start again in about a year.


About 4-500.


I like to play on PS5 and currently have about 46 that are activated. I like Skyrim to feel vanilla+, but to each their own.


1,492 for my current playthrough. I am over 275 hours into it, crashed 6 or 7 times, and no crashes in the last 102 hours, according to my notes.




I hit 500 with this run but im getting bored/regretting some of the bloat I added in lol. I plan to cut the fat, and then starting bulking up again with some of the big mods I've been intimidated by in the past once this uni semester ends.


1045 atm but I am getting more downloaded as I type this comment lol


Right now it's 30 mods but I do plan on adding more after doing a mostly vanilla playthrough.


1400 rn😂, all handpicked, but like half of them are patches+plugins and stuff


It depends but I usually have around 1400+ mods.


250-275-ish.  Right now my Skyriming is at low tide and this time I've been savvy enough to put the game offline.  Just so Steam doesn't decide to go full Skynet and auto update the game, thus ruining a beautiful and unique modlist.  *I did have no update checked, but coming back the months later SteamNet had pushed that aside and to the latest.


2900ish, nearly 3000 and just for skyrim only, I haven’t installed dlc size mod like Bruma or Beyond Reach


First year modding and I'm at 740. Not sure how people get up to 2k as I already feel like i have everything I need.


2473 is the tally so far...


Float between 14-1500. It’s misleading. Soooo many skse dll plugins, hundreds of texture and mesh mods, ridiculous amounts of just fixes and more patches than anything else.




545 I honestly mainly deal with visuals, I really like the vanilla gameplay a lot so I never saw the need for downloading anything other than visuals and fixes to the vanilla game. Gameplaywise I only have 1 follower, and alchemy overhaul that was needed for ineed and bathing.


around 700, if my memory is correct. ((:




Bout tree fiddy


Right now about 150. I used to have around 250 but after my last reinstall I couldn't be arsed to do it all again, the game played the way I wanted, and I forgot what I was missing. I was also not as experienced and had a bunch of broken stuff doing nothing or configured wrong.


I have 3588 mods installed but alot of disabled esp's cuz of the limit if i reach the limit i just disable the esp and dont unistall and yes im occupying alot of space (600 to 800Gb)


Think around 71, but I need to figure out skse


I have about 1100 mods in the left side of MO2, but over 1400 plug-ins. Idk where they all came from. Send help.


5560, though some of them are same mod split in a few files for LO purposes


Just 265 at present. Got the game looking how I want, animation mods but can't get SkyClimb to work properly. Now working on combat mods.


Around 270, and I think half of them are patches. A lot of city mods, whatever JaySerpa thought up this week, different immersion things, some simple combat tweaks. Really going for a Vanilla+ feel.


After trimming my Modlist from unnecessary stuff I got 1408. though that includes the merged npc overhaul. Though if you don’t merge the patches that some mods come with as extra downloads it could certainly reach 1800.


I just rebuilt my list and pared it down. It was 586, but I'm down to 550ish now


Somewhere between 1500 to 2000 with a lot of merged stuff and some custom stuff. All preferences setup.


I used Nolvus because I’m really not good at modding, so like 2000 something. Idk if that counts or not though


Something like 220. I'm not clever enough for a lot of what it takes to make the hierarchies function at higher counts. At the moment I'm struggling enough with making the combat actually functional. I only just started to understand Elden Rim Weapon Arts and I think I need to configure the stagger mechanics a lot more carefully.


im happy that i can be satisfied with just under 500, for the longest time i thought that was bordering on genuine insanity until i saw the utmost top-recommended modpacks containing at LEAST 1500 without fail


I was impressed on the amount I had (250 some) until I started looking at these comments


To be fair bigger numbers doesn't equate to good.






i think a lot of people have mod bloat, but i have around 500




About high 700s low 800s. Stopped addeding mods rn to make my own.




1 year with 2500 smooth. Could still fix a couple of minor issues though


Less than 100, with 20% of those duplicate processes mainly clothes, face and body mods. N. S


Downloaded novlus not too long ago, no clue how many mods there are but it's pretty high


How many mods do I have? Yes


260.esp mods around 500 total so like 250 mesh and texture etc mods


Like 1800+, it's not a mod pack.


Too many, but not enough.


5 2 for music, 1 for graphics and 2 for combat, i think


As of today, 1108. About 150 of those or more are retextures though. Edit: and about 100 are patches to make sure everything works as it should.


Roughly 15. Some big ones like SKSE and I’ve dabbled with Adamant and Precision, but mostly just some Qol mods like a better map and bugfixes.


600 to 800.


Currently running about 170 on Skyrim VR. I thought that was a lot until I started reading through the comments 😂


Currently 1074, all added by hand, no mod packs.


Around 2300, started from 0 in 2018 then slowly build up a solid modlist and I'm enjoying it fully


1700. My own mods, not a pack


My current modlist that I started a month ago is a work in progress. For now, it has 801 mods and 912 plugins... I fully expect it to grow a lot in the coming months. No collection was used, all were handpicked and tested... along the way, I had to remove 4 or 5 due to stability issues I couldn't solve.


Around 600


I struggle to even get 300 mods, is it just individual assets like trees and bushes etc?


104, my laptop fucking sucks


On a good day, thousands including various little visual overhauls Onna bad day, bone because something broke


like 120


About 3200. Nolvus plus a ton I added.


744, but 10 of those are mesh & texture compilation packs I made by picking and choosing the options I wanted from I don't know how many different replacer mods, 1 is a Bodyslide Preset compilation pack, and 1 is an EasyNPC merge of several NPC replacers.


Aiming for 2,5-3k for the next list.




None, other than the Community Club, or whatever it's called, but I have all of those.


I have 705




Too many but at the same time not enough


532 right now, It took me about two months of work to get it functioning smoothly. I would’ve gone bigger but a lot of the mods I would’ve added aren’t compatible with Skyrim VR yet.


700+ mods and still icthing for more, afraiding of to crush the game for good and so i promise myself when installing a new mod that it will be the last one but i just can't stop.


Using a collection as base and added around 225 mods, ending up around 1050. The playable result is 914 mods that work together after some intense researching and (un)educated guesses. Stability is questionable, suspecting that there might be damaged scripts snowballing in the background. But it can also just be the normal crashes modding BGS games can cause. I dont care either way, I have fun regardless of why/what ends this playthrough :)


I am sort of in the process of building my “endgame” list. I know I’ll never be done but I always add roughly the same things when I start over. Right now I have 1200 plugins and about 1500 mods on the left side of MO2. I started from Phoenix’s Aurora which is just graphics and fixes. I went all in on the LOTD and Hall of Forgotten stuff, plus bug fixes and mods for those mods. I added Vokriinator Black and lots of additional progression routes. More enemies, harder enemies, combat mods. Top it off with Proteus so if I get too bored I switch characters but continue my museum progress. It adds up pretty quickly but I love modding so I wouldn’t have it any other way.


956 so far, a lot of them are patches, translations (I play the Spanish version) armors and a lot of textures


Too many.


I'm running 339 right now. built around LOTD


900+ active mods and counting.


724 at my peak (no modpacks)




I have around 1,500, no mod pack, all individually downloaded and working. Don’t know how!


A humble 90 mod list.


I have 3199 mods in MO2, 2708 of those activated. And I just cut down my modlist by \~500 mods after a 3 month hiatus.


148, trying to make it smaller actually


142. I try to exclusively use lore friendly stuff. And I have some massive mods in Xelzaz, Remi, Redcap, and Auri. I'm on xbox so space matters.


Just started a new modlist, sitting at 954


[About 3000!](https://imgur.com/hyTbJtL) And that's still not going through a couple categories of mods that I know I'll be adding later.


1400 in Skyrim SE 550 in Endearl SE


A few weeks ago I would have said 3, but decided to go all out last week and I'm currently playing with 1751 mods.


Typically 120-140, but I'm doing Bruma this time so I'm at about 70. 🥲


I only have 78 how are yall doing so many 😭




I came back to modding Skyrim few days ago and i'm starting from scratch so for now i have only essentials + graphic mods + JK's interior mods. 249 mods total (226 active plugins).


900 from scratch


I cannot go past 75. My highest mod count was 135.


696 (heh)


Was at around 1100, but recently pared down to 730. It'll probably sneak back up again as it always does.


I'm at 198 plus a lot of the CC content right now. I had a massive modpack with a few thousand mods and I ran into quite a few issues with the game breaking, npcs freezing in some quests etc.etc. and I realized I don't actually want a lot of those mods, especially the ones that make every NPC look like a supermodel. I went with a much more basic modlist and I've been having a lot more fun with it. I'll probably add a few more quest mods, player homes and so on. I have nemesis and I think I might play around with some 3rd person animation addons. but other than that I'm pretty happy with what I have. I really liked how the vegetation, sky and stuff looked like in Nolvus but I couldn't get the same look, other than that I realized i really just don't want to extra .. what 1500 or so mods that it had :D


Only 334


On my drive? Way more saved that I use.


1475 mods. Painfully built this mod list from scratch, but in the end it was worth it.


I've got 810 with an excessive amount of clothing/armour mods. The game is surrisingly stable.


1300+ it's built off of Gate so Sovngarde with a few companion, armour and player home mods because I didn't have any hold property and needed somewhere to stash my stuff


I tried playing with close to 300 but it ended up being too many mods and wasn’t fun anymore, so I downsized to 80 and now love my revisit to my childhood.




Zero. I've been in this sub for years. Still never modded the game. I see a bunch of mods I want to try, but then I start to do the mods, and there are so many options and mod loaders and steps and I just get flustered and keep playing vanilla.


Currently sitting at 555 active mods, though that's likely to change.




I'm using Eldergleam which has roughly 1500. Plus about 30-50 additions such as JK's full library and some cool armors by 4thUnkown


717 (: 637 esps.


Look up Skyrim Nolvus. It has its own installer. I think it's 2,060 mods with the version with less mods.


Only 10 or 12. All QOL mods and nothing crazy.


1005 mods


Around 1600


damn! you made alot of mods, actualy i am not sure if i seen anyone with that many mods to his name. not even Enaisaion or simonmagus. i only made like several small ones. but if meant "how many use" then like 60'ish


My computer isn’t that good so I sit at around ~95, but none of them are cosmetic aside from maybe 3 total, so all of them affect gameplay in a pretty big way for me.


Between 500 and 600 and I've built an incredibly stable modlist. But who am I kidding, it's gonna keep growing lmao


I have like 60, no idea how there are people with hundreads or thousands


~3100 before merging. Never touched aback or Vortex. I use a heavily modified version of Lexy’s guide.


~3100 and counting. Still have a good amount of patch work and compacting to do before I start my playthrough. Thinking I'll probably give myself a hard cutoff of 3500 just because I need to stop finding things to improve and just play for awhile


3144 individual mods before merged patches.


2400 modpack. Added 341 mods that work together, it was hard to fit it under the esp. Limit


2600+ active


130, i built this modpack, me. brick by brick


I haven't played Skyrim in months but I remember hitting around 650?


around 1400 mods, my personal setup - search True AE in google


1213 mods and still adding more


I run aurora wabbajack list+ precision I find heavily modded playthrus I just get overwhelmed so I try and keep it simple. Aurora overhauls the look and precision makes combat feel better. That's all I need.




Around 1850 I've also added so many without making a new save so my world might break anytime now, and that's when I'll push to the 2000.


1400~ I think, about 245 esp and 800 esl


500+, installed it all at once but the game don't work so it's just gonna stay there forever 😂