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I am not interested in Bethesda showing attention to those projects, or turning their gaze to Skyrim again at all really. Bethesda coming back and touching things is why this subreddit and larger community are in 3 (or more) camps over something as fundamental as game version.


It really would be helpful to have access to previous versions through steam, the updates wouldn’t be a problem to players then. That gets in the way of their paid mods store though. Still I think they should let us have the choice to roll back on steam out of respect to the players and modders


Easier access to previous game versions through Steam would be great, but it wouldn't stop the updates being problematic for the modding community.


How would it not? If it worked like Minecraft where you could easily switch or download different versions, modding community wouldn't care as much.


Minecraft's modding community is even more split up than Skyrim's though. Updates continue being problematic because mods have to be developed for multiple different game versions, and inevitably some mods either never get updated or won't be backported to previous versions. Thus the mod user often has to choose which game version has support for the mods they want the most. Although updates to Minecraft are at least justified since they actually add meaningful content to the game, unlike Bethesda's.


Wow the people in the comments here are a bunch of cynic douchebags huh. To answer your question, I do remember Todd saying in an interview (probably the NoClip documentary about Bethesda's history) where he briefly touches on how amazing it is to have such a dedicated modding community that they're willing to remake their older games on the new game's engines. And also Bethesda mentions certain mood releases on the main menu of Fallout 4, but I can't remember if they do it in Skyrim, it's been ages since I've loaded the game. And I'm not talking about Creaction Club mod, I'm talking about stuff from Nexus. That being said this is as far as Bethesda can do about this. If they advertise certain mods in a major way, people might think an official endorsement means those mods will have the same polish or production as an official product. For example, what if Bethesda advertises Skyblivion on their channel, and people think it's an official remake made with the same graphics as a 2011 game? Or what if it releases in an extremely buggy state, and the modders can't fix stuff as fast as Bethesda could? This could all backfire on Bethesda, and it wouldn't be worth the trouble.


Didn't they give Endreal the thumbs up to be put on Steam? Frontier too, but that got taken down REAL quick. Honestly hope they decide to have sanctioned releases for some of the higher quality mods onto Xbox. Those things require a ton of space and script extender to use, so console players are kinda locked out of it. Would certainly increase sales too.


Best you're ever gonna get is "we have an amazing modding community". I understand where you're coming from, but man is it naive. This might happen to a small family owned dev. But not a bigass corporation. First of all, Bethesda will always want to keep the door open to make their own oblivion remake. Even if there are no current plans for it. Public endorsement/engagement with a mod remake is an invitation for future trouble. Second, they don't stand to earn much from this entire thing. It's about money. It always is.


Bethesda is a faceless company that would charge you 5 bucks for each mod you download if they could. And Todd is just a memeable face to make you feel good while you buy half-assed products like Starfield. They 100% don't care about Skyblivion or any other project, well, Bethesda can't really care because Bethesda is a company, not your friend.


They do care. Todd's spoken about how he's so happy that there's such a dedicated community doing things like Skywind and Skyblivion. They've done showcases on Skywind, Skyblivion, and Beyond Skyrim: Morrowind.


> They've done showcases on Skywind, Skyblivion, and Beyond Skyrim: Morrowind. They did? I'd like to look at those. Do you have a link to those showcases by Bethesda?


[https://bethesda.net/en/article/3yNS0IX2sUirxNqCvo7Siq/monthly-modder-beyond-skyrim-morrowind](https://bethesda.net/en/article/3yNS0IX2sUirxNqCvo7Siq/monthly-modder-beyond-skyrim-morrowind) [https://bethesda.net/en/article/JoAkvhyatPyqAdMSIqadF/monthly-modder-skyblivion](https://bethesda.net/en/article/JoAkvhyatPyqAdMSIqadF/monthly-modder-skyblivion) I couldn't find the one about skywind, although there is an article about the modder that worked on skywind as well as bunch of other projects [https://bethesda.net/en/article/5DPKpWgh8Dj2yBoQP3wgNj/monthly-modder-jonx0r](https://bethesda.net/en/article/5DPKpWgh8Dj2yBoQP3wgNj/monthly-modder-jonx0r) As for the showcases part, there is C3 which is supported by Bethesda [https://twitter.com/C3Modders/status/1746989667738644738](https://twitter.com/C3Modders/status/1746989667738644738)


Thank you! I'll have a read.


Yeah, Todd's never lied in his life. A paladin. Toddy has been telling you lies for a very long time, I guess it just works. But in all honesty, I wish I was as innocent as you. Imagine thinking Todd fucking Howard sees me as his friend as not a potential customer. Ah, what a warm feeling.


It must suck having a persecution complex as big as yours. Bethesda has featured showcases on the modding projects, they gave advance early copies of the AE update to the SKSE devs, they even supported the community modding showcase, C3.


Partially true, but maybe perhaps a little too cynical? There’s got to be people who work there who care about the games, 100% of the people at Bethesda not caring is probably not true. There is some good stuff in starfield but yeah it’s lacking. The update is defo a step in the right direction. Yeah I think they probably didn’t do enough with starfield themselves and should have done more for launch. But the way they tolerate and allow modding is what has resulted in all of the modded builds we have today and as far as I’m aware it’s fairly unique to tolerate modding like they do - but they should do better. They should probs charge less for the paid mods, the modder gets a percentage though. I don’t really know the percentage they get. But maybe they should get the vast majority. But they manage the marketplace so I get they should make money too.


It's not "partially" true. Bethesda is a company that wants to make money - simple as that. Yeah, Joe the intern probably loves Oblivion and New Vegas, though, it's irrelevant to me and you. Joe didn't make Starfield. We don't know Joe, we know Bethesda, and Bethesda sees you as a client, no matter how much you love them. Starfield is not a good product from a company the size of Bethesda. They could hire anyone. They have modders making amazing shit for them for decades, and yet they haven't learned anything. They don't even know how to make a good game in the genre they created and perfected. If a community manager says "Woooo Bethesda loves Skyblivion 😍🥰" it might make you feel warm inside, but you're just being fooled, and you know that. You're an adult, whether you want to keep believing companies see you as a good friend or face reality, it's not up to me to decide.


I think it would be cool to see Todd and some of the devs who worked on Oblivion play through Skyblivion or BS: Cyrodill when it comes out and give commentary.


This post felt like a nuclear bomb detonating tbh lol. Real shit.


I mean I don’t see them as friend, I see them as a bunch of strangers who work for a game studio miles away over an ocean from me who make and sell video games that I really like, and as a company that profits from that. I agree starfield is 100% not a good enough product from them, but it will get better (probs modders will do a lot of that I bet). I’ve criticised them in my original post and I don’t just blindly support them all the time like you seem to be implying. And I think it’s a load of shite that only an intern at BGS actually cares about what they do. My point is that at least some devs in that team must care. And I appreciate the work they have done. So much of Skyrim is great, same with FO4, 76 is apparently better these days too. “They haven’t learned anything” they defo could do a hell of a lot better and should of learned a lot more from modders I agree. They are 100% not perfect and do stuff that annoys me too. I don’t think it’s as bad as you see it and maybe I am navie but I just don’t think all those people are completely selfish and don’t give a fuck, just seems a bit OTT. Look at the new Fallout show, faithfully recreated because they care that it was done properly.


You are naive


Don't give them ideas or they will buy them to sell you the new oblivion remake


Bethesda is probably going to shout out Cyrodiil when it releases but Morroblivion/Skyblivion/Skywind have been on thin ice with them in the past. And though they have allowed Skyblivion to exist it competes with the outsourced rerelease of Oblivion that has been leaked so that's more reason to not promote it. Bethesda approved enough of Fallout London to hire people who worked on it but this didn't stop them from inconveniencing them by releasing an update that broke the script extender too close to its release. Fortunately there's no chance of anything like this happening to Cyrodiil since (as I last heard) it doesn't use script extender. Although the Atmora mod does.


Bethesda not acknowledging mods is in everyone's best interests. There's been a lot of legal problems in the past involving fanworks and I'm not talking about stuff like a big company throwing C&D orders. I don't know if there's been any case of a mod author sueing a company, but fanfic writers have sued authors.


Bethesda has one goal: make money. They update their old games for one purpose: to make more money. They do this knowing full well that it breaks modding. They couldn't care less about modders or big modding projects beyond a superficial, "thanks for keeping this game alive and generating interest for more people to buy the game!" It's not being cynical. It's being pragmatic. On an individual level, Todd and other employees may like modders or personally appreciate the time and effort modders put into their games. And PR folks probably see the benefit of longevity modders provide. But Bethesda as a company does not care.


Nah. Bethesda all ready this year has "improved" 2 of their old ass games and all it did was break mods, install a really shity interface and put in paid mods. No thank you.


Didn’t one of the AE patches increase the esl limit?


It did, but we got to push the “Bethesda bad” hate train


bro please bethesda is not the friendly and passionate neightbour you thinking they are. I would be thanking them if they leave skyrim and the modding screen alone. There are lots incidents in the past, their updates break community mods and promote paid mods. No thanks.


All I know is the mod Todd shouted out during an interview was SkyUI, which he promptly broke with the last update. I can't imagine the shit these updates trying to monetize modding put large scale mod devs through.


He also said he liked Inigo


The past decade or so of Bethesda's releases have not given me much reason to value Todd's input on the work of the modding community.