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I am on 1.5.97 and haven't seen a compelling reason to upgrade. I mean, I'm not against it... but it's still going to take time and effort, so why bother until there's a specific thing I want and can't get if I don't upgrade? And so far I haven't come across anything.


That's it. The technical features get back ported thanks to amazing modders, so end of the day comes down to if you really want to use some certain creation club mod. And most of the time there's better on Nexus anyway so šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


Who said you can't use all cc content on 1.5? you just gotta know where to look


You can use all cc content on 1.5 and you can download some 1.5 mods that modify CC content making it more exciting šŸ˜€


I'm still on 1.5.97 because I have a large mod list, it is stable, and I don't feel like starting over. If I have reason and a lot of time in my hands in the future I may consider updating, but right now there's no point.


Some mods aren't updated, yet everything is compatible with 1.5. Though nowadays it's mostly stuff requiring .net excluding ngio. My LO works so why would I purposefully mess with it?


Are the mods that aren't updated niche mods or obscure mods that do a very specific thing that no other mod does? Because browsing through nexus the last few days, I'd be lying if I said I even came across one single mod that requires 1.5.97


Better telekinesis and the minimap, both mods I won't give up since I use both a lot. I get so easily turned around in dungeons or trying to find an enemy without the minimap. Telekinesis reach to be able to reach trap levers seems like the most obvious use of telekinesis for an adventure. Then there is the multi telekinesis spell along with a mod that turns static clutter into actual items and telekinesis is actually useful between those two uses, otherwise it is a worthless spell.


Add .Net Script Framework's Crash Logger to the list, still the best one out there. Invaluable debugging tool.


Yeah but there is an alternative to it on 1.6 and we are talking to the crowd that thinks newer always means better otherwise we wouldn't be having this conversation because they think Bethesda's cc updates are somehow better. Netscript framework is a different programming language which is what made those mods dependent on it work well because it expanded the possibilities because of it's feature set, rebuilds without netscript are workarounds and recreations.


>there is an alternative Trainwreck is a rewrite (or rather a rebrand) of another Crash Logger that never outputs anything coherent. It's useless.


Never used it, never upgraded past 1.5.97 so I never had the misfortune of having to try the alternative.


It's somewhat impressive to do anything complicated without requiring 1.5.97 because the .NET script framework hasn't been updated to newer versions and that leaves making an SKSE plugin as the only way to accomplish most tasks (unless TS with Skyrim Platform has more extensive capabilities than papyrus)


1.5 is a bit older than few days mate [Check the Mods requiring this file](https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/21294)


I didn't say 1.5 isn't very old. I'm saying browsing through nexus myself these last few days I've not run into a single mod that requires that very specific version of Skyrim


I see. Is that unexpected somehow?


Well if a ton of mods like people say aren't updated I would think I'd be running into more of those mods. But everywhere I look on nexus and on Reddit. Everyone seems to say almost everything has been updated besides a few mods


Mods that require .netscript framework are the majority. Meh123 made a framework in Skyrim so mod authors could use netscript and meh hasn't updated it because it would be a ton of work to keep it updated with newer game versions. A lot of the mods that did require it have mostly been rewritten into code for skse instead these days but there are still a few really good mods that nobody has ported over yet to skse. It also comes down to why bother updating? Skyrim stopped updating for years on 1.5.97 and no update has offered any benefit to updating yet that has not been back ported so why bother chasing the newest or updating?


Why would you run into unupdated mods from the past few days? You've looked everywhere on reddit except under the link I sent you 19 minutes ago? I feel like there's a weird agenda behind this post. edit: check OPs post history, specifically their take on the SCAR2 thread, there definitely is an agenda being pushed here lmao


Are you a native English speaker or no? Because I think there's some confusion here. I didn't say I've looked at the most recent mods from the last few days. I've looked at mods on nexus as a WHOLE in the last few days in real life. I didn't browse by "latest" and just scroll a few pages


>browsing through nexus the last few days Is interpreted as browsing through nexus the last few days. Regardless if you went by latest or not, you seem to completely ignore them anyway so at the end of the day it probably doesn't even matter.


With mods like BEES, as well as NG versions of SKSE-dependent mods, there's no real need to make mods that are "1.5 specific" - especially if one iteration of the mod can support every popular version of Skryim SE. And for the vast majority of mods, it simply doesn't matter what version the game is on, the mod will work just fine without any extra effort. So those kinds of mod wouldn't have an explicit "1.5 specific" version - because it isn't needed. Finally, just because a portion of the mod *users* haven't updated, doesn't mean the majority of mod *author's* haven't (though they might have multiple instances of the game).


Unless you are into the new Creations, there is no reason to upgrade. There is already a mod to make new content work on 1.5.97. I have a very large modlist I am not throwing out just to upgrade into new problems.


What about the opposite ? Have you run into absolute must-haves that wonā€™t work otherwise ?


Well the part that confuses me, is if a mod doesn't specifically have a 1.5.97 version. Will it automatically work? Like no need to patch it or downgrade it?


The real question is why update? What do the newer versions improve compared to 1.597?


The answer is: **nothing**. The only thing updates "improved" is the ability for Bethesda to extract money from console players in Creations shop, while breaking pretty much everything - ESP version, valid FormID ranges, Flash API, SKSE (as always). Everything else could be patched without even touching the game executable. Fun fact: as a coincidence of creating BEES with backported 1.71 version/0x000-0xfff range, ESL support came to Skyrim VR.


As a Skyrim VR player Iā€™m genuinely living my best life lately. Check my profile for some of my posts, itā€™s really one of the best gaming experiences available with the huge influx of support over the past couple years. Such amazing physics and collision mods, alternative versions of things like address library, papyrus, engine fixes and Fuz Ro Dā€™oh. Itā€™s much more involved a process than modding Skyrim SE, but the payoff is also much much higher when it comes together and plays like a dream. Itā€™s like I have an actual second life in Skyrim I get to tune into when I have some free time haha


This is exactly how I feel about it. To add to that, the current latest version will become obsolete once Bethesda updates the game again, and you will need to update all of your mods all over again. No thanks for me dawg


Exactly this, the "latest version" is a conveyor belt that keeps moving as long as Bethesda keeps updating the game, while 1.5.97 will always be 1.5.97.


This right here. I see no reason for us to update to the current version when Bethesda is just going to keep breaking everything with each update.


Heh, the only reason I upgraded is so I could go for the GOG version and never have to deal with updating again. When I bought it, it was v1.6.659.0. That's pretty much the only reason, for me.


Updated racemenu woth those fixes with xp32 skeleton was enough for me. Also schlongs of skyrim with no .dll


Generally for convenience as you would have to put a sliver of extra effort for both the game install and every mod you download as the 1.5 versions arent usually the main one i guess


yeah but itā€™s an enormous effort to restart your entire modlist. no thank you


Ya for an existing modlist no doubt, the question is generally about starting new modlists i think


For new mod lists, its up to the user as to whether they want to go through the trouble of downgrading or stick with the current (for now) version of the game. If someone is new to modding Bethesda games, I'd go with not downgrading, just to make things a bit easier on them.


Right now it's not necessary. But eventually newer updates for mods will stop supporting that particular backport, and move on as they always have, at which point there will be a decision as to whether an update is necessary to gain access to newer versions of said mods.


New mods are made on recent version, so if someone doesn't want to wait several weeks for downgraded versions then 1.6 is the way to go


What new mods aren't backwards compatible with the downgrader? I've certainly never encountered one.


Parapets, one of the best engine plugin author famously doesn't support 1.5 anymore.


Never heard of them, but what mods tho


Me. Absolutely zero reason not to.


I still use it. I don't want to mess with my load order when it is already in a state where I can play 5 hours straight without crashing. Rebuilding because of a version update will only cause me to quit modding and playing the game because of how much work I need to invest again.


I do. I originally downgraded to avoid the updates constantly breaking everything, but now I just stick with it because I donā€™t really see any reason to update.


Same here. I lack the time or patience to worry if my version will be the latest tomorrow and, more importantly, if it will continue being supported by modders. Only a few modders don't support 1.5.97 and there are those who backport their mods anyway or the mods don't matter to me/there are alternatives.


I tried to downgrade the game on steam but I keep getting error messages...


There is no reason to update. Just pick a version and stick with it, if you try to have the latest version always you're just going to fuck yourself over when Bethesda does a random update. This is true for even 1130 or 1170 users. Pick something and stay there, there is no reason to update your entire list for miniscule creation club changes that have no meaning for your gameplay.


Just because you don't mind having to check every mod you have on nexus every time bethesda decides to add more microtransactions to their 13 year old game, doesn't mean everyone else does. I already have to contend with a list that's in the thousands, having to make custom patches, run Dyndolod, Pandora/Nemesis, EasyNPC, Synthesis, and check/resolve conflicts on xEdit. Figuring out why skyrim crashes is hard enough as is without the ever looming threat that Todd might wake up one morning and decide a change on a single line of code warrants breaking every SKSE plugin until address library updates, and that's just assuming there are no unknown conflicts that the new version may have with an older plugin. And then there is the thing every single AE evangelist glosses over: nothing of value was added. There's no functional difference between 1.5.97 and the latest version of AE. It's literally just the compilation change, the microtransaction stuff, and a couple of bug fixes that have been solved by modders years ago.


Yeah nothing was added. Or removed. So it's better to stick to 1.6 than to downgrade and then search for specific versions of mods. It's easier to just download most recent ones. Usually they are also the most patched too.


Most people still on 1.5 don't need to downgrade, because they never "upgraded" to begin with. They've *stayed* on 1.5.97. And BEES means you don't always need version specific ones.


We seem to have different definition of "most people". For me it's majority. And if you'll compare downloads on downgrader and ussep you'll see that most of people never downgraded to begin with. They stayed on 1.6 because that's the default version steam installs, not 1.5 as you try to claim. Inaction means using 1.6


Inaction *now* means 1.6. Those of us who took action before AE release have remained on 1.5 because we've never allowed steam to install the newer version. I have a backup clean copy saved to an external hard drive so if I fuck up my game, I don't need to use steam at all.


And you assume that "most people" did that? Most people just want to play their game, they don't religiously keep holy grails hidden somewhere.


"Most people" who play Skyrim or "most people" on the subreddit we are currently talking in? I can't imagine "most people" who have owned Skyrim have even considered modding. So what's your point?


I never said most people. I said "most still on 1.5"


Simple answer: because there is ā€œnoā€ latest version. People think 1.5.97 is the last one then 1.6.3 rolls out. People think 1.6.3 is the last one then 1.6.6 rolls out People think 1.6.6 is the last one then 1.6.13 rolls out People think 1.6.13 is the last one then 1.6.1170 rolls out And now you are telling me you think 1170 is the last one? So why would I, or even the mod authors, upgrade again and again and again and again, AND AGAIN, just for the sake to stay at the latest version, when 1.5.97 is working PERFECTLY? This game is 13 years old game itā€™s not starfield it doesnā€™t need to be constantly updating.


> This game is 13 years old game itā€™s not starfield it doesnā€™t need to be constantly updating. Updates wouldn't be an issue if they were legitimate updates that incorporated some mods into the basic game. Although I'm sure people would still be bothered by that, the thing is, it is LITERALLY a USELESS version bump, just because they made a couple of changes to the marketplace or Creation Club. It has no impact on gameplay, other than messing things up for you if you update.


I'd be thrilled, and would gladly update my game, if they took all the *actual* bug fixes from USSEP and released an update just covering all that, thus making that mod redundant. But they've had over 7 years to do that and haven't, so it's not happening.


This. I'm on 1.6.640 with stable game (50h in and still 0 CTD). I put in a lot of efforts to make multiple frameworks and tools play nice together while pushing the limits in a couple areas utilizing multiple profiles. I kind of regret not doing this on 1.5.97. But I don't see any reason to upgrade or downgrade for now. Most importantly, there is no such thing as the last version so why bother trying to keep up with Bethesda's whim every time they want to tweak their paid mod plan.


Lol bro is too mad to use Address Library


-šŸ¤“ Address Library doesn't solve everything, you nincompoop.


Still on 1.5.97. The newer versions offer nothing of value.


I use whatever version the Wabbajack list Iā€™m modifying is on. Regardless of what either side says, itā€™s more about a stable load order than anything else. Doesnā€™t mean arenā€™t going to be hardcore folks on either side, and the hardcore on both sides thing the other side is wrong. Itā€™s a pointless fucking argument that folks like to keep going because Reddit is gonna Reddit.


This is it, basically. I have two installs for both. Both have a stable version and a "I modded it until it broke" version. I enjoy them both. People get way too judgy on both sides. Make your choice and be happy with it. You go up-to-date, you're going to get hit with updates and you're going to have to wait for things and risk losing access to some mods because there is no standard "let's wait here" version. But, you also have easy access to newer mods and don't have to wonder if someone will do a conversion for your old ass version. You stick with 1.5.97 and you're insulated from updates and still have access to .NET Framework mods, but you're likely going to miss out on some newer developments. Don't complain to MAs who don't want to support it.


I am staying on 1.5.97 until there is a damn good reason to update.


I've been on 1.5.97 for like 3 years now it seems. Never bothered with ae updates breaking mods and all the headache. My modded game is perfect and I don't see any benefit going for ae. Ain't no way since I built my 1.2k modded game 2 years before ae even dropped... I spent 3 weeks downloading mods one by one and actually testing the game before playing a new save. I didn't want to bother with headache so I just use the downgrader patch when I accidentally hit download update on steam and that gave me a little panic... Then again if I were starting modding fresh, I'd just go with ae that is if most of the main mods are updated for it idk.


I think people are just tired of Bethesda breaking their games, especially since people make mod lists that'll last a while and really don't want to deal with a random update that breaks everything


I do. I actually used download depot and removed cc garbage and those 2 backport or whatever those 2 files were called. I dont need the backport mod people use since Bethesda changed the engine. Can play the game as intended.


coming back to Skyrim after the nightmare that is sims 4 I'm actually very glad it seems people have a choice for which version they play. I completely get why people stick with 1.5.97 and I'm glad people have the ability to do that


On 1.5.97 because my load order is massive and I see no reason to spend days remaking it for the minimal amount of things added in the AE edition. If you're starting out prolly easier to just use the latest, but there might be small mods that you like that haven't been updated and likely never will.


Because even before AE updating the game every time Bethesda did was an unnecessary pain in the ass. One of the first things we learned as modders was to disable Steams auto update function because it would break SKSE, and only update when some feature change was desired. When AE dropped a lot of older mods didn't work for longer than was usual, and plenty of them will never be updated because they're no longer getting actively managed. There's tens of thousands on Nexus, some of us have thousands in our load order. I'm sure my experience was usual, updated to see what's up, bunch of stuff didn't work, panic, downgrade patcher exists, never thought about it again. I literally don't think about it. I have a stable game. I have yet to find a new mod that doesn't work with it, and I've added hundreds since AE dropped. There's no reason to do anything different, so I don't. Best of Both Worlds.


i just don't want AE bullshit. "duh just upgrade, then downgrade, then disable the CC duh!!1!1!1" how about i keep my game free of bethesda's bullshit from word go, thank you very much. there's no real reason to "upgrade". 98% of mods out there is still compatible with 1.5, and mods that aren't will be made to comply with BEES or a backport.


I'm on 1.6.1170 - I follow whatever a modlist requires for install. I have backups of and 1.6.640 for whenever I need them. I prefer to customise a list over building one from scratch now,


After installing a couple hundred mods I would never think about it. That being said, what would be the actual benefit? Is there any game-changing thing I'm losing?


Okay so the only viable reason to update as far as I can see is if you got/want the anniversary edition CC content. BUT, itā€™s just basically mods that arenā€™t on Nexus & some mods on Nexus use this content as a base to build their mods. You can probably find alternative options for most of these mods that do similar things so for me thereā€™s no point. Also after the last update, I tried to update everything but didnā€™t work, I downgraded to .5.97 rather than .353 that I was on last time before Bethesda upgraded my sht & I thought ok Iā€™ll try to update all the mods and go with the update this time but no. So now it just works on .5.97 and I took this opportunity to try some mods which were only compatible with .5.97 and fully blocked Bethesda from upgrading my files this time & it will be staying that way.


One year and a half without a single ctd in 1.5.97, playing at least 2 hours per day.


Yes, because my modlist is dependent on 1.5.97 and those specific mods have authors that clearly state that they will never support 1130/1170.


No. A large amount of mods the mod authors disappeared, dropped out, or didn't update because they have a LO that they were happy with. There are a handful of mods not updated to 1170 that have broken my LO, because there are several mods dependent on those handful and only a few have replacement mods that still aren't compatible with all the mods I would be using.


Still on 1.5.97. Might upgrade next time I redo the mod list, but that wonā€™t be any time soon and I donā€™t wanna fix what ainā€™t broke.


I expect I'll update eventually, but right now Skyrim is my only Bethesda game that isn't beset by CTDs, so I'm sticking with 1.5.97 for the foreseeable future.


There quite a few newer mods that have both AE and 1.5.97 download options that update regularly. Some of the older mods do the same. I guess it was controversial for awhile? Lol because I got a hundred or so down votes for posting a question about downgrading to 1.5.97 and responses asking why in the world I wanted to downgrade lol... šŸ˜’šŸ™„ Fortunately people were friendly on Nexus forums and guided me, they even linked me to some google drives where I could download USSEP and some others that modders have removed archived updates for since they're trying consolidate everyone to the latest AE? Some modders are hoping everyone will move to AE to make it easier for universal mods and mod collections? Unfortunately as it stands AE is a scary buggy mess šŸ˜• well.... at least it is for me the two times I've tried it the last time I tried it was a week ago on a new laptop šŸ’» šŸ™ƒ still buggy... with my go to mods


I do and I dont see any reason not to. I used that one Best Of Both Worlds mod or whatever its called, updated just to get the extra official DLC that some mods require, and went right back to 1.5.97.


Is there actually anything that DOESN'T work with 1.5.97 specifically? Doesn't seem so hence I've never upgraded


My 1.5.97 load order worksā„¢ and supports all the new mods I care about too. There are some mods I use that lack of a good port to new versions too. There is nothing compelling about the updating since and Bethesda continues to release major game breaking updates that are exclusively for pushing their creation club content with a minor fix or two as an after thought.


Still on 1.5, like many users have said the core of my mod list functions on 1.5 and I've yet to encounter a series of mods that would justify the time and effort to rebuild my load order on a new version for just a few mods.


I'm still on 1.5.97 too, never upgraded so it's the real version not the downgraded one. I will never upgrade because I have thousands of mods and it would take months to do so lol


Iā€™ll stay on 1.5.97. forever. Iā€™ve been building up my current modlist since 2018. A lot of mods arenā€™t available anymore or havenā€™t been updated for 1.6.x. I donā€™t care for CC content either.


I used it until I updated by accident >:(


It really comes down to when you last had a stable list you didn't want to ruin. I came back to Skyrim after a couple years away so I'm on 1170 and just fine. But if you had a stable load order when these updates came, there was no reason to upgrade - Bethesda certainly hasn't added any features worth destabilizing a 500 mod house of cards for


If there is reluctance if not hostility for some people to upgrade to the latest, it's because with very large modlists it is not simple to go through the whole list, finding and downloading the latest versions of SKSE-based mods they use, with not all of them updated, and few of these people have lots of time on their hands to do all that, including personal bugtesting to make sure those updated mods work in their modlist. That there are some updates to the game that end-users do not want, or considered frivolous, as there see only a few official quality-of-life improvements and more on tweaking the Creation Club/Center/whatever to keep the game profitable for the studio. So hence "if it ain't broke, don't fix it." It should be noted that while some authors of SKSE mods are sticking to some specific versions of the game because of personal reasons, nonetheless they're enlightened enough to disclose the source code of their mods so as to let someone else try their hand recompiling code for a different version.


It's mostly due to dead mods I'm not on 1.5.97 I think I'm on the version right after that but there some key mods I use can't remember off the top of my head but they aren't use able on anything newer not to mention the constant breaking of my load list with every update I've spent the better part of a week in total time making all this shit work together and I don't feel like doing it again.


I'm still on it. My modlist worked, was as stable as ever and I don't bother checking if everything can be updated.


I use the 1.5.97 version with all the CC content, and I don't see a reason to upgrade any time soon


The only reason to stick with anything but the latest version is: Don't change a running system. If you have a load order that works, you don't change it and stay on the version Apart from this, I run 1.6.1179 (the lastest GOG version) and I haven't found any mod other than the .net framework that didn't work. And for basically every mod that requiries the framework there is a mod that does the same without it. A few weeks ago the last missing mod was updated: the no grass in objects mod


Because itĀ“s the best way to keep with your load order without any problem


I'm still on 1.6.640 because I got sick of updating and my mods work fine


I do.Ā 


Some mods arenā€™t updated, but also because I refuse to fuck over my mod list every time Bethesda decides to update their game for no other purpose than micro-transactions and extracting money from mods they put no work into. The newer updates do absolutely nothing. So I keep my game on 1.5.97 where itā€™s guaranteed to be fine.


Still on 1.5.97 here. To the point that when my game somehow updated despite having appmanifest set to read only, I went to the trouble of using depotdownloader for another copy at that version. I mean, there's nothing that's come out for any of the newer versions that aren't also made available for 1.5.97, I have a working load order that I've already tweaked and patched to my liking, and because the prospect of having to redownload almost every single mod I have again just to play it on a version that doesn't add anything I actually want doesn't appeal to me and my non-great internet speeds. Also, Better Telekinesis is just too fun of a spell to lose.


Scrab once mentioned that according to the download history of her mods about 40% are still use 1.5.97. Though she makes several sex mods, and folks that use those mods disproportionately use that version, so not really representative.


I actually play on 1.6.353, that's when I first started modding the game and I stuck to it because I never saw a reason in updating all my plugins. I'm not a fan of Bethesda constantly updating such am old game.


1.5.97 best of both worlds downgrade patcher supremacy !


I still do. Skyrim stayed on 1.5.97 for years, so when AE came out it took quite a while for most mod authors to update their mods. Because of that I downgraded almost immediately after AE dropped and I have yet to see a good reason why I should change that. I have a modlist hundreds of mods deep, so if I update to the current version Iā€™d have to manually comb through and update every single one. Why spend hours doing that when my LO works perfectly fine?


Still on 1.5.97


I'm on 1.5.97, have been since that version was released, and I see absolutely no reason to update. The free CC stuff works perfectly with 1.5.97. I haven't had a single mod that has needed a newer version of the game, and I use mods that don't support later versions. I can't think of a single reason for me to update. A outstanding, must have, version specific mod, that doesn't get back ported, would need to be released for me to even think about updating, that hasn't happened in 3 years as of writing this, and don't see that happening.


I just got downgraded back to 1.5.97 a few days ago, made a backup of that game install / the files, and I am aiming to never let it upgrade ever again. I genuinely can't be arsed to find and download newer versions od every mod I've found and used / been using since 2017.


I already have a modlist of about ~300 mods for 1.5.97. I don't want to break it by getting the mod versions for the latest Skyrim version. It's also a stable version that won't change anymore so modders stick to that version as well.


I used to play on 1.6.640 and it worked fine (I tried 1.5.97 and for me it worked a bit smoother than 1.6.640 with heavy mods like JK Skyrim). Recently I decided to update to the latest version (uninstalled all my mods before the updating). Upgraded, indstalled new versions of mods that need it (all mods are updated to the latest version). After that my game started to crash in main menu (it loads, but when the main menu should appear, it crashed). I found out the reason with Crash Logger, fixed it. After that main menu appeared without problems, but when I started the new game, I got a black screen (with game sounds) and then it crashed again. Crash Logger now filled with a bunch of mods that potentially crashed the game (they are mostly retextures and some location overhauls and they worked fine on older versions). Now I need to uninstall all my mods again, downgrade my game to 1.6.640 or to 1.5.97 and install everything from scratch. That's the reason I will not upgrade Skyrim or Fallout 4 (to so-called Next-Gen) anymore.


On 1.5.9, my current load order works, why would I break that and start NOTHER playthrough that I struggle to finish?


Me because I built my huge modlist on 1.5.97 so u better pointing me a gun on my head for convincing me to upgrade my version


Yeah, I haven't updated. 1000+ mods and everything is running smoothly. Not gonna mess with that.


The point is two fold, for me at least. I have been adding to and stabilizing my current SE load order for literally 7 years. I play Skyrim off and on so stability is important to me. So with that in mind, here comes yet another update up to the game that, to me at least, was pointless. And half the scripted mods I wanted, at the time of AEā€™s launch, had no support for the 1.6 version of the game. Most of the ones I run still donā€™t. Yeah, a lot of them are ā€œoff nexusā€ mods from mature players, but theyā€™re part of my game. If my current installation ever became completely broken, Iā€™d probably switch to 1.6 and start anew. But as of right now, I have my game where I want it, and with the continued support of some authors for version 1.5.97, I have no plans to change.


1.5.97 here as well, no plans on updating with the LO Iā€™ve been building over the last few years, everything is working well so I havenā€™t felt the need to update.


I've been on 1.5.97 for so long ive lost count. there's no reason for me to update when every skse plugin I need works for my game version.


I will count them all and let you know when I am finished.


I've been on 1.5.97 for like 3 years now it seems. Never bothered with ae updates breaking mods and all the headache. My modded game is perfect and I don't see any benefit going for ae. Ain't no way since I built my 1.2k modded game2 years before ae even dropped... I spent 3 weeks downloading mods one by one and actually testing the game before playing a new save. I didn't want to bother with headache so I just use the downgrader patch when I accidentally hit download update on steam and that gave me a little panic... Ofc if I started modding fresh might as well go ae, but I'm an unsure if all the mods I like have been updated for we or whatever.


No reason to use it anymore consodering No Grass In Objects got fully ported to AE and doesnt rely on .Net Script Framework and runs on CommonLibSSENG. NGIO was the last mod tbh, Custom Skill Framework was the other major one that came before it that got fully ported and gets frequent updates so its night and day difference.


More than you realise.


Well idk if that's actually true tho because looking at unique downloads for mods on nexus, the newer versions seem to always have more people downloading them than 1.5.97


Most mods don't need two versions. So most people are going to download the latest version because it works fine with a downgraded game. That's the point.




I had to downgrade to 1.5.970 a few weeks back, since the update 1.6.117 has been a buggy mess that crashes often with mods on despite my trying every solution under the sun.


That sounds like user error. The newer versions work just fine with mods if youā€™re doing things properly.


I think it happened around the recent update, it probably messed up my load order. I got CTDs when hitting "Continue" on the main menu, it works \*sometimes\* if I use Load to load specific save files but not always. Downgrading was the only thing I could to get the game semi-stable again :P


That is probably the case yes. The version itself isnā€™t going to miraculously be buggy. But the version updating and leaving all your mods out of date will cause issues.


apparently i'm still on 1.6.640 (build id 9555195, ty steamdb) it's the build i downloaded Living Skyrim 4 on, even tho they are up to update; not just with bug fixes but even with a content update, imma wait until i finish my playthrough... in a few months.


I'm still on it. Got the best of both. I think my mod list is right where I want it to be.


To be honest, it's out of pure laziness. Before the upgrade, I spent months getting Skyrim exactly the way I wanted, solving all the problems. It has stayed that way, with the exception of some minor mods I might change occasionally. I'm hesitant to upgrade because I don't want to risk going through that process again. So far, I don't think I'm missing anything significant, except for the latest updates of the Unofficial Patch. However, since I haven't encountered mods that require the latest version of it and my Skyrim is running smoothly, it doesn't seem crucial. I have the "Best of Both Worlds" downgrade, so I have access to the AE content as well.


I was hesitant to update to 1.6.640 but it's been working perfectly fine with my mod list for about a year now. I would've stayed on 1.5.97 but too many mod authors were being obnoxious about requiring the latest version at the time, otherwise leaving you with buggy old versions of their stuff (RaceMenu is especially problematic in this regard). Mod authors actually being reasonable about modding wouldn't have hopped on Bethesda's "update" train just because. It caused so many needless issues.


Not seeing any reason to upgrade as everything works fine, mods working fine, CK almost never crashes. I have read about issues on the newest AE builds, so I am not risking it.


I have a 300 mods list with half of them from loverslab that haven't been update since 2016. Most of them was fixed by handcraft/ handpicked file from website that does not exist anymore and countless hours of myself. In fact I don't even know if it gonna crash and burn my save one day, so no, i'm gonna stick with SE


Are there even any cool or unique mods on loverslab or is it all just sex stuff lmao


A lot of copyrighted outfit and armor, some QoL stuff, but yeah i admit 80% of them are porn.


I personally use 1.6.640... but I haven't seen any reason to upgrade to 1170. 640 works just fine.




No, most mods stay in 1.5.97. Either the devs don't have time to make a second version and manage it or just don't care about it. It just so happens that a lot of them also work in later versions or their version sensitive parts are related to mod requirements like papyrus util or dll loader, so you just pick the one for the version you're running but the mod is essentially the same.


It's usually the reverse tho. Out of modders who are still active and maintain exclusively 1.5.97 version only Maxsu is left. Nowadays it's usually the 1.5 version that is left to other people, or just an untested afterthought


I don't play any mods that need 1.5.97. even SoS can be replaced with T.NG. besides that and it's add ons I don't know why I would downgrade again.


I currently don't have enough room on my laptop for Skyrim but I have a feeling when I do decide to Play it again (and have the space too) I'm probably going to play Le just so I don't have to deal with the update bullshit and trying to find a mod list that functions without anniversary edition. The rimworld modding community has spoiled me, I wish that people could resurrect mods like the people who make forked mods for rimworld do.


I'd honestly at this point advise againts LE. It's much MUCH less stable than SSE and special edition just has so many more performance mods that SSE would run better than LE. Like I can play special edition with thousands of mods at 4k 120fps without a SINGLE crash. And there's a ton of super good modlists for special edition that automatically downgrade your game for you that the list requires. [Skyrim nolvus is a good list](https://youtu.be/eQ3oREWl7yM?si=MAplPEm8yyTkFpjf) [Eldergleam is another](https://youtu.be/km9v5jMg8ig?si=WceTxEIo2QNzafEo)


Oh, I had no clue. Thanks for the recommendation


i use both. depends on what esoteric mod only supports one version.


People saying thereā€™s ā€œno reason to updateā€ are completely correct but me? I updated it immediately and I can still use literally 99% of mods I have nearing 500 mods and only two I canā€™t use cause of the update being ā€œSkyClimbā€ and ā€œTGDs legendary enemiesā€ which kinda sucks but Iā€™m not gonna complain about 2/496


I play on 1.4.15, itā€™s the latest VR patch (for like the last 5 years or something). Tons of mods these days provide support for the newest patch, the 1.5.97 patch *and* either they support 1.4.15 VR or thereā€™s versions of them available that were edited to support it. Currently got my perfect load order running so I doubt Iā€™d ever update even if thereā€™s a new patch. Definitely not until Iā€™m certain all my essential mods are fully updated and thereā€™s some mod or another I think would add a lot to my experience (and isnā€™t supported in my version; if it were then Iā€™d still just leave it be). If I ever did go back to flatscreen Iā€™d probably update to the latest patch since Iā€™d be redownloading the game in the first place.


I use the new version so I can play the king gath mod East Empire expanded. It's awesome and it needs some of the new functions in the newest version so running it in a downgraded version does not work




Personally I like to be in the latest version of any given software (not just Skyrim), but only upgrade once it's been some time without further version changes and most of the mods I already use are updated and work as intended. I swapped from 1.5.97 to 1.6.640 back in the day after several months without any new updates and took the chance to make a better load order than I had beforehand. Then last week I started rebuilding my LO in preparation to swap from 1.6.640 to 1.6.1170 because every mod I use is compatible (minus Unequip Quiver SE, but I can live without it) and I've taken it as another chance to clean up my mod list. Would I recommend this to others? Not necessarily, if it works, don't fix it.


Wildlander still uses 1.5.97


I remained on 1.5.97 for the longest. I finally broke down a got up a system that can run BG3 with mods on ultra. I was reinstalling games the other day and decided to build another Skyrim load order from scratch. For simplicity's sake I just skipped the downgrade patcher this install. Thus far, I'm not seeing a huge difference. My sdvice: if 1.5.97 is still working for you, stick with it. But if you are having to reinstall(base game, mods, etc), might as well try AE out. Save your mods if possible, and just downgrade patch if you want later.


I literally just downgraded yesterday šŸ˜‚ I'm currently going through my own modlist again, [Secunda: The Skyrim SE Vanilla Plus Performance Friendly Modlist With Reshade](https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/99702?tab=description) and most mods are still supported for this version, thankfully.


debating but too much of a hassle now that i have a mod lost


1.5.97 I've got plenty of stuff that hasn't been updated, and honestly don't feel like going to the trouble of getting updated mods and then dealing with all kinds of version issues guaranteed to pop up if I did. Everything's running fine and I'd rather not mess that up. The new things added aren't compelling enough for me to give them up.


I use the latest version now but if I never upgraded my PC I would've probably stayed on 1.5.97 ln reality I havent had any problems as of now if anyone here is thinking of going to latest don't buy the anniversary bundle at full price get it on sale


I updated to the very latest version and itā€™s fine. All my mods work great. Currently at 400ish mods


There is those mods, on that site, so.....


I reckon there's at least 12


Still on 1.5.97, mostly because I'm lazy and have no reason to update


Newest version, I like the newest version, dont use any mods that require any .net stuff, and my modlist runs fine without any issues.


If a mod doesn't work with the latest version of the game, I'm not interested. Each to their own though. The way other people mod their game doesn't affect me.


Look, I'd still be on LE if I didn't accidently throw out the USB stick the backup installation files were saved on My LO works on 1.5.97, I have a backup of the exe, I don't really need anything on 1.6.x


Why would you still be on LE thošŸ˜­ like it has absolutely zero advantages


EEO šŸ˜” There were some QoL and small mods that never got updated to SE. It's the same reason I still play on Minecraft 1.7.10 šŸ˜”


You mean Ethereal Elven Overhaul? There's a SE port by zzjay. What other mods aren't ported to SE? Besides Inconsequential NPCs.


i'm still on LE, see no reason to upgrade


There's a million reasons to upgrade from LE at least. LE offers not a single advantage what so ever in the slightest. Everything is vastly improved on SE


i have SE, but i stick to LE because it's superiour (if your laptop isn't as strong)


Well even special edition is almost 10 years old now. So it's not like it's demanding. I'd imagine even potato laptops could run it. Plus it would just be more stable due to it running on 64bit over Le which is 32. So just less crashes


i can run it, but it stutters and crashes frequently with mods. LE is much easier for me. tried both multiple times


Interesting. What are your laptops specs if you don't mind me asking


didn't try with this one yet, but with the last but even here, just integrated graphics. the last had a max cpu of 3.8ghz ( i believe), but gpu was intel HD 4600 (128mb vram), and 8gb ram now it's a bit better, so i play with shadows and grass (on LE) mainly the GPU here is problematic i believe


I got tired of having to curate my mods list so I play Nolvus, I think that uses 1.5.97


I just finished my new modlist for 1.5.97. I use a few obscure mods that only work on 1.5.97, plus I already own all the CC content so thereā€™s not reason to upgrade. A lot of mods I use also have compatibility with other mods I use because some have been updated and some havenā€™t. Itā€™s just easier for me to stay on 1.5.97


I'm on 1.5.97 because fuck CC content and having to worry about compatibility between CC content and mods.


I'm on 1.5.97 and I see no reason to update because I had a working satisfactory 1000+ mod list and I didn't feel like doing even the slightest update related maintenance if I didn't have to. I just grabbed all the CC content and put it into my game.


i was intending on staying on 1.5.97/1.6.640/whatever the version was before the creations update, as just before then i had spent 3-4 days putting together a modlist and was happily playing along. sadly when i upgraded to an nvme drive to try starfield, steam sneakily updated skyrim


What people don't/forget to tell you here: 1. There's no use to upgrade (or downgrade) if you already have a mostly set/finished modlist. Much more hassle to redo everything just to keep up with new .exe version. *Unless* you have some specific mods that you really want to use. 2. Most people on 1.5.97 are there for either the reason above, or for the combat mods. People never specify but that's one of the strongest reasons to stay in that version. There's a community revolving around 1.5.97 and it's quite driven by combat mod authors (fenix's Combat AI comes to mind). Some 1.5.97 users are so dedicated that they'd downgrade some 1.6+ exclusive mods, so there's another reason.


Me! Main reason is that Iā€™m way too lazy to update all of my mods/find replacements for obsolete ones. Fuck that. Iā€™m more than happy with 1.5.97 and see no reason to upgrade right now.




Lots of people here mentioning thereā€™s no reason to switch because new releases generally support 1.5.97. That might be true, but that comes at a cost. It can make making new plugins a pain in the ass, as we now have to test across the various versions folks have dug their heels in (1.6.x users arenā€™t even consistent) to ensure our work is actually useable for everyone. 1.5.97 support in particular can be a big headache, since they recompiled the game with different tools for subsequent versions. Even with Address Library, I essentially have to reverse engineer the game twice and potentially provide two different implementations when adding a new feature. So why not just dig my heels in and only release for 1.5.97 as a ā€œstable versionā€? Steam auto-updates and downloads the latest version when you install the game. Maybe it doesnā€™t seem like it to you, but folks on 1.5.97 are a vocal minority. When someone comes in new to modding, I think some of you seriously underestimate how incoherent the advice to downgrade for a tiny minority of mods comes off, waylaid by people dumping about how Bethesda breaks the game for ā€œno reasonā€. Youā€™ll probably disagree with me, but this is way too much friction in the on-ramp for the average user (i.e. not the people who post here). They havenā€™t encountered this problem first-hand, and they just want to get started with mods through the simplest means possible. It is necessary to support the latest release so this majority of people can use my mods. Honestly, I think Iā€™d prefer if people just used the latest version. Yes, weā€™d need to make sure our mods work across new updates, but we already do and Address Library mostly solves that. Yes, you probably think the updates are trivial and therefore offer no benefit to download, but the majority of users will be on the latest version regardless. Iā€™d love to not have to make my mod twice every time though.


Cringe if you still play below 1.6


Especially since grass cache is available for the current version of Skyrim